Poner a 500/1000 Hz ratones antiguos (IM 1.1/3.0...) en Win 10


Os bajais de aqui los drivers y el programa


y os aparecera esto

1- sustituir los driver de AMD64 y NTX86 en la carpeta DRIVER
2-Clic derecho en HIDUSBF y darle a instalar
3- Ejecutar el programa, marcar la casilla Filter On Device, elegir los Hz y darle a Restart y en teoria ya esta tienes tu raton a 500 hz o 1000hz.

A mi haciendo esto asi me ha funcionado, pero por sea caso leeros las instrucciones que vienen y seguir esas, decir que yo lo he hecho en WIN 10.
Ojo, y es sin test mode o algo asi por lo que te permite jugar en ESEA, parece ser que si no no te deja...

Ojo con seguir bien los pasos porque yo a la primera como no tengo ni puta idea de esto le di ha ejecutar el programa sin cambiar los drivers ni nada y se me inutilizo el puerto USB para mi Intellimouse, menos mal que el PC tiene mas, aun asi creo que puedes revertir los pasos y desinstalar. No se os dejo las instrucciones en ingles que vienen: (Que pasada ahora con el IM 1.1a a500Hz :D )

  1. Short description.
    This driver/program is intended to "overclock" USB mice under Windows 98
    through XP x64, Windows Vista 32 bit,
    Windows Vista 64 bit (with disabled driver signature enforcement),
    Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (under x64 - with Test Mode signed driver).
    Also may be used for downclocking (and downclocking shall work always).

    Note - overclocking may not work for Low speed devices which
    controlled by non Microsoft USB stack, like USB 3.x at Windows 7
    or newest Microsoft drivers.

    Program changes only mouse rate, not touching other devices on USB.

    You can learn more about theory and the program here:
    (in Russian language(*))

    I have personally tested it under Windows 98SE, Windows 2000 SP2/SP4,
    Windows XP RTM/SP1/SP2/SP3, Windows Vista 32 bit RTM,
    Windows Vista 64 bit RTM, Windows 7 SP1 x86, Windows 7 SP1 x64,
    Windows 8 x64.
    Testing under Windows XP x64 SP1 was performed by Dark_Cloud.

  2. Installation.

    1. Downclocking (all devices and drivers) or overclocking of Full Speed USB
      devices is possible always and there is no need to patch system code.

      So, if you use program for this purpose - take drivers
      from directories DRIVER\NTX86\NOPATCH\ and DRIVER\AMD64\NOPATCH\
      and replace drivers from directories DRIVER\NTX86\ and DRIVER\AMD64\

      Because Windows 2000 have not restrictions of overclocking Low Speed USB
      devices in system code - you can use the driver from DRIVER\NTX86\NOPATCH\
      always. Windows 98 è ME also have not such restrictions, so
      there is no patch version of driver for this OSes at all.

    2. For OSes begining from Windows XP for successful overclocking of
      Low Speed USB devices is REQUIRED the presence original (not altered
      by other programs) version of system driver USBPORT.SYS
      Windows 8 beginning also work with USBXHCI.SYS

    3. Install my driver HIDUSBF.SYS. For this purpose execute SETUP.EXE (there
      should also be .INF and .SYS files). Click Install Service.

      In case of HIDUSBF service wasn't installed through
      SETUP.EXE (button "Install Service") you may try to do this by OS
      standard possibility:
      mouse right button click on HIDUSBF.INF -> Install

      If you wand to overclock mouse from Composite USB device

    4. use checkbox "Process Parent". Note, there is overclocked
      all functional devices from composite device, not the mouse only.

      Then choose the line with your mouse and put a checkmark Filter On Device.
      Check that in the row Filter it says Yes. After that choose desired refresh
      rate. After that click Restart. Check if the refresh rate has really
      changed (for example with the program Mouse Rate Checker).

      Note - under x64 version of Windows Vista and higher you must
      make HIDUSBF.SYS loadable before restarting device or overclocked device
      will stop working! In this case read carefully the section 3.3 or
      uninstall driver by disable Mice Only checkbox to view all devices

    5. Restart button in SETUP.EXE.

      If your rate did not change, then you should either restart, plug out
      and plug in mouse cable or stop your mouse and restart it in
      Device Manager.
      If the rate does not increase more than 125Hz, then you should
      try DECREASE it to 31Hz or 62Hz.
      If the rate does decrease, then the driver functions properly, however
      or you mouse is not overclockable; or USBPORT.SYS/USBXHCI.SYS was altered
      or simply too new and so unknown to the program.

  3. Uninstall.

    1. Unlink driver from mouse through SETUP.EXE (Filter = No)
    2. For removing a service and file of driver:
      mouse right button click on HIDUSBFU.INF -> Install
    3. If you have delete a driver but not unlink it from mouse
      then the mouse will stop working. To make mouse working you
      may simply delete device, corresponding to mouse in Device Manager,
      then scan for new devices.
  4. Contacts.
    You can access newest version at this link:

    If you can't make the program work you can contact the author - email:
    [email protected]

    Good luck in overclocking mice :) SweetLow

Os podeis bajar el programa mouserate para comprobar los Hz de tu raton


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