El PSG firma un acuerdo de patrocinio masivo



Paris Saint-Germain have officially announced their sponsorship deal with the Qatar Tourism Authority which will net the Ligue 1 champions up to 200 million euros a year.

Mooted last season, the agreement was publicly confirmed on Tuesday making PSG the first club to be sponsored by a state.

Income from the deal, which will reportedly be retroactively paid back to 2012, is said to increase incrementally year-on-year through to a reported maximum of 200 million euros come 2016.

"Our association with the Qatar Tourism Authority allows us to give ourselves the means necessary for the development of the club in the direction that we envisage," PSG's CEO Jean-Claude Blanc said.

It clearly benefits the image, as well as the results, of the club. QTA's support enables us to offer our supporters a level of performance in keeping with their expectations and our ambitions."

The sum will significantly help offset PSG's annual budget, which this year totals 430 million euros, though the club will also have to provide details of the agreement to UEFA before European football's governing body takes it into account with regard to the club's obligations to meet Financial Fair Play regulations.

As part of the agreement, Laurent Blanc's squad will be able to use Qatar's high-performance ASPIRE centre for this year's winter training camp, the third successive year the French club will have travelled to the Gulf state during their winter break, to prepare for a high-profile friendly with Real Madrid in Doha on Jan. 2, which will launch the second half of their season.


A Grosso modo: el PSG será el primer equipo en ser patrocinado por un país. Este dinero está destinado a cumplir el fair play financiero del equipo parisino y así poder conservar altos salarios y alto gasto en fichajes aún cuando el reparto televisivo de la liga francesa es muy bajo, aparte de que el acuerdo es retroactivo, pagarán incluso por patrocinio del año 2012

Let the rage begin!


Se sabía que lo del fair play financiero no iba por los clubs con jeque.


Estaba claro que los clubes con jeque ya tenian preparada esta estrategia para saltarse el fair play financiero...no es sorprendente xd


otro exito de la uefa


¿Al Atlético no le patrocinaba Azerbaiyan?


Pues enhorabuena a los premiados.


fair play financiero y el ataque suplente del Chelsea ha costado 90 millones

fucking joke. Se rien de los clubes humildes y modestos que intentan hacer las cosas bien con un proyecto autofinanciable como el Liverpool.


Que cada uno se gaste lo que tenga, fin.


Pero entra en vigor el año que viene no? Total quien hace la ley hace la trampa.

Seguramente veremos fichajes más baratos con sueldos más altos. Los jugadores se frotan las manos.


Lo veo bien, a mas no aspiramos.


Gooooolll de señor

Ya abrí yo mismo un thread sobre esta misma noticia el año pasado



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