Bueno, este thread es sólo para informar de que va a salir un nuevo 'upgrade' del PhotoShop, este se llama PhotoShop CS, todo lo que se es lo que leí del mail que mandaron para informar a todos los usuarios de PhotoShop:
Adobe Photoshop CS, the newest full version of the industry standard, will help you create the highest quality images. Experience Adobe Photoshop CS today and take advantage of a range of powerful new features for photography, video, graphic and Web design — that all save you time and expand your capabilities:
Improved File Browser: Manage, view, and find images using customizable metadata, searches, flagging and new sharing options.
Match Color: Get a consistent look across a series of images by applying the color scheme of one image to another.
Histogram Palette: View an image and its histogram simultaneously as you adjust individual or combined channels.
Shadow/Highlight Correction: Correct over and underexposed areas in any image while preserving image midtones.
Text On A Path: Create and manipulate fully editable text on any path, or inside any shape, for eye-catching typographic designs.
Integrated Digital Camera Raw File Support: Get ultimate control over image preprocessing with direct manipulation of the raw camera data from most major camera models.
Adobe Photoshop CS also includes:
16-Bit Image Support
Macromedia® Flash (SWF) Format Export
Layer Comps
Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts
And much more!
En la página oficial en castellano, teneis más informacion y un trial:
Un saludo