Bot de alerta de cambios en el precio de tokens de BSC


Lo he visto en Forocoches, he estado trasteando con el y me parece muy interesante. Básicamente es un bot que se descarga al telegram y te permite crear listas con tus token favoritos.

Aquí tenéis el tutorial por si queréis echarle un vistazo antes de descargarlo al telegram.
Hi! Here is a list of all my features:

First steps:
/tutorial => Start or cancel the tutorial.
/about => Know little more about my creators.

Users with wallet:
/my <Symbol:optional> => Retrieve the balance of that token of your wallet and calculate the total value.
/wallet => Register or retrieve your wallet and show the balance of BNB and your watchlisted tokens balances.
/deleteWallet => Deletes your wallet from the bot.
If you share your wallet with me, I will only be able to read your information when you ask me.

Rest commands:
/price <Symbol:optional> => Show the price of the token.
/watchlist <Symbol> => Add a new token to your watchlist.
/alert <Symbol> <up/down> <value> => Adds an alert for a specific price on any symbol I've listed.
/whalealert <Symbol> <variation> => Creates a new whale alert.
/flashloanalert => Activate/deactivate flash loan alerts for all tokens with at least 2000 BUSD liquidity Open Beta.
/watchlist => List your watchlist tokens.
/listalerts => List all the active alerts that you have.
/flashloanblacklist => List flash loan alerts blacklist.
/listtokens => List all the tokens I've listed.
/flashloanblacklist <Symbol> => Add/Remove a token from flash loan alerts blacklist.
/deletealert => Delete an alert.
/deletewatchlist <Symbol:optional> => Delete a token from your watchlist.
/addtoken <ContractAddress> => Allow ANYONE to add ANY BSC token that I've not listed.

My creators would really appreciate your participation!
/refer => Use this to refer your friends and earn points to be able to use next features for free.
/feedback <Your feedback> => Allows you to give my creators ideas of new features or improvements.
/donate => Displays a BSC wallet if you want to donate to my creators.

Do you have any question? Join Our telegram group HERE (

Note that all prices are updated every 60 seconds or so for all commands.
I will never ask you about your seeds or anything like that.


Pues no funciona muy bien, he puesto alerta en una moneda y cuando ha llegado al precio no me ha notificado

Usuarios habituales

  • Shaken
  • treetops