No se como explicarte, es para verlo o para q me lo expliq el q lo tenga.
aparecen unas cosas raras para configurar. le doy a ayuda y sale esto:
This dialog enables you to define which player is used by the File => Play command to play a specified file. Changes made in this list have no effect on global file associations used by Windows, it's only used locally in VideoMach. To change player for a specific file type choose it in the list, then press one of the buttons below the list. The buttons are:
System Player - Currently selected file type is associated with the default system player. Whichever player is used by the system is also used by VideoMach to play this kind of a file.
Internal Player - Currently selected file type will default to VideoMach's internal player. The internal player is partially based on Gromada Imagen player. Use it for file formats like FLI, FLC, HAV, BAYER, OGG, etc, that are not properly supported by other applications. Also useful for JPG, PNG, BMP and other image sequences that should be treated as a movie file rather than separate images.
User Defined - Choose any application as the default player (or editor) for the selected file format. Enter the path to the application executable and (optional) parameters. Special parameter %file denotes the file to be played and should be left in the parameters box (position depends on that particular program) so that application knows which file to open. When you click File => Play, VideoMach replaces %file parameter with the currently selected file name.