Lista de acusados de usar radar hack/match fixing por ex empleado ESIC


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Hello everyone. My name is Kostya "Leniniw" Sivko. I work as a CS:GO commentator at the largest Eastern European studio Maincast from Ukraine and I am one of the most experienced people in my field.

On Monday, a person named Alexey who introduced himself as a former employee of ESIC (in personal messages he sent me screenshots, which are confirmation of this) and a former security specialist at a betting company came to my podcast.

For more than three hours, Aleksey was telling about the methods of betting fraud, the inaction, uselessness and willful blindness of ESIC as a regulatory body, as well as about players and teams that are involved in match-fixing. We should say at once that these are only statements and no material evidence has been provided, so the information should be treated with a degree of skepticism. On the other hand, according to Aleksey, ESIC has a lot of completed investigations, which they slow down for some reason.

Aleksey's goal is to get through to Valve, to be able to bring the investigations to a conclusion and publish them. And the purpose of this post is to structure his words and introduce you to the main points of our conversation during the podcast. There are various scraps of information popping up in the internet right now, but I'm not sure if people understand it right. Below you will find a list of the main points from this podcast and a link to the original recording. It's up to everyone to believe what Aleksey says or not. But a lot of people in the betting industry in my personal messages believed it. Anyway GLHF.
This is my first post, so I can't add links. But you can find the original podcast on YouTube by the title "Метаподкаст #9: Интервью с бывшим работником ESIC"

You can reach me on Telegram @ justdude1

You can reach Aleksey, a former ESIC employee here:
@ Yarabeu - Telegram

godfatheryarabeu at gmail

Here is a synopsis of yesterday's podcast with a former ESIC employee (you can watch the full podcast on youtube)

⁃ Many teams have an unknown person in China who gives instructions for 322 matches and then transfers money. Communication often takes place with help of managers, analysts or coaches. Lots of teams are doing this

⁃ Lots of teams play with radar and observers they get from bookmaker’s moderators

⁃ Teams with radar try to avoid maps such as de_nuke or de_vertigo because of the two-tiered mini-map that is difficult to navigate. Only birdfromsky managed to do it.

⁃ Woro2k is a member of a large number of teams with doubtful reputation, which have been banned from bookmakers.

⁃ There is not a single "clean" Chinese team. All teams were somehow involved in 322. By the same token, there is an increased limit in the bookmakers in China (x3 of EU) so it is profitable there. All those who assured that there is an infinite amount of money in china do not understand anything about it, there is just a lot more, but it is still not "millions"

⁃ TYLOO, Lynn Vision, Fun Spark, D13 are owned by the same person in China. He mixes them up and creates tournaments with match-fixing where he invites his own teams

⁃ In Europe, Relog Media has a monopoly on fake tournaments. European teams play there with no delay. Sometimes it happened that two teams with an observer (one from CIS and the other one from EU) played against each other and the match turned into a clown show :D

⁃ To secure a tournament from streamsniping without delay it is necessary to put 3 webcams on each player, so they couldn’t place a phone with the stream anywhere

⁃ When Aleksey worked for ESIC, he provided them a lot of investigations with proofs, but they were not interested. (He can't post them because they already are the property of ESIC and he was paid for them)

⁃ ESIC has very good lawyers who know absolutely nothing about CS:GO and Cybersport. They don’t know what is: observer, stream without delay, mini-map, etc.

⁃ A lot of bookmakers cooperate with ESIC, giving them money to catch cheaters. In reality, ESIC does absolutely nothing (even if the case is obvious). When bookmakers ask ESIC about results, they just ignore them XD

⁃ It takes 2-3 months to get rid of all of this. To close all the holes, connect the bookmakers into one network, create a system of reputation for teams. This is not difficult.

⁃ There was a case when one of the banned coaches contacted ESIC to find out when he would be unbanned after an injustice ban because he had a tournament starting in a week. ESIC commissioner responded only 2 months later, informed him about the unban and allowed him to play in the tournament (which was over)

⁃ salaries of ESIC workers start at $100,000 a year. That's how they exist for four years without doing anything.

⁃ ESIC representatives are absolutely uninterested in cybersports and catching cheaters. Whenever Aleksey offered to do something, the commissioners referred to the week's FISHING, and then to an urgent trip to the UAE for a conference.

⁃ People who write about 322 in Twitch chat are not schizoids and match-fixing and tournaments do exist

⁃ A lot of people ask Aleksey to leak the "Database of players" who are involved in match-fixing. Even if this list is posted - it will not prove anything. It’s very difficult to prove the involvement of a player in a rigged match. It's a whole process

⁃ Ramz1kBO$$ owns a large number of rigged teams in CS. He was intentionally losing matches as a player, was an intermediary in 322 matches, and now he is engaged in transfer of fraudulently earned money.

⁃ Tier-1 players are not offered to throw a match because they can raise a lot of hype, and in general they are not really interested in making money. There already was a case when VirtusPro owner was offered by Chinese to merge a match, so he raised this info on all the news sites.

⁃ There was a story when they brought seized into the Trident Clan organization to increase the team's credibility. Denis was playing with four young players who were losing matches, and seized was losing with them like a fool and didn't understand what was going on and why nothing was working.

⁃ ESIC did absolutely nothing about the AKUMA situation. In fact, AKUMA players did the same that everyone else does, but against tier-1 teams [Played with radar]. To prove their involvement in cheating, it’s needed to check all their past teams and find a link that could give them up

⁃ At the EPIC CIS League RMR besides AKUMA match-fixing were definitely played by GROND, Marlian and probably bankaPEPSI

⁃ w0nderful is 100% involved in 322 matches. Aleksey (as a representative of ESIC) interviewed Igor and asked him what salary he had when he played TRASKO. Then he took information about the bank statement and the amount he received as salary was higher than he had told before.

⁃ In order to discreetly lose a match, a team must lose all economy important rounds. They lose a round for economy (-3 rounds). After that they can win one round and lose next one to have a small loss bonus and drain a few more rounds. It's like a theater, and the players are the actors

⁃ To identify a match-fixing, you need to pay attention to the bookmakers’s drawdowns, and if after that you see clownish moves from a player, then it is most likely a 322 match.

⁃ Aleksey has about 300 players in his database (DOTA + CS)

⁃ CPH Flames is a weird team, which can win on lan (probably the 2021 squad) and then lose to everyone online, as if they intentionally lowered their sensitivity and set fps_max 10.

⁃ There can be a match-fixing at RMR too. A team from the open qualification is approached by a person with an offer to throw a match with special conditions and earn a lot of money, since they have almost no chance to qualify the Major against strong teams (like G2, Cloud9, Astralis, etc.), and after some reflections teams agree.

⁃ Why won't anyone clean it up? Because no one wants it and no one is doing it. What's missing is a person who would come to Valve and start doing it himself. (i.e. Aleksey).

⁃ Aleksey told it because it hurts him that he spent many months looking for cheaters in cybersport, and ESIC absolutely don’t care about his work and so far they are not going to publish it.

⁃ If he had been empowered, the first thing he would have done would be to deal with players such as: w0nderful, Woro2k and the entire AKUMA

⁃ Denmark used to be one of the trusted and incorruptible regions, but now it is a hotbed of 322 matches (Like Sashi Esport)

⁃ During Monte vs Outsiders match on RMR there was suspicious activity and jumping odds. There also are some questions about players Woro2k, REDSTAR, joel and DemQQ. BOROS, most likely, was not in that gang and that's why they wanted to replace him with Fessor.

⁃ The Russian market of 322 matches is covered by the Chechens.

⁃ Aleksey noted that the probability of making a mistake in accusing players is 0% for Ukrainians and 10% for Russians.

⁃ There is a critical vulnerability in CS:GO that gives an advantage in the game. However, Aleksey didn't have time to tell Valve about it, because he left ESIC, and he has no direct contacts with the CS developers.

⁃ EC Kyiv (the old ones) do not have any doubtful reputation from bookmakers, but their funding from Asia in the form of cryptocurrency create questions

Luego que si en el CIS son mu wenos.


Pero los open cualis son justos SIUU
Por cierto:

Os acordáis que r1nkle iba volando

1 respuesta

Ni un español. Pêrfect


Perfecto, degster, los del antiguo cph


Esto son acusados, los que ponen assumed, ¿es q han asumido q es cierto?


#2 17 añitos sabes? con la cara de recien nacido

qué putísimo asco que me da el CIS macho

2 2 respuestas

de amaños no sale ni un frances ni un aleman y ni un turco

claro claro


Esa lista sale de una entrevista que salió publicada ayer en Reddit (y que hoy el thread está borrado por la Rule 7).
Lo más importante de ese thread de Reddit es este comentario:

4 1 respuesta

#6 No hace falta que lo jures por tus comentarios en streaming Jajaja.


que dices tio si los prOs no usan mierda,es que eres level 5 en faceit y por eso eres malisimo

1 respuesta

Me he confundido.


#8 Me cuadra más lo que dice el tío de Reddit que la lista interminable esa xD


Más cosas


hay lo menos 3 que son cierto

1 respuesta

#14 Suelta prenda cabrón.

1 respuesta

#15 si hay 3 que acierta, parece bastante veridica esa lista. Y alguno ha usado chuches incluso en lan, y no son lanes donde usan su propio pc


Lo curioso es que lo borren en reddit..

1 respuesta

#17 En Reddit lo borran por "caza de brujas" (Norma 7). De todas formas en Reddit borran muchísimas cosas, la mitad de las normas de ese subreddit son absurdas. Empezando por la de que no se pueden subir memes.
Al CS le hace falta en Reddit un /csgodank


De hecho lo mejor ha sido eliminarlo. Quién no tenga mucho interés (la mayoría) se va a quedar en el titular y en la lista de nombres. No va a indagar mucho más ni ver la veracidad de la fuente. El que hizo el post (me refiero al tío de reddit) consiguió lo que quería, dañar la imagen de los jugadores y el resto se ha encargado de hacerle el juego. Yo incluido dándole vida al hilo con este mensaje.

1 comentario moderado

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