¿Opiniones sobre el CS:GO?


#120 Como es de esperar, hay gente que no se ha enterado todavía xD


alguien me puede responder a una pregunta?

lo q no me gustaba del source era el sonido de pasos o los disparos, y queria saber si los pasos son mas tipo 1.6 o source? esq eso de ir como arrastrando los pies no lo veo util....sin embargo en la 1.6 cuando pisaba arena, sonaba arena, y cuando pisaba plaquetas, a plaquetas, no el sonido tipo eco del source.

alguien me lo puede aclarar? o poner un video q se oiga los pasos bien? no encuentro ninguno q se oiga bien los pasos

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#122 el sonido ahora esta un poco raro , no mal del todo por que cuando te acostumbras lo pillas pero tiene sus fallos y lo van a solucionar en el proximo gran parche

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#123 lo que no entiendo es como no meten algun pequeño patch de los muchos que tienen ya acabados para que nos callemos la boca

aun que solo sea que cambian las recompensas por matar pero algo joder, que cambien algo que es una beta y llevamos 45 dias sin cambios

yo me desespero

encima me voy mañana de vacaciones y seguro que este viernes meten un parche y me joden vivo...

pic related


Yo veo vídeos y me corro del gusto. Lo que vi del source cuando jugaba a la 1.6 me parecieron una mierda y ni lo probé. Con este tengo sensaciones muy distintas.

Será que me hago viejo.


NBK about CS:GO

Nathan "NBK" Schmitt from the successful French CS:S team of VeryGames has posted an essay about CS:GO and the future of the FPS community.

Hey everyone !

Given the recent ESWC announcement, in which it has been announced that both CS and CS:S have been removed from the list of competitive titles and replaced by the new CS:GO, and the relative quiescence regarding this decision coming from the professional gaming scene, I believe it is time to speak up about it and form a new competitive movement; a new unity between the old competitive scenes of CS and CSS.

I would like to begin by putting the state of both CS and CSS in the right perspective compared to the current competitive environment within e-Sports: StarCraft II and League of Legends are currently on the pedestal in nearly every single league, cup or tournament in the world, while both CS and CSS have essentially been abandoned. To the all the optimists, who believe that both CS titles are still functioning and will manage to 'survive', I have the following to say: From my personal point of view, which I can assure you is completely unbiased and uninfluenced by sponsors, managers and so forth, both games have been dropped for a very good reason – BOTH GAMES ARE DEAD.

CS:S is left with EMS, the Copenhagen Games and the i-Series (the 46th edition being most likely the last to feature the title), and has only once been featured in the ESWC; even that I attribute to luck. Meanwhile, CS has been withdrawn from the IEM, the ESWC, and the WCG has entirely dropped its support of desktop gaming. There are no more major events featuring any of the two titles.
Starcraft II on the other hand is featured in the IEM, the recent and wonderful NASL and the GSL, and that is just to name a few of the best – this title is in the center of all attention. The best title to compare SCII with would be it's team-based equivalent that is League of Legends, which too is featured in the IEM, the MLG and all those 'crazy-money' competitions.

Which brings me to my next point: Why aren't we featured up there? Why are we left out?

None of us can be certain of the reasoning behind this, but I have a suggestion:StarCraft 2 and Leagues of Legend both have MAJOR communities, UNITED, which SUPPORT the game – they support their own titles, and do not spout abuse at other titles that resemble their own. The people follow the competitive scene, they live along with the matches and anxiously await for the games to begin on various streams, they show support and love to their favorite teams and players.
Do not get me wrong, I am by no means saying that this is not the case for both the CS and CSS scenes, however I do want to point out the fact that the CS titles' community members are outmatched 10 to 1, and as of now here, in the CS/CSS scenes, we do a whole lot more of flaming and angrily dribbling over our keyboards over nothing of real value to any of us.

I believe the time has come for both the CS and CSS communities to unite under a new title, and for both of our communities to show that FPS titles are not dead, but are still alive and kicking. It is time for us to show that we, the people, can reinstate the old e-Sports dominance of FPS titles, and there is only one thing we can currently rely on to help us in the progress: CSGO . If I could have written “CSGO” in all-caps, size 46, pink-blinking letter font I would have, trust me.

A lot of you have already given this title a shot, and – unfortunately – many have already criticized it before even giving it a fair chance. “CS:GO is sooo crappy, I'll stick with CS:S!” is not the thought that you should be having, nor the attitude that will benefit the development of CSGO as a competitive e-Sports title in any way; lastly, it won't help your beloved CS or CSS either. All you are doing is attempting to mask the inevitable entrance of CSGO into the international e-Sports scene, and portraying the whole FPS-scene as a bunch of arrogant and ignorant brats.
Sure, CS:GO is a different game. Sure, it has modern-looking graphics and is less 'clean' in terms of all kinds of junk spread across the maps to give them atmosphere. Of course, it does not look like CS, nor does it look like CSS. The game-mechanics, such as the movement and recoil control are also different. However they are meant to be – this a new game, no matter its resemblance to the past Counter-Strike titles, and it is a game with the ability to bring FPS gaming back to life. I believe the gameplay lays at an edge between the mechanics and gameplay of both CS and CSS. The resulting gameplay however is actually a new one that is still IN DEVELOPMENT, and we as members of the competitive e-Sports community must adapt OUR 'game' to the title, not vice-versa!
We are the people who have to show that this title is capable of incredibly entertaining matches, we are the people who have to unite as one and help one another to create a respectable, loveable and influential e-Sports community. We must understand that the future of the game is for a large part dependent on us, much like it was the case with both SCII and LoL.

CS:GO is a new game, and will – by all means – influence the future of all new FPS titles given the current e-Sports environment and the popularity of FPS games at events. Sure, I think that many people are going to criticize me because of the choice I am making, but my choice has been entirely thought-through – was yours? Is it not more interesting to follow the MLG, or to watch the ESWC in action, than almost any other LAN without a real FPS 'title'?
CS:GO has the ability to partake in all of these leagues, to be part of all the events and matters in e-Sports, but the game and its developers in no way can achieve this alone! The community must trust the developers to listen to the people playing their game, we must trust ourselves to be unbiased and thoughtful in the process of submitting feedback and sharing our views. The community must also trust the professional players and teams in their views that – given the fact that we are the people who know your beloved CS and CSS through and through – CSGO has a genuine potential of a great future.
We are by no means a set of conservatives, nor are we purists – we have seen the future, and we are ready to see the nature of FPS evolve, we are ready to see our FPS titles change in gameplay and content, and we are ready for our FPS titles to become great once again; this future we cannot achieve alone.

For this vision to become reality we require an unanimous reaction from all the communities, from all the teams and players, we NEED every single one of you to give CS:GO a chance before you drill it into the abyss which it does not deserve to see, even though we do understand your fear of its failure. The very first CS:GO match ever has over 1.2 million views on YouTube. The enthusiasm regarding this game must continue to develop, it must snowball and turn into a force of nature in order to keep the developers and all those who support the game, be it financially or otherwise, motivated to turn this title into a milestone in the history of e-Sports and FPS titles in general.
Not only are the fat-cats from CSS supporting this motion, the giants from CS are also present (take Get_Right, Xizt, Neo, LoordB and Delpan to name just a few), and this shows a real change in the general mentality and spirit within the competitive community, as well as its strong will to evolve and advance!

A very great future of competitive FPS-titles and e-Sports is within our reach, and we must all unite in our enthusiasm and readiness to play a role in this future – from the casual players to the hardcore gamers, from your typical guy to your typical lass, from a small-time sponsor or investor to Wall Street-like business-giants: We need EVERYONE to give CS:GO a shot it truly deserves, and only then will we all see our wet-dreams come true.

I really do hope you understand my view on this, and I hope I can count on you to make CS:GO evolve into the right shape. Show all the nay-sayers the flaming passion we still possess and the power we have - when we stand united - to hit the scene with what is likely to lead to the birth of the single greatest competitive FPS title ever: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Via his facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/nathanNBKschmitt

info sacada de: http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=18&threadid=168671

1 respuesta

#126 Marcate un resumen en español.

2 1 respuesta

#127 Dice que probablemente quiten cs y css de la ESWC pero que debemos apoyar al nuevo csgo si queremos que el cs se vuelva a levantar

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#128 y donde pone que no entiende porque quitan cs y css de ESWC? o.O

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#129 era la paja de las horas nocturnas


Prefiero el CS de Android

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#131 +1000 todos a CSP.


Yo, una vez más, me pasaré a la versión nueva. Las lamentaciones no sirven para nada más que para seguir jugando a un juego obsoleto. Del source paso, porque ya estoy más que aburrido de jugarlo y a la 1.6 también porque cuando salió el source, quedarse jugando a eso me parecía esto:


No sé por qué ponéis el juego tibio, viendo la beta, será bueno, no será una catástrofe como pasó con el source a partir del porte al motor source de Orange Box.


Volcano's CS:GO Nuke Beta Walkthrough


Ya en modo beta el CS:GO le da mil vueltas al CSS cuando salió, lo que pasa es que aquella versión fue tan mala al principio que todavía quedan traumatizados :)


Siempre que sale un CS nuevo pasa lo mismo...


Que apesta, no me gusta nada, es muy similar al source, jamas llegara a triunfar como lo ha hecho el 1.6, eso si, valve se hará de oro gracias a "uNiR La CoMuNiDaD"

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#138 No te gusta porque se parece al source, xD. Tienen el mismo motor, pero evolucionado, de todas maneras dale una oportunidad y que te dejen una beta y verás cómo tiene poco que ver con el source.

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#140 Ya he jugado y me no me gusta absolutamente nada, podría ponerte mil cosas que no me gustan, pero es tan distinto al 1.6... prefiero seguir al 1.6 y si tengo que darle una oportunidad al PROMOD, a esa basura no.


Una chusta de recoil


Ya se puede apuntar a la segunda copa 4PL, donde entrarán teams como vg, mtw, pros de cod etc

-Incremento de competiciones/jugadores en ellas creciendo exponencialmente

  • Equipos (no solo de cs y css) y organizaciones punteras pasandose a full time

  • Pros / gente importante (j3di, volcano...) haciendo maps/aportes competitivos siendo contratados/escuchados por valve


Cada vez pinta mejor, ahora solo falta que valve la clave (sonidos, matchmaking, servers..) en el siguiente update (el de la salida del juego). Que sacaran open beta YA también ayudaría bastante.

#144 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0HQZZSTuvs&feature=player_embedded

#144 con los meros comentarios ya te están contestando.. mira el comentario de skela después de tí. Lo que te quiero decir es que si el juego se hace grande no tienen porque ser los mapas que tu juegas ahora los que acaben siendo los oficiales competitivamente asi que quejarse de los mapas en la beta cerrada y viendo el enfasis que le están dando valve a la comunidad con la workshop y demás lo veo una estupidez más que otra cosa

3 1 respuesta

Yo no lo he probado pero si me he dado cuenta que los mapas se los han cargado bastante, creo ue se salva dust_2, porque vamos lo ue han hecho en los puntos de bomba de nuke y de train (A en concreto) ha sido destrozarlos...ademas de que le han quitado muchisima jugabilidad a nuke sobretodo para cuando vas a plantar abajo ya que apenas jay sitios paraa cubrir bomba salvo el cuartucho ese que hay en larga,rampa y ductos....

Nose creo que en cuestion de graficos y de nuevos skins de armas esta mucho mejor que cualquier saga de cs anterior, pero han añadido cosas muy muy perris por asi decirlo...

Yo creo que si este juego tuviera buena recepcion despuesde hacer las mil u una actualizaciones que empezaran a hacer una vez la gnte empiece a poner pegas, deberian de regular el uso en wars/oficiales/praccs de cosas como el coctel molotov, tipo que solo lo pudiera levar una persona o sencillamentr quee lo quitaran...

Enfin habra que esperar a que salga la open beta, lo que si veo un punto positivo es que le hayan aumebtado la difficultad a la hora de matar, y que sea algo mas tipo 1.6 en el que a menos de que lleves tiempo juganfo matar no sea tan sencillo como en cs:s para alguien recien empezado.

#143 y que me quieres decir con eso? Xdddd sigo pensandp que han destrozado los mapas, y hablando con gente de css que ha jugado ya me ha comentado cosas deel estilo, pero como digo, este juego lo veo mas como mero ntretenimiento antes que como algo competitivo, aun asi habra que darle una oportunidad, pero vamos que las comunidades de cs:s y 1.6 asi como la competitivvidad dentro de cada una en sus buenos tiempos no tendraa nada que ver con la de cs:go, porke podra convertirse en um juego competitivo pero sera algo parecido al cod, que estara ahi, sin mas

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Van a sacar Map workshop


Esto es un paso muy importante para el cs , remakes y variedad de mapas escogidos por la comunidad.


Yo tengo claro que apoyare CSP,sobre todo ahora que sacaran la ultima beta antes de sacar el juego,la 1.9

osea que no diga valve que se tiene que apoyar al cs:go si queremos un cs,por que ai otras alternativas.

Bueno respecto al CS:GO,poco a poco va a mejor,pero lo veo verde ahora sobre todo la rcoil,que no me gusta nada y el sonido es muy raro,espero que lo arreglen.

Por el momento verde,segun avance el juego,supongo que mejorara,no lo se

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lo que no se yo es xk no hay ni una persona en servidores españoles :s


#146 a estas alturas triunfaria un CSP con los graficos del csgo . Seguir con los graficos de css es anticuado y todas las empresas miran por lo nuevo , lo fresco y el CSP llevara 6 años haciendose y ni un torneo con €€€ e visto, ahora mismo solo veo a top players jugando al csgo a unos les gustara mas o menos pero ahi los ves jugando por que saben que es donde estaran los €€€

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#148 En parte tienes razon,pero la jugabilidad no me gusta del todo.

Veremos como mejora :)


Ya puede ser buena la gran actualización , o habrá que comerse este Condition Zero 2 con patatas.

Y por supuesto, que dejen incluir remakes de los mapas originales (mapas de 1.6 con texturas nuevas), porque los actuales lo son todo, menos competitivos.

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