Somos la hostia . (con nuestras limtaciones, como cualquier hijo de vecino)
PD: tenemos casi de todo, trabajamos mucho, trabajamos en general muy bien (ésto es distinto a que todos los especialistas estén de acuerdo con nuestras decisiones), llevamos muchas cosas ( mucho trauma, PCR extrahospitalaria, ECMOs, asistencias ventriculares, mucho neurocrítico (hemorrágico), tenemos helipuerto...)
Precision medicine represents “a new era of medicine through research, technology,
and policies that empower patients, researchers, and providers to work together
toward development of individualized care.” With these words, Barack Obama, for-
mer president of the United States, launched the Precision Medicine Initiative on
January 20, 2015. Funds were dedicated to creating treatments tailored to individual
patients’ biologic (genetic and molecular) profiles. Interestingly, current attempts
toward standardization of care—protocols, checklists, algorithms, evidence-based
medicine, guidelines, consensus papers, and enhanced recovery after surgery pro-
grams—challenge precision medicine. While protocols provide guidelines derived
from strong evidence that decreases standard variability of care, eventual personal-
ization discovered through clinical algorithms may provide better outcomes