Algunos trabajamos los sábados por la mañana De todas formas tampoco hay mucho que comentar por el foro últimamente xD
Además de que intento traeros material siempre que puedo y os quejáis :_
Also, empieza la guerra entre 2chan y 4chan.
4chan is getting too carried away. It's about time we get rid of them.ガチで潰しにいくぞコラ
Let's go to start a war! This is the start of the war between 2ch and 4chan.どう考えても悪いのはお前らだろメリケン
No matter how you look at it, this is murrika's fault.
Dejad que los infraseres se peleen entre sí. Mientras en ponychan, los bronys no hacemos más que disfrutar de fiestas y dulces, todo con una gran dosis de amor :3
Is the real world better?
Or is my life on /a/ better?
The choice is mine.
What were my thoughts originally?
What did I think of the incidents /a/ caused, and of the various crazy ideology I was taught?
“mai waifu”
“Fuck everyone in this thread”
I was a normal person who got dragged onto this troublesome website against his wishes.
A person who complained while he struggled to meet /a/ unreasonable expectations.
That was my role.
Now then, me.
Yes, you!
I ask myself.
This is an important question, so listen closely,
and then answer. Get it? Here comes the question.
Don't you find such an extraordinary life browsing /a/ to be fun?
Answer, me.
Think about it.
Well? Let's hear it.
Being run around in circles by tripfags, being saged by /a/nons,
Reading greentext threads by roneryfags, reading more greentext threads by deepfags,
Refreshing the front page so a somewhat decent thread
and on top of that, having to follow the strict rule of keeping what you do for fun a secret from anyone close to you,
by keeping them oblivious to your true nature causes the whole mess you go through daily.
Don't you find that fun?
Or do you think it's too much trouble and want no part of it?
Is that right?
So basically this is what I think?
That this website isn't interesting at all.
Is that so?
Is that how it is?
You think that everyone on /a/ is annoying, and that everything that comes from here is depressing and sad.
So you don't think any of that is interesting?
Don't tell me it's not true. You know it is.
And yet,
You come back here daily
The 4chan addon
The tool that can bring you back to that site
You hit that button every time
Am I right?
There are easy ways for you block this site and return to a normal life, but you rejected them.
Aren’t you always complaining about how this site is ruining your life?
Aren’t you always lamenting how ronery or different you are
If that's the case, shouldn't you have just blocked this site a long time ago?
You abandoned your chance for a normalfag life
I'll ask one last time.
Answer clearly.
Don't I find being on /a/, and being dragged into these idiotic threads troubles fun?
Answer me.
If any /a/non were asked this question, and answered that they actually don't find it interesting,
They are the real genuine loser
Thirty times the level of a true hikkimori that has given up on their life
There's deepfags, moefags and trolls there, you know!
Just one would be fun enough, but there are three interesting /a/nons!
And on top of that, there's even a maximum power Mod you know?
And there are even more types of /a/nons out there too
There's no way this isn't fun for me.
No matter how many times you ask me, my answer will stay the same:
Of course.
Nunca entenderé por qué la gente llama enferma a las personas que sienten atracción por dibujos que pretender despertar la excitación del espectador xD
#3894 +1
Lo que diga un tío sin avatar me da bastante igual, sobre todo cuando se dedica a soltar idioteces una detrás de otra xDD