Lío con Boombl4: divorcio, drogas, demandas...


Ojo que ha filtrado conversaciones de boombl4 con putucas de un spa, dice que a la noche se viene lo bueno


#210 Ahora que lo dices, cadiaN tiene pinta de meterse sus buenos clenchotes también xD

18 1 respuesta

#212 Me extrañaría que él no fuera el camello de todos los demás, él prueba, se vuelve loco y reparte xddd

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yo creo que alex la pasa por eso estan invitando a movistar a muchos torneos


Meh, cosas peores he hecho yo en BBiGG o el ciber de DoGMa.

La mayoría que se meten no sabes hasta que te lo dicen, y se mete un huevo de gente. Los que son impulsivos lo son sin drogas igual xD.

En cuanto al gordo cero pena, bien pot NaVi


Mira que este 2022 está dejando cosas increiblemente inesperadas:

MVRS top20 estable
Gasolina por encima de los 2€
Guerra Ukraine

Pero sin duda, la que se lleva la palma es ver la polla de bumich simulando el cañón de un Leopard 2.

Qué nos deparará el futuro? Es maravilloso.

12 2 respuestas

#216 Diesel por encima de los 2€ 😭


#157 Pues parece que no hacen test XDDDDD. Vía libre

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#216 MVRS top20 estable


1 respuesta

si como con el xanax eono son complementos sanos es que mi hijo es hiperactivo noseque jajajjaja esa peña ahí si doy nicks me quedo solo


#218 Mas atras he visto una foto del amigo en cuestión pasando test de drogas en un evento

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#221 SunPayus lleva compitiendo en Riders casi un año y dice que no le han hecho ni a él ni a sus compañeros ningún test. Vamos que lo de boombl4 es para la foto y poco más, de Neo también hay una foto por ahí. Pero claramente no es lo habitual y el control de eso debe ser de risa.

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Telegram de Lika (el bueno, creo):

Bumich Divorce.
Prehistory. Part 1

I have had three relationships in my 26 years of life.
After the first one, I already thought that I experienced the biggest humiliation in my life when the young man
when he threw me out the door with the baby, crawling back to beg after he left himself😄
And before that he swore, promised, made me give birth. "No one could love you more than me." !!!!!!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

And then when she gave birth, right in front of me, he was looking for a wife with an apartment!!! Cause he didn't have a fucking place to live or a job. I worked as a receptionist at the medical center, and then I was pregnant at Ashan for maternity leave, while he was playing Dot. By the way, it was from him that I first learned about cyber sports. Then I gave up my child for the sake of 10 thousand rubles. And they call these women mercenary

Prehistory. Part 2

I left him, and sometimes I went out with other men. And how much I admired them, because each new one was 100 times 1000 times better than the ex. I was working, I had a dream to buy an apartment for me and my man. No conclusions other than the realization that I needed a profession as a doctor and an apartment. And my own business. (But that I had already decided when I was 6 years old)

Second relationship with a psycho.(real)At the end, when he found out I was marrying a bumych, embarrassed my entire family tree with false information. most of all my son, whom I introduced him to. That was the day I realized that nothing else in this life would surprise me.

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#222 Lo mismo los test son random y nunca les han tocado a ellos

#223 Va con todo


Que bien le tuvo que sentar al CEO de NAVI esta sesion de fotos...


#218 pues antes si les hacían, no entiendo por qué ya no.


Sigue la historia de #223

Divorce with Boomich . Part 1

My 3rd relationship.
Bumych is a junkie. It was the first time I agreed to marry him. Although before that there were proposals from good men (for a certain😄😉 part of the audience to clarify: far from poor men). But I can only do it for love. And I fell in love a lot. As I quoted at the time: bitches love geniuses.)! and it's true.
He proposed to me on November 8. November 10, after waking up famous with a banana in my ass, thanks to Kirill. don't believe it! at that moment in the night I fell in love with him even more. Cyril had won me over, stolen me, trapped me. No he didn't embarrass me by tricking me!!!No! My alpha came and took me away, just like in my favorite fairy tales and fanfics. Forever. Because he loves me so much.

Not because he doesn't give a fuck about my life, my family. On marriage in general. No that's not why.

Part 2
The day after the news, I lost my life. I broke down. And lost. Anxiety disorder, neurosis. Betrayed my son.
And fatnich rejoiced in his popularity, that he was the most popular cuckold and the hottest chick with him.
Then I found out what marriage meant to Kirill.

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No se si es peor la supuesta drogadicción de Bumych, o como se expresa ella, que le faltan 3 hervores para tener 26 años, menuda retrasada xd Gold digger. Todas las rusas son iguales? mamita mia.

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#227 Lo iba a postear yo ahora pero no sabía si los subtitulos eran fake, si lo traes tú entonces me fio xD


#219 mira hltv, llevan meses ahi ya lol


Sigo lo de #226

Part 3.
Kirill divorced me more than 50 times in six months for every contrived bullshit (he dumped me). But for me, marriage is different, it's forever. "Please don't do that, I've been dumped before in my life. Don't do that." But when your loved one divorces you so many times, coming up with all kinds of stupid excuses. Already love seems different. Unstable. You see yourself being set up, in front of the people, in front of the police. One of the toughest setups of the boomynch is 2 days in a monkey house in paranoid delirium and panic. Hell. But you bitch stood up to it! LiQueen. You're a bitch, but your balls are so iron that the police admire you.


#227 Al menos ellos hicieron lo que tenían que hacer.


#213 Yo creo que el y Apex se reparten el negocio.


#231 Sigo (me voy automencionando para que queden las partes anidadas)


how you're being argued at, how you're being told OPENLY: Cyril says that the new love target is boyfriend Danya. Yes. You're already in the past. Danya, who's in your head during another mephedrone marathon and wants Bumych to blow him so badly. And you're in the past. And at that moment, it's no longer the heterosexual husband who loves you. And a jealous angry , GASLIGHTING lesbian. GASLAYTING 😭 very painful live

And I still believe in us and fight. For a long time. Right up until yesterday. when again, again in the cover. Again Danya and again demanding a divorce.and again it's the evil fat lesbian.
And do you remember at least from the story what patience I have

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ya es que solo falta que diga que esta embarazada para engordar más la historia


Me estoy quedando pálida con todo, qué enferma está la gente


Yo estoy flipando porque ayer en Telegram estaba poniendo fotos y vídeos de los dos juntos en un restaurante y en la cama (ya le faltaba un diente) y de repente hoy toda estas cosas, me parece muy raro todo, como de tóxica tendría que ser esa relación para que explote de esta manera.


Estoy así leyendo a Pitu


#234 Pitu se te va a romper el F5!!


#234 Sigo

Part 4.

And I wonder if it's really worth it. That my nerves are being destroyed on purpose or not. That I have a child to think about and a fat, angry lesbian shouldn't be taking it out on him and shouldn't be taking it out on me.

And there's the expense. Expense when you've been fucked over, betrayed, destroyed and humiliated. And when you can no longer keep quiet. Mephedrone himself threw the last game of the world championship.
He was kicked out of the Navi by accident through his own fault.

And now that I told you everything, I feel better. I just feel better, that's all.)

And he wouldn't have leaked if it wasn't for the mephedrone...

Conclusion: or rather #secretsLiQueen
Girls do not wait for princes on a white horse, intrusive suitors is always a fuck up, there are no princes. there are adequate faithful men monolubes. (And apparently that's me)))) Learn from your mistakes and those of others. And I'll try to never get involved like that again. Bumych was killed by cowardice and wagging his tail. And he's got a shitload of dough as it is. But he's stupid.)