#4590 Resumen visto en Reddit por un brasileño:
- Says when MIBR was on top, they would always talk and hangout with other teams, Astralis included
- When Astralis ascended to the top, Astralis stopped hanging out with MIBR
- Says dev1ce's ego skyrocketed after winning and dev1ce became snob
- Coldzera confronted dev1ce in a club and told him never to talk to him (coldzera) again because of the reasons above
- Also says he doesn't like dev1ce's attitude because he (coldzera) is humble
- dev1ce cried and apologized
- coldzera didn't accept dev1ce's apologies and never will
Por si alguno quiere ver todo -> https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/cq24ou/coldzera_interview_summary/
La parte de Stewie que cuenta, que viene a decir que fue él quien le convence para seguir en mibr durante 2018 ya ha sido desmentida por el propio Stew.
También me llama la atención que ya ha pensado dos veces en dejarlo, una última durante estas semanas pasadas.