todas las scripts para el cs


Son de una pagina web, asi que creo que no tienen nada que ver con chetos. Espero que os sirvan

//Clean Screenshot Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script gives you the ability to take a clean screenshot with one key press. Also, this script is assuming you have net_graph on, so after the screenshot you will get it back on. If you don't want that, just remove the net_graph 3 from the alias csoff.

alias takesnap ".cs_on; wait; wait; snapshot; .cs_off; wait; wait; developer 1; echo Screenshot Complete; developer 0"
alias .cs_on "clear; hud_draw 0; cl_observercrosshair 0; crosshair 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; hideradar; net_graph 0; scr_centertime 0" alias .cs_off "hud_draw 1; cl_observercrosshair 1; crosshair 1; r_drawviewmodel 1; drawradar; net_graph 3; scr_centertime 8"

bind "enter" "takesnap"

//Con_Color Text Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script allows you to toggle through different colors for you con_color text. This is very similar to how you adjust your crosshair color.

alias green "con_color 0+255+0"
alias red "con_color 255+0+0"
alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0"
alias blue "con_color 0+0+255"
alias orange "con_color 255+165+0"
alias white "con_color 255+255+255"
alias black "con_color 0+0+0"
alias color "cl1"
alias cl1 "green; alias color cl2"
alias cl2 "red; alias color cl3"
alias cl3 "yellow; alias color cl4"
alias cl4 "blue; alias color cl5"
alias cl5 "orange; alias color cl6"
alias cl6 "white; alias color cl7"
alias cl7 "black; alias color cl1"

bind "z" "color"

//Crosshair Adjuster Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This adjusts the Crosshair color in game.

alias cross "adjust_crosshair"

bind "c" "cross"

//Crosshair Resizer// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This simple script allows you to adjust the crosshair size while you are in the game.

alias "crs" "crs1"
alias "crs1" "cl_crosshair_size small; alias crs crs2"
alias "crs2" "cl_crosshair_size medium; alias crs crs3"
alias "crs3" "cl_crosshair_size large; alias crs crs4"
alias "crs4" "cl_crosshair_size medium; alias crs crs1"

bind g "crs"

//CS:Source Crosshair Alpha Adjuster// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: A CS:Source script that allows you to adjust the alpha (or transparency) of your crosshair. This script gives you 3 basic adjustments from light to medium to dark.

alias crssw "cl_crosshairusealpha 1; tg_crs"
alias tg_crs "cl_crosshairalpha 800; alias crssw tg_crs1"
alias tg_crs1 "cl_crosshairalpha 200; alias crssw tg_crs2"
alias tg_crs2 "cl_crosshairalpha 100; alias crssw tg_crs3"
alias tg_crs3 "cl_crosshairalpha 200; alias crssw tg_crs"

bind "z" "crssw

//CS:Source Crosshair Color Adjuster// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: A CS:Source script that allows you to toggle thru the different crosshair colors available.

alias crsclr "tg_clr"
alias tg_clr "cl_crosshaircolor 1; alias crsclr tg_clr1"
alias tg_clr1 "cl_crosshaircolor 2; alias crsclr tg_clr2"
alias tg_clr2 "cl_crosshaircolor 3; alias crsclr tg_clr3"
alias tg_clr3 "cl_crosshaircolor 4; alias crsclr tg_clr4"
alias tg_clr4 "cl_crosshaircolor 0; alias crsclr "tg_clr"

bind v "crsclr"

//CS:Source Crosshair Color Toggle// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: A CS:Source script that allows you to toggle thru the different crosshair colors available using the incrementvar command.

alias tg_clr "incrementvar cl_crosshaircolor 0 4 1"

bind "u" "tg_clr"

//CS:Source Crosshair Scale Adjuster// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: A CS:Source script that allows you to adjust the size of your crosshair. By default your cl_crosshairscale is set to 0, which is equivalent to your screen resolutions height. So if you have a screen resolution of 800x600, then your cl_crosshairscale is defaulted to 600.

alias crsscale "cl_scalecrosshair 1; tg_scale"
alias tg_scale "cl_crosshairscale 896; alias crsscale tg_scale 1"
alias tg_scale 1 "cl_crosshairscale 1024; alias crsscale tg_scale 2"
alias tg_scale 2 "cl_crosshairscale 1200; alias crsscale tg_scale 3"
alias tg_scale 3 "cl_crosshairscale 1024; alias crsscale tg_scale 4"
alias tg_scale 4 "cl_crosshairscale 896; alias crsscale tg_scale 5"
alias tg_scale 5 "cl_crosshairscale 0; alias crsscale tg_scale"

bind q "crsscale"

//CS:Source FPS BindToggle// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: Easy alternative for viewing your FPS in CS:Source. Replaced the example key of "x" with the key you want to use.

BindToggle x cl_showfps

//CS:Source Netgraph Bind Toggle// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: Easy alternative for viewing the net_graph in CS:Source. Replaced the example key of "z" with the key you want to use.

BindToggle z net_graph

//CS:Source Radar Alpha Adjuster// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: A CS:Source script that allows you to change the alpha (or transparency) of your radar.

alias radsw "cl_radartype 1; tg_radar"
alias tg_radar "cl_radaralpha 800; alias radsw tg_radar1"
alias tg_radar1 "cl_radaralpha 200; alias radsw tg_radar2"
alias tg_radar2 "cl_radaralpha 100; alias radsw tg_radar3"
alias tg_radar3 "cl_radaralpha 200; alias radsw tg_radar"

bind g "radsw"

//Dynamic Crosshair Duck// by: submitted by: =AA=But Man Prang
Description: Turns dynamic crosshair on only when you duck

alias +dchduck "+duck;cl_dynamiccrosshair 1"
alias -dchduck "-duck;cl_dynamiccrosshair 0"
bind ctrl +dchduck

//FPS Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script toggles whether your Frames Per Second are displayed on your screen or not.

alias fps "fpson"
alias fpson "cl_showfps 1; alias fps fpsoff"
alias fpsoff "cl_showfps 0; alias fps fpson"

bind "m" "fps"

//FPS Viewer Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This allows you to view your FPS when you hold the binded key down.

alias +fps "cl_showfps 1"
alias -fps "cl_showfps 0"

bind "q" "+fps"

//Gxp's Color Scrolling Script// by: submitted by: Gxp
Description: This script lets you scroll through different colors for on-screen text and console text. It might effect the HUD color, but I never really looked at that. Press + on your keypad to go forward, - on your keypad to go backward. And * at any time to reset the color to black.

echo ===================================================
echo -----------Gxp's Color Scrolling Script------------
echo ---Not Really Copyrighted, But Dont Steal Anyway---
echo ----------------------Enjoy!-----------------------
echo ===================================================
echo V2.6 Beta
echo Press + On Your Keypad To Cycle To Next Color
echo Press - On Your Keypad To Reverse Cycle Down Colors
echo Once You Hit White, Keep Going To Hit Other Colors
echo At Any Time Hit * On Your Keypad To Reset To Black
echo E-mail: [email protected]

bind * "black; con_color 0+0+0"
bind KP_PLUS "black"
bind KP_MINUS "antidarkpink"

//General Commands
alias lgwt "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias lgrwt "lgwt; lgwt"
developer 1 //This is just so you can see the text
alias showcolor "scr_conspeed 20000; toggleconsole; lgrwt; toggleconsole; lgrwt; scr_conspeed 600"

alias z1 "echo Black, Color 1/25"
alias z2 "echo Darker Grey, Color 2/25"
This script hase been abbreviated to fit this pageTo see the rest of this script click here: Script Detail

//Nameswap Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script changes your name between two names with a single keystroke. Just plug your names in instead of the examples. Also, note that if you want spaces in your name, replace the space with a % sign, like: name N%e%w%b%i%e.

alias nameswap "name1"
alias name1 "name KillerX; alias nameswap name2"
alias name2 "name [XTC]KillerX; alias nameswap name1"

bind "x" "nameswap"

//Net Graph Cycle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This cycles through the different choices of the Net Graph.

alias graph "graph1"
alias graph1 "net_graph 1; alias graph graph2"
alias graph2 "net_graph 2; alias graph graph3"
alias graph3 "net_graph 3; alias graph graph4"
alias graph4 "net_graph 0; alias graph graph1"

bind "v" "graph"

//Net Graph Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This is used to toggle the netgraph on and off.

alias graph "graphon"
alias graphon "net_graph 3; alias graph graphoff"
alias graphoff "net_graph 0; alias graph graphon"

bind "j" "graph"

//Net Graph Viewer Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This is used to view the netgraph when you press the key.

alias +graph "net_graph 3"
alias -graph "net_graph 0"

bind "p" "+graph"

//Quik Name Changer// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This is a basic script to change your name without using the console. When you hit the key you have bound to "name_chg", will get a prompt on your screen. Simply type your new name and hit enter.

alias name_chg "messagemode name"

bind q "name_chg"

//Radar Type Bind Toggle// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script allows you to temporarily change your radar type to the solid one when you press the key. Very useful if you need to see something on your radar that is blocked by the current background.

alias +radsw "cl_radartype 1"
alias -radsw "cl_radartype 0"

bind "n" "+radsw"

//Radar Type Cycler// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This script allows you to switch between the solid radar and standard transparent one with one key.

alias radsw "s_radar"
alias s_radar "cl_radartype 1; radsw t_radar"
alias t_radar "cl_radartype 0; radsw s_radar"

bind "n" "radsw"

//Radar View Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This toggles your radar on and off.

alias radar "radaron"
alias radaron "drawradar; alias radar radaroff"
alias radaroff "hideradar; alias radar radaron"

bind "p" "radar"

//Status Report Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script gives you the scores, your fps and the timeleft with one key press.

alias status "statuson"
alias statuson "+showscores; cl_showfps 1; timeleft; alias status statusoff"
alias statusoff "-showscores; cl_showfps 0; alias status statuson"

bind "CTRL" "status"

//Status Report Viewer Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script gives you the scores, your fps and the timeleft with one key press. Bind a key to +statusrpt.

alias +statusrpt "+showscores; cl_showfps 1; timeleft"
alias -statusrpt "-showscores; cl_showfps 0"

bind "TAB" "+statusrpt"

//Timeleft Score Script// by: submitted by: hoLy
Description: Push it shortly to get timeleft displayed. Hold the button to see the scores and have timeleft displayed.

// Tap the button to give you timeleft. Hold it to give you timeleft and display
// the scores on the screen.
alias +scoretime "timeleft;+showscores"
alias -scoretime "-showscores"

bind "a" "+scoretime"

//TimeLeft Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew
Description: This Script tells you the timeleft on the current round.

alias time "timeleft"

bind "CAPSLOCK" "time"