Chiho Saito (Utena) y su nuevo manga sobre Lupin


Manga artist Chiho Saito (Revolutionary Girl Utena) will launch a new series about Lupin — the original thief Arsène Lupin by French novelist Maurice Leblanc — in the inaugural issue of Shogakukan's Zōkan Flowers magazine spinoff on November 14. The new vs Lupin series will follow the world-famous gentleman thief on his exploits in Paris during the beginning of the 20th century.

Arsène Lupin served as a loose inspiration for Monkey Punch's more boisterous Lupin III character. Tatsunoko animated LeBlanc's 813 novel as the television anime special Kaitō Lupin - 813 no Nazo (1979), and Toei Animation pitted Lupin against another detective character of his time in the later television special, Lupin vs. Holmes (1981). Another manga creator, Takashi Morita (Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C., Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Side Story: Zeon no Genyō), drew his Aventurier - Shinsetsu Arsène Lupin series in Kodansha's Evening magazine from last year until this year.

In addition to Utena, Saito drew World of S&M, Anastasia Club, Ice Forest, and Viscount Valmont: Dangerous Liaisons. Saito launched another new series, Torikae Baya, in Shogakukan's mainly Monthly Flowers magazine in July. Viz published Utena in North America, while Tokyopop published World of S&M.

Fuente: ANN

Can't wait a ver Lupin lleno de utenadas!



Es gracioso porque se parece a deep. Me voy a la cama, buenas noches.


My body is ready.


Todo lo que tenga que ver con Utena merece fuego.

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le gravewolf friend
hates Utena

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