Criptodivisas: seguimiento y trading - Titanic edition

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Sale OCN en kukoin,,

2 respuestas

#28831 ¿En Kucoin estan sacando dos monedas por dia o que? Vaya ritmo llevan


#28831 Ya no me la juegas mas

3 1 respuesta

#28833 Yo? con cual te la jugué? entre a IOST en 677 y sali en 840, entre a CV en 141 y sali en 156. Hay que saber salir a tiempo XD

2 respuestas

Que puta locura IOST


El dip no lo cambia weiss ni waiss.


#28834 Eres un puto genio.


Podríais postear la lista oficial ? Como ha quedado
La cosa.
Estoy en el curro y no me entero 😂

1 respuesta

Proximo tren a la moon XRB, no se cuando despegara pero va para arriba sí o sí.


Muere Ripple muere!

Por cierto ICX está al mismo precio que estaba ayer sobre las 13:00 horas, que hell ni que leches D:



1 respuesta

#28841 no se ve ningún ranking. O igual estoy ciego.

1 1 respuesta

#28842 Es un pdf con los ratings :-m

1 respuesta

A ver si pasan ya las putas "navidades" chinas consusmuertos, otro día más en la B

1 respuesta

#28843 Pues no se habré ningún ranking.
Podrías hacerme el favor de copiármelo aquí ?
Gracias de ante mano

2 respuestas

#28844 pues hasta el 16 de febrero nada no? xddd


Y mis icon? Que pasó? Lloro. Cada dia pasa alguna mierda para que se vaya todo a la puta, que falso jajajja


#28845 ranking != ratings

Yo no se que coño pasa, pero en cuanto pongo una puta orden de compra qndo una moneda esta bajando, deja de bajar y no para de subir... Antes XRP a toda mecha para abajo, la pongo a 11750 ( estaba por 11800 ) y ale, 12130 ahora...

1 respuesta

#28845 que no es un ranking como tal. Han cogido varias monedas y les han puesto notas de la B a la D

2 respuestas

#28849 ninguna A o similares?

1 respuesta

#28850 No, están todas en la B, de todas maneras aún tengo dudas de que sea el documento verdadero.


#28848 Yo asumiría esa pequeña diferencia con tal de no quedarme fuera

1 respuesta

#28852 Si eso no me importa, pero seguro que digo: "Va, que más da 11750 que 11800, pon la orden a 11800" y ya no vuelve a bajar a 11800 xDDDDDDD


#28849 donde puedes ver la lista que no sea el link del pdf que no me sale ninguna lista.

1 respuesta


1 1 respuesta

#28855 No le han puesto A a Raiblocks:

2 1 respuesta

#28856 a nada xD


ahora aparecerán paccoin y tether con A y cortinilla de estrellas


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

First Cryptocurrency Ratings Issued Despite Korean Cyberattack
Bitcoin Gets C+ (“Fair”). Ethereum Is B (“Good”).

PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL — Weiss Ratings, the nation’s leading independent rating agency of financial institutions, has released today the nation’s first-ever grades on cryptocurrencies by a financial rating agency, despite a massive Korean cyberattack on its website. Weiss gives Bitcoin a C+ (meaning “fair”) and Ethereum a B (“good”). None of the cryptocurrencies covered currently get a grade of A (“excellent”).

Weiss Ratings staff was up all night last night fending off denial of service attacks from Korea, as evidenced by numerous mentions on Korean social media of a concerted call to bring down the Weiss Ratings website. “Earlier commentary on social media expressed considerable fear we were about to release negative ratings on their preferred currencies,” said Weiss Ratings founder Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. “So this may be an attempt to thwart our release today.”

Separately, Weiss experienced a surge in friendly visitors to the site. “Since our customers are almost entirely in the U.S., we rarely get more than small amounts of traffic from Asia. But last night, we had more than 100,000 unique visitors in a matter of hours, almost entirely from Asia, until early this morning, when more of the traffic rolled over to Europe. To handle the volume, our staff instantly expanded its server capacity on the cloud many times over,” Weiss said.

What makes Weiss’ entry into cryptocurrency ratings significant is its history of independence and accuracy in other investment sectors, as noted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Barron’s, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times, among others.

“Despite extreme price volatility, cryptocurrencies have a bright future and the potential to deliver unusually large profits to investors,” said Weiss Ratings founder Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. “However, the market is hectic and confusing for investors. They need the clarity that only robust, impartial ratings can provide.”

The Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings evaluate price risk, reward potential, blockchain technology, adoption, security, and other factors. “Due to rapid changes in the data,” explains Weiss, “upgrades and downgrades are more frequent than in other sectors we cover.”

Below is a sampling of Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings, selected randomly to illustrate a variety of strengths and weaknesses:

Bitcoin (rated C+) gets excellent scores for security and widespread adoption. But it is encountering major network bottlenecks, causing delays and high transactions costs. Despite intense ongoing efforts that are achieving some initial success, Bitcoin has no immediate mechanism for promptly upgrading its software code.
Ethereum (B), the second most widely adopted cryptocurrency, benefits from more readily upgradable technology and better speed, despite some bottlenecks.
Novacoin (D) and SaluS (D) are weak in terms of both technological innovation and adoption.
Steem (B-) enjoys a relatively good balance of moderate strength in nearly all the key factors considered along with a social network feature.
“All else being equal, as a cryptocurrency overcomes its individual challenges, it’s likely to be upgraded promptly,” Weiss adds.

Weiss Ratings, which began in 1971, rates 55,000 institutions and investments. Unlike Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, Fitch and A.M. Best, Weiss never accepts compensation of any kind from the entities it rates.

To learn more about the Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings, go here. This site was established as a back-up and will be reachable until hackers discover it. Plus, those still having difficulty reaching Weiss Ratings websites can email [email protected].


About Weiss Ratings: Barron’s called Weiss Ratings “the leader in identifying vulnerable companies.” The profit performance of Weiss Stock Ratings was ranked #1, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, ahead of all major rating agencies and research companies covered, including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Standard and Poor’s. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that Weiss Ratings of U.S. life and health insurers greatly outperformed those of Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and A.M. Best. More information on Weiss Crypto Currency Ratings can be found here.

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Weiss Ratings
4400 Northcorp Parkway, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410


#28834 cv es para guardarla mínimo una semana, es una pump&dump que puede subir a 5/6cents

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