Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#719 Troll is a art

1 respuesta

#721 Trolling*!

2 respuestas



#722 he got you xDDDDD

I thought he was trolling but when I saw the image it was all confirmed xDD

1 respuesta

#724 Or maybe that's what he wants us to believe after he failed! Maybe... D:


#724 Yeah maybe but if I remember well... it's not the first time I see that, and I always laughed at it xD


I feel so nervous because my new laptop is comming !

2 respuestas

Oh my goodness, this is just insane!


#727 Characteristics?

1 respuesta

#729 ItŽs an Apple MacBook Air 11Ž6", 4 Gb of RAM memory and 128 GB flashdrive! It only Weigh 1,08 Kg ! Amazing !!!

P.D: I like this thread, its helpful.

1 respuesta

Apple is bullshit.

Really overrated brand. You can purchase a non-apple laptop with the same features cheaper than an apple one.

Although I have to say that Apple OS is better than Windows, but you can install Ubuntu or something like that which is fair good in comparison with Apple OS.


#730 You seem to have become an Apple geek =)


Good thread, so we can practise some english, yupi!

I'm thinking to buy a tablet/Ebook for studying purposes and by the way I would like to use for listenning music and watching videos, ¿Anyone can help me to decide between Kindle and Asus EEEPad Transformer? the first one is an ebook and for read is perfect, also is very cheap,the only cons is that I can't reproduce any multimedia content.The second one is heavyer and more expensive but is able to reproduce multimedia content.

What would you do in my own?

Kind regards

1 respuesta

I've got it in my hand!!



_ll b_tch_s


#733 I wouldn't recommend neither an ebook nor a tablet pc to study. At least, when I'm studying, I like to spread papers everywhere, and move forward and backward all the time. There's not any electronic device that offers such a smooth interface.

I would recommend an ebook for reading (just reading, not studying, which is different :P ) and I wouldn't recommend a tablet for anything at all. (At least not for anything related with the studies ^^ )

So... I would buy a printer and an ebook if you have to do a lot of reading in your studies.


My mother bought a Kindle yesterday, but I prefer to read a book "normal style" touch and feel the sensation of paper, however i reading manga on my laptot and iPhone xD.


Pardon!, this

could be interesting for someone who donŽt know what level owns, try it if you dare.

IŽd got a C1, not bad for a first attemp.

Enjoy it folks!

2nd att: B2... Oh boy, here we go!


C2, yaaaaaaaaay!
However I need to improve more my oral skills, I sound kinda retarted...


that child is not mine


B2, what i always get xD

#742 fixed xd

#743 ups! thx

1 2 respuestas

#741 That's not english sir

1 respuesta

#741 Always, not "allways". It's quite a common misspelling.

1 respuesta

Good news everyone!

JK, just happy cause i discovered i can actually download at 1.5Mb/s (which is, actually, quite good for me). If anyone here follows other offtopic threads (i suppose u do), what do u think about taking a step back to torrents? Personally, i really like sharing documents, i mean sure it can sometimes be slower, but you know, working with people uploading your own things, downloading and asking if someone can share files you might me interested.. i kinda like it.

So, what's your opinion?

1 respuesta
12 días después

Hi people, how are you?I have a Writing exam tomorrow, and I'm practising a bit. I hope I will do it well, so i'm not nervous.

#744 I think that if they forbid downloads, we will find the way for sharing our documents, music and movies. They won't stop us. I don't mind if this kind of servers are slower, the most important thing for me is to resist and to continue downloading!

1 respuesta

#745 Good luck with that, even if you don't need it!
Damn, some sundays are boring as hell!

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what is love? baby donŽt hurt me, donŽt hurt me, no more...

#748 u mad

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#747 Haddaway? Hello? Are you listening to that? Amazing...

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#746 Thank you very much!
Sundays are extremelly boring, but you can rest if you have gone out the night before :P .

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IŽm having a grammar exam next Saturday at 10am. If I pass it IŽll be one step closer to get the cajamadrid eurogrant :D

#749 well, the problem comes when you should have studied and at 23:38 you haven't done anything yet :(

1 respuesta
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