El representante de Laudrup


Una noticia un poco random en todo este caso de "football leaks". Recordareis esa extraña epoca del "spanish Swansea". Por algun motivo el equipo gales no dejaba de fichar españoles, a veces con dudoso exito. Poco despues destituyeron a Laudrup a mitad de temporada tras una mala racha y de manera un poco sorprendente porque hasta llego a ganar titulos con el Swansea.

Bueno pues el diario danes Politiken afirma que su representante Bayram Tutumlu saco beneficios personales de hasta 7 fichajes, 6 de ellos españoles. Entre otros metodos el que mas utilizo fue llevarse parte de la prima de fichaje en acuerdos secretos ajenos al Swansea y la FA. Hizo mas de 4.5 m de euros.

Que sabia Laudrup de esto? Politiken cita una carta del Swansea enviada a la asociacion de entrenadores de por que Laudrup habia sido destituido:

The club had suspected that Michael Laudrup didn’t want a given player to join the club unless Bayram Tutumlu was involved in the transfer.

The club is still investigating player transfers in order to determine whether they were concluded at the club’s expense, while Bayram Tutumlu was affiliated with the club, and to what extent (if any) Michael Laudrup was involved in it.

Traduccion del articulo en ingles

"Under mysterious circumstances was Michael Laudrup in 2014 sacked as manager of Swansea City. Confidential documents from whistleblowerplatformen Football Leaks show now that the Premier League club suspected him and his agent for 20 years, Bayram Tutumlu, to make money under the table at the club's player trades."

"But through Football Leaks Politiken has gained access to contracts, bank transfers, e-mails, invoices and hidden agency agreements that tells a different story. In at least seven cases, Michael Laudrup's agent thus had personal economic interests in play acting in Swansea - among other players Chico Flores and Pablo Hernandez. By all accounts, it happened without the knowledge of the club, if money detours have ended up in the pockets of Bayram Tutumlu.
Politiken's statement of invoices and subcontracts shows that the Bayram Tutumlu in the 20 months that Laudrup was the manager, has served up to 32 million crowns on the seven trades. It is four times more than Swansea paid him for the period to be Michael Laudrup's agent."

"Tutumlu used various methods. The typical was to enter into agreements with players' agents to get a share of the fee when their players signed to Swansea - players like Michael Laudrup wanted affiliated club. For example, changed the Spaniard José Cañas to Swansea in 2013. A hidden agreement dated January 30 in Madrid, between Tutumlu and the player's agent shows that Tutumlu earned almost 11 million on the deal. It happened without disclosing it to the English Football Association (FA), which rules otherwise clearly prescribes. In many cases Tutumlu able to obtain two-thirds of the players' agents fee."


No tiene mucha mas historia el tema. No creo que se pueda demostrar si Laudrup trinco o no. Pero me ha parecido bastante curioso porque algunos de esos fichajes fueron super random en su momento.

En el proximo capitulo de football leaks les traeremos el blanqueo de dinero detras del fichaje de Benteke por el Liverpool.