"Doom, la peor película que he visto en los últimos años", firmado por un tal Señor Alejandro, es la crónica de un ser humano que sobrevivió a la exposición de este film y relata lo sufrido para que quien acuda a verla lo haga sobre aviso.
Su crítica podría dividirse en dos partes. Una primera es un spoiler d los gordos ( cuyo texto encontraréis aquí en perfecto inglés----> http://www.iesb.net/universal2005/100705b.php ) y una segunda mitad en la que destripa la calidad de Doom como película, y cuyo texto dejo a continuación (también en la lengua de Shakespeare).
""Where to start. Well, Doom has nothing to offer people. The plot has more holes than the Iraqi desert. It never flows. A big deal has been made of the first person shooter perspective and that does not even make the movie worth it. It's just a bunch of monster shootings pasted together with jump cuts where half the time the monsters popup and pause, that way you have time to see them really good, and then they are shot. Grrrrr…Boom! Yeah, that's fun.
This movie is being marketed as a terrifying sci-fi horror action adventure. They got the terrifying right. I am terrified to think of how many people had to approve this thing before it could have been made. Well it is Universal, and the last good movie they had was…
Well the acting was not bad. The Rock did as good as anyone would expect out of him. He has some one-liners that were ok. It was not his fault the movie was worse than a root canal. Karl Urban played Reaper/Super Reaper well. He is not a bad actor. I was surprised to see him in this after doing something like Lord of the Rings. I am still confused at the use of pointless subplots around him though. The last main character played by Rosamund Pike did her job. She was the eye candy for the movie. It is disturbing to think that an Oxford graduate would resort to wearing some tight clothing so her nipples show through in a worthless action flick.
Special effects are always a must for a big action sci-fi movie and Doom is no exception. The CG is not bad it's just not good. When it's CG it looks like it. At least “the powers that be” decided on using bodysuits and not full CG for the monsters. Some were CG still, but the ones that counted looked good. The CG on the first person shooter POV is a joke though. It looks like they just took Doom (the newer version) and added in another graphic engine and did a screen capture. ""