Los que abusen del chat, silenciados por defecto


We take feedback about communication abuse seriously, and in the past we’ve shipped settings that let customers control their exposure to other players’ avatars, names, and voice/text chat. (You can find these in Settings->Game->Communication and on the scoreboard). The settings are useful, but they have the downside of squelching communication indiscriminately.

So we’ve been working on a new system that will work more precisely. When the new system is fully deployed, players will receive a warning if they receive significantly more abuse reports than other players.

If they ignore that feedback and continue to receive abuse reports, they’ll receive a penalty: they will be muted by all other players by default. This ‘default mute’ state will remain until the player earns enough XP to remove the penalty, but other players can choose to manually unmute the user (as they would any other muted player).

Because the new system is driven by reports, it lets players establish their own standards for communication and ensure that their fellow players receive anonymous feedback when they’re out of line.

We’ve already started tracking players’ reports with the new system, and you can help us by getting into the habit of reporting abusive players for ‘Abusive Communications or Profile’ when you come across them. Note that reports are weighted higher for players that play more and/or report less frequently, so accounts that generate no XP and/or spam reports will have little to no impact.

As always, you can send feedback and/or concerns to [email protected]


Nice. This also includes voice chat?

2 respuestas

#2 si, o eso creo

Puta vida


#2 sí, he puesto una foto en #1 con el nuevo sistema de reporte.


Me parece genial, a día de hoy no sé que sentido tenía reportar por abuso del canal de voz o del chat.

Ya si mutean automáticamente a todos los rusos es un win-win, total, para las cuatro palabras que dicen en inglés.


Yo vivo discutiendo con ellos por voz, pero si me quitas eso ya no podré echarle la culpa a nadie... Jajajaja


lo que tienen que hacer es poner ya una forma de mutear los mensajes de radio que no sean predefinidos del juego (granadas y bots) porque llevo ya algunas partidas donde aparece un troll spameando "hold this position" con un bind durante tooooooooda la partida y se termina haciendo muy pesado.

1 respuesta

#7 hay manera de ignorar los mensajes de radio eh. En mi antigua cfg le daba a la "O" y los ignoraba.


Para lo de la radio abres consola y escribes: ignorerad y ya está

1 1 respuesta

#9 coño, no sabía que había comando para eso.


bind "[" "ignoremsg"
bind "]" "ignorerad"

esto me puse yo hace pila y me vino muy bien


Que aburrimiento tener que desmutear

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