Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#660 Thank you very much! :D


#660 OMFG I just started listening to one of the conversations and there's this black lady complaining on the phone about a shit on the back seat of her car... hilarious haha

2 respuestas

#654 thank you! i guess i might have survived the penetration but dont quite know if it will leave any scar. Hope not, dont want to qet it fixed on summer!


#662 Yeah, i have listened it just now too, and i've though WTF!! xddd
But for me, it has been very difficult to understand, because there is a lot of noise, and i can't listen it very well.


Ai if I catch you, oh my god! if I catch you


My eyes ache. I need to stop working right now, otherwise I will end up losing my vision sometime soon.

Can't wait any longer to play a football match tonight and stretch my muscles a little.

2 respuestas

#666 You work by translating with the computer, I guess. Take a rest ;) .

p.d: your post is the Devil's number :P .

1 respuesta

#662 yes! some conversations are soo strange.. xD


#667 I'm taking a rest in a few minutes now. I just catching up with all pending jobs in order to have a soothing, work-free weekend.

By the way, you can't say 'Sbd work(s) by verb+ing'.

1 respuesta

#669 Ok, i guessed it. When i was writing it, i thought "this phrase sounds to me weird", but at last, i wrote it anyway.
Thank you!^^


#666 I have one question for you, in which situations should be used 'up' right after the verb?

Like: end up, pump up, etc..

2 respuestas

The black lady's rage is legendary hahahahahaha. I'm damn crying xDDD


Anyone knows any book about Spanish/English idioms?

1 respuesta

#671 What I remember from my english lessons is that phrasal verbs have unique and special meanings, most of them do not follow a rule, so you have to study them one by one ._.


#671 When using phrasal verbs made up with 'up' ('End up', 'Wake up') and ordering someone to do something ('Shut up!', 'Dress up')

#673 I've got "Diccionario Akal del Español Coloquial", consisting of 1.492 idioms in Spanish along with their English equivalents.


I am f*in bored.
Let's talk gibberish and do shenanigans.


If you listen closely you can hear crickets in this thread...


Give me everything tonight give me everything tonight give me everything toniiiight


I'm so tired... really.. so tired!!

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#679 I am tired too, so i'm gonna smoke a joint and relax!

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#680 Smoking spliff is a great way to chill, but you shouldn't abuse it or you'll become dumb :D

(Or not.)

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#680 Enjoy that bud! I'm packing a bowl before going to sleep :)

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I'm so bored. The teacher is reading newspaper and Internet was down until 5 mins ago.

It's my first time in this thread, I'll hope improve my english with your comments.

How is going your day?

1 respuesta


"I hope I('ll) improve my english"

"How is your day going"

And I think I would say: "This is my first time in this thread"

1 respuesta

Ok, this is my first time here. So, is this useful to practise english? You know, i am the kind of person who think english should be learnt by speaking it, not writing it. Our education program teaches us so much written english, but in fact most of situations of your life in which you'd need english would be spoken.


#684 podria servir tb: "How are u going?" ?

1 respuesta

#686 You could say:

How is it going?
How are you doing?
How are you?

I'm not sure about "How are you going", it's probably fine too.


#681 I know it, of course!I don¡t smoke everyday, i usually smoke two or three times a week, and sometimes i don't smoke in a month. I think that if you enjoy something, you shouldn't abuse of it. I buy 10 euros of marihuana and i have enough for smoking two months!

#682 Thank you!

1 respuesta

#688 In the UK you call it spliff, if you call it "marihuana" (or marijuana), most of the people will laugh their asses out of you :p

In the US they call it marijuana more oftenly, but probably it's better if you call it pot, or weed...

1 respuesta

#689 Ok, thank you very much! :D Very useful information, i didn't knew anything about this.

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