clowN retired...


It has just been revealed to us that the talented Counter-Strike: Source player, Yazan "clowN" Ammari, a core player for the Source powerhouse team EFGaming, will be retiring from professional gaming, confirming the many rumors circulating the community just minutes before the team's match against the compLexity.cs squad for CEVO Professional week 5:1. His decision to retire from gaming comes as a result of experiencing his father's unfortunate heart attack. While his father is in this weakened state, clowN will have to take over the family business for the time being, leaving no time left to dedicate to gaming. clowN was a key part in the many successes enjoyed by EFG, including their impressive win at the Championship Gaming Invitational in December 2006.

With this announcement, the team will certainly be left with an empty spot on their starting lineup. When asked about this, team member, Trevor "p0s" Randolph, made it clear that the team has no idea who they will be choosing to fill clowN's spot at this time, but they will indeed be looking for a new member for the future. In hopes of shedding some light on the situation, Trevor went on to say:
"His dad had a heart attack and Yazan has to take over the family business while his dad goes to Jordan to relax and not be stressed out. So, no time to play computer games anymore."
With this, the EFGaming lineup will be:
Trevor "p0s" Randolph
Chris "deppy" DePaul
Moe "moe" Assad
Laurent "warmach1ne" Keoula
Justin "sunman" Summy
The Syndicate sincerely hopes that Yazan's father makes a speedy recovery. We would also like to wish the EFGaming team, along with Yazan himself, the best of luck for the future.



algun traductor plz?

Solo se q el clown de efg se retiro... :(

Ah si! profesionalmente del gaming


viene siendo q tiene problemas familiares, que a su padre le dio un atace al corazon y no se que más.


Pone que por causas familiares, porque a su padre le dio un ataque al corazon, y no se que mas pero eso es lo basico.



Su padre sufrió un ataque al corazón y mientras esté delicado ha de ser él quien lleve el negocio familiar. Efg no tiene a nadie en mente todavía para sustituir a Clown.


Ayer a las 4 de la mañana me vi el partido de coL vs EFG junto con mis amiguitos w4Lx y DanielZz el cual tiene la cuenta baneada hatsa noviembre....y clowN jugo bastante bien...una pena que le diera eso a su padre :( a ver a quien fichan.


una pena para mi el mejor jugador de EFG


#5 EFG me tienen a mi.


anoche jugo vs coL.




Aun sin clown, tienen a warmachine, pos, moe que son jugadores bastisimos, y ya veremos su 5th jugador.


Una pena pero aun tienen a warmach1ne... ke es bastisimo xDD

venga saludos


se va el mejor EFG

