I live in a house in Trujillo


Alguien puede comprobar lo que pone en esta pagina sobre la pelicula Gladiator.
Pone que en la escena donde dice "vivo en una casa en Emerita Augusta" lo que en realidad dice es "I live in a house in Trujillo"
Si alguien tiene el DVD, que lo ponga en v.o. y que lo compruebe.

Emerita Augusta (Merida):


Sería muy retorcido xD


Yo creo que en el original en todo momento, erróneamente eso sí, se refieren siempre a "Spain". Aunque tendremos que prestar más atención.


MARCUS: Maximus, let us whisper now. Together, you and I. You have a son? [Maximus nods.] Tell me about your home.

[Maximus looks surprised at the invitation to hear of his home, but eagerly and proudly describes it -- a peaceful happiness overcomes him as he speaks.]

MAXIMUS: My house is in the hills above Trujillo. A very simple place ... pink stones that warm in the sun ... kitchen garden that smells of herbs in the day ... jasmine in the evening. Through the gate is a giant poplar. [His voice accelerates with the joy of the memory.] Figs, apples, pears. The soil, Marcus, black ... black like my wife's hair. [Marcus warmly laughs with Maximus] Grapes on the south slopes, olives on the north. Wild ponies play near my house, they tease my son. [He rubs his knee in the excitement as he talks.] He wants to be one of them.


Trujillo xDDDD menos mal ke lo cambiaron en el doblaje, keda bastante mejor Emerita Augusta :P


Que bueno, ya puestos podía decir Albacete o Lepe ;)


Gracias por verificarlo.


Pos de Trujillo a Mérida hay un cacho... Al menos 250 km o más xD

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