El CSPROMO vuelve



Parece q han vuelto, la pagina estaba caida por problemas de hosting y dice que la semana que viene publicaran algo nuevo.

A ver si sale al final o no, personalmente nunca hubiera querido q volviera :/

PD: me voy xD


no va......


juas ayer iba lo juro xDD


si mientes en navidades te traeran carbon


q era verdad lo juro por snoopy ¬¬

PD: tiempo al tiempo


eso espoco viejo ya...


Aver, ayer en AZ dijeron q habia vuelto, lo mire y habia un post del staff con fecha 31-dic, diciendo q tenian problemas de hosting y q para nada habian dejado el proyecto de lado. La pagina esta caida otra vez, ya volvera.


ya va la web #1

PD: 2/01/07. Por si hay alguno q dice q miento :D


pues si que va la web, y anuncian novedades importantes O_O


#1 tu si ke tienes qe volver, pero al reformatorio


Desconfiados!!! xD

PD: Lord calla zerda :D


hijos de puta meter fuego a la web esa


Website Back, Big News to Come
After several weeks of downtime due to some minor hosting issues, we've been able to successfully resurrect the site, and it's back to full functionality. We're currently working on finishing up several community features, most notably voting and Q&A, which will become integral to CSP's success as we move forward with the project.

Speaking of moving forward with the project, CSP is most certainly not "dead," as people have been posting on the forums. While we value keeping in contact with the community, it is an official policy of ours not to post on forum threads, with very few exceptions. We prefer to maintain contact with the community through CSPromod.com, and now that it's back up, our window of contact has returned. So please continue to post on the forums frequently, as we do pay attention to them very closely. Again, voting and Q&A features will be added as soon as possible to allow for further community involvement.

Lastly, we have a very big announcement coming up, which will be released next week. So make sure to pay attention to CSPromod.com for all the details! Once again, we thank all of you in the community for your continued support.

Alex Garfield
Executive Director
Counter-Strike Professional Modification
Sunday December 31st 5:05AM GMT


#13 , dios eres bastisimo

donde aprendiste a copiar y pegar , lo haces perfectamente O_O eres weno en esto.


mira ke vacilon el skiz0 :o xDDDDDDD


si va... xD


una pregunta (ya que no estoy muy en el tema...) esto es pa 1.6 o pa source, por que si los mapas que enseñan es pal source, como que no me mola xDD


Yo creo que #13 quizo decir que si va la web y mira lo que pone xD


lo del promod ubiera tenido mas exito el año pasado , este año casi todos tiene un buen Pc y como q creo q a la mayoria se la sudara el promod


pin para #18 por favor!!!!


#20 lee a #14 anda...


eso hice...weno eso quedara ahi para la POSTeridad xD