RAGE (Steam) 3.75€


Debemos registrarnos mediante proxy (por ejemplo este introduciendo la dirección


. Debemos poner una dirección de USA (como en Amazon.com).
Una vez hecho el paso anterior, pegamos al siguiente url:


y lo compramos.


#3 por eso lo del ninjaEdit :santo:

1 1 respuesta

Jajaja #2 No se ha visto.

1 respuesta

muy buena oferta pero me dice esto cuando intento registrarme haciendo la compra:

Oops! - 403 Forbidden
It seems like you have reached this page in error.

There could be a couple of reasons why you have reached this page:
Your browser sent a malformed request that the server did not allow
The page you were viewing was incorrectly formatted and triggered a server error
You are not a human, but a badly written script or bot
Your IP address ( is RBL listed on spamhaus.org, or, stopforumspam.com
You are not authorized by the remote server to view the page that you requested

Si en cambio me intento registrar antes de hacer la compra dice: The page cannot be displayed.

Tal vez probando con otro proxy? alguien tiene alguno?

edit: he probado con http://www.snowproxy.com y ya ha ido todo bien. Ahora lo q tengo problemas es en encontrar la clave de steam.

edit2: el típico mail de la muerte:

Thanks for your recent order on GameFly! We are hoping to speak with you directly to verify this purchase. We will reach out to you as soon as possible using the email address or phone number located on your account during the following times, Monday –Friday from 8AM CST to 7PM CST and Saturday/Sunday from 8AM CST to 6PM CST.

You are also welcome to call us directly at 888-986-6400 Monday-Friday during our phone hours of 12:00PM-4:00PM CST.

If there is a time that works best for you, please let us know and we would be more than happy to reach out to you to authorize this order so you can start enjoying the game!

We look forward to assisting you.

Thank you,

Me voy despidiendo del juego no?

Usuarios habituales
