Official thread to practise English v.2.

Normas básicas / Basic rules

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará. // No essays. We are not here to do your homework
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará. // You must write about the topic. If you want to ask something you must contribute to the thread
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará //Do not ask for resources


#119 What are you studying? Just to get some conversation going.

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Hello guys, I recently joined the Official Language School in my city because I think the knowledge of English will be a great improvement in my career, I'm studying software development.

They assign me the A2 level, but it's really basic, I think I can promote to the B2 level at least, I will have an exam the next week but I'm a bit out of practice! The last day I felt like my tongue was sleeping during my first talks.

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#122 your writing is a great deal better than an A2. I bet you're going to get bored quite often in class.

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#123 Yes, but if you don't have any other course in the School doesn't matter you knowledge, they place you in the A2 class. That's no problem, the next Wednesday we will do an exam to promote.

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#124 Then probably on Wednesday you´ll get to B2 class, or at least B1 so that pretty much solve the problem.


#124 I don't know how it works in your city, but in mine you sit an exam prior to joining the school to see what your level is. If you don't take the exam, you can enroll in b1 as long as you have bachillerato.

Anyway, good luck with your exam, mate


#121 Im studing computer engineering with the specialization of software engineering. Im finishing my degree and i dont get the b1 yet :/

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#105 Totally agree, switching the daily routinary stuff (smartphone, computer, books) to English is a big step in reading skills, and really simple to do.


#127 Good luck with that! I'm studying mechanical engineering, but I made sure to get my language certification before starting the degree, because I expectes my time was going to be limited.


Hello guys, how goes it?

I want to improve my English skill, mainly conversational, both to work and personally...

There are a lot of doubts on my head about specific stuffs. For example, I know the basic order to make a sentence with any tense ( I mean the rules about present simple, past perfect...) but then when I have to make a longer sentence, I get stuck/block on my mind because I do not know how to make it from certain point.

Another topic could be that sometimes I feel I am translating/speaking quite literal from Spanish...

But, if I have to say what are the ones I think I need to improve they will be phrasal verbs (at least the basic + some advanced) and speaking.

The rest is up to me (vocabulary and grammar).

BTW - I envy the people when they talked are like native, holy...😔

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Rush b Sucka blyat


#122 oh, wow. you didn't have an exam first? xd
EOI at its finest.

btw I think the EOI is a waste of time and money because that certification is only valid in Spain.

#130 To have a better understanding of the language and to be able to form a complete sentence further than s+v+o you need to read/listen. Not only to acquire vocabulary but to improve and learn new structures :D

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#130 A good tip for improving phrasal verbs is to choose some of them and start using it daily, it doesn't matter whether you have native speakers around or not, you can just build sentences using it in your head.

Another trick I use is trying to tell a story that happened to me in different ways, like adding new words, longer versions, shorter versions, etc. That will force you to get speed and build coherent structures.


BTW - I envy the people when they talked are like native, holy...

This only comes with practice, so stop wasting time envying and practice more :b

EDIT: I forgot to mention, that you must be aware of your own mistakes, and keep track of them. Take general notes and try to fix them.

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#132 You could say that from mostly any single certification. The only reason to obtain an english level certification is because you want to applying to a college degree in the following years, since all the certifications expire 2 years after the exam.

For personal reasons EOI will sufy.

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#134 And I do say that. I think those kind of certifications are stupid. In my experience, I have taught Cambridge/Pearson exams because is what my students needed. Some universities don't want EOI.

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#134 Certifications are useless out of the college, so that's the only reason you should go for it. Everytime I go to an interview and someone asks me for an english cert I answer "I dont have it, but we can continue in english if you want"...

Fun fact...most of the interviewers dont know how to continue the interview ¬¬

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Any tips to improve the pronunciation? My pronunciation is awful, I feel like talking in Spanish but with English words. :(

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#135 I think no university accpet EOI as an english level certification (maybe to validate the english subject itself). I am just saying EOI it might be agood way to start learning, since is cheaper than other academies.

#136 Thats rigth, I do not have any english certificaction and I always propose to continue in english without hesitation, as you say, interviewers sticks to spanish

#137 Watching series in VO

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#138 Thank you. Do you recommend English captions or clean?

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#137 Audiobooks, series with subtitles in English (if it's CC better. I always use those ones because of the descriptions. I find them interesting) and reading out loud.

#136 I don't officially have a C2 and when I've done interviews for English teacher positions, no one interviewed me in English because I was Spanish and immediately ruled out xd

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#139 Well is on you but I would recommend to use english caption to catch those words you are not familiar with.

Also, as an advice, I started to watch cartoons to improve my english, the pronunciation is much clearer. The vocabulary is the no most complex, but is a good point to start.

#140 Well that's a shame, but as I understood you are working as an english teacher, aren't you?

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#141 I was, yeah. I'm trying to be a translator now.


My english is perfect

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And I know it.


#143 Felipe González is a friend of mine.

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why this is in my spy! yo uranus is uranus
bso for learning english:
i need a hero!!!! CHAN I'm holding out for a hero til the end of the night, he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight!

#145 I survived the olocaust


#130 to make longer sentences something useful for me was learning some that are common by heart, listening to music helps a lot because you learn them with no effort.
For phrasal verbs I love quizzes, such a good way to improve and, at the same time, you get fun, at least in my case.

If I've made any mistake, please, let me know.

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Today we've been told in class to be part of a proyect involving several companies inside the IT world,we would be doing our higher education practices.

After passing all the exams we would have a interview with each company interested, so we can choose our prefered company and they can also choose us.
There are few advantages like we have more time practicing and we would be paid 400€/month.

What discourages is money topic, 400€ is not enought for me, or atleast I think my work is not worth that amount.
I would like to take trip out of Spain and travel somewhere in Europe to develop my skills.

I know you haven't read a lot,but I would like to know if you could guess my english level and obviously comment any error or mistake

PD: I forgot, what you think is the minimun level barriage to enter any project out there. (About IT)

Thank you!

2 respuestas

#132 The problem with that is when I face some kind special sentence, I mean, I try to look what kind tense it is but I just simply cannot recognise it. I know I have improved a lot on these last months but I really need a push ahead (I didn't know if use push ahead or push on, Do you know it?).

Sometimes I think that I try to know all the possibilities at the time of speak/write and that is like something impossible. I have many grammar books on my pc and also in physical but then I wonder if it isn't just too much and I need to organize better.

Oh, I almost forget, yes I do read (comics, work) and listen (tv shows, films, work) in English. I agree this is very helpful.

#133 Thanks for the tips! About the story I had thought the same but the first idea is also very good, I will try to remember next time something happens.

Something similar is when I am at work and then, when I have to talk or similar then I find a word I cannot say because at that moment I have never use but also I haven't the opportunity to write on a paper or just remember later (to look for it) due to the situation (a meeting for example). I usually visit a website which, I think, is pretty good and I have learn a lot from it. Weeks ago I saw a good idea for the phrasal verbs: take a ver (like Continue) and find out its pharsal verb version (carry on).

This only comes with practice, so stop wasting time envying and practice more :b

At all! I usually take this situations to improve something in particular, specially speaking :smiley:

I forgot to mention, that you must be aware of your own mistakes, and keep track of them. Take general notes and try to fix them.

Yes! I take mind notes when I have doubts about how to pronounce a word or what means another one. If you see something I can improve please, let me know :smiley:

#137 I have thought sometimes look the pronunciation of the different vowels/consonants. Maybe not study them at all but sometimes recall them is just fine.


For phrasal verbs I love quizzes, such a good way to improve and, at the same time, you get fun, at least in my case.

Uhm... interesting, do you use a mobile application? Which one?

#148 Hello :smiley:

IT world is way huge, which area to be exactly? For instance, I work in a FinTech as QA, What do you study for?

  • Do you know which companies are they?
  • Are they located in you city home?

If you do not have experience do not expect go to another country and earn a lot of money... For instance, part of my team is located in London and recently a new member join and he is junior, I think he is earning the minimum (or close), maybe... 20.000 pounds?

Anyway, your English level I think is pretty good, honestly. I have to talk in English every day and your selection of words are very good.

I cannot tell you about mistakes because I am on the same way as you :pensive:

I am going to say the same as the rest of our partners, If I say something in a weird way or by contrast I can say just in a better, please, tell me.

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#148 #149 I think you both have a decent level and despite some grammatical mistakes you can deliver your message efficiently. I think you translate some expressions directly from Spanish which sound weird in English, but the only way to fix that is by practicing more.

In my experience the problem in Spain is that we overthink it too much when we speak English. We have above average grammar and vocabulary knowledge but we suck big time speaking. My best advice is that you go out and try to practice conversation, ideally travelling to other countries but I think that finding some conversation groups wherever you live would help a lot too.

In practice, what really matters is that you can understand what they are telling you and you can deliver what you want to say, and you don't need perfect English to do that.

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