Esto es lo que circula por reddit:
NaVi: -seized -Guardian +electronic +Ange1 --> lnformations about who leaves will be posted today
FaZe -allu -k1o +Guardian +olofmeister
SK: No changes
Mouz: +styko +sunny +mixwell
Rogue: +CeRq
HR: -Ange1 -styko +seized +electronic
Fnatic: changes will happen BUT JW, krimz and flusha will stick together, -olofmeister -dennis
North: -magisk +valde
LG: +fnx
C9: move to EchoFox
NaVi: S1mple will stay
Complexity: +yay
F3: Not disband
IMT: -fnx (waiting for offers)
NRG: -ptr