Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#780 Way to go buddy, way to go.

Do I have to call the assbulance for your anal pain?


#779 I was reading this sentence - "When people start to get confidence with the language by practising it, they'll start looking for words and sentences to explain what they want to say in an accurate way." and I could not stop thinking that something was bothering me. And after few tries I believe I pin pointed what was it.

They'll should be changed to just they. Also I believe there is a missing "the" before "words".
Another suggestion is to substitute "an accurate" with "more accurate". :)

P.S. It's practicing in US English ;)

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#782 agree with your corrections, but I think she was talking about the future (I understood: They will look for vocabulary when they get more confidence with the syntax.).

PS: fuck US English xD.

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everybody knows kung fu fighting


I don't think so. The sentence is correct for me.

It's pretty common to use present sentences in Spanish for almost everything, but not in English. For example, if you try to open a door but you find it is locked, English people will usually say "it won't open" instead of "it doesn't open" (in fact, I think I've never heard this last one before).
You just need to change your way of thinking to get used to this, at first is kinda weird but after some time it makes sense.

For "the" you will have the same problem. We use a lot of particles in Spanish and we feel that something is missing when we don't use them. If you doubt about a "the" missing or not, try to think if what you are talking about is something "global" or something "particular".
For example, if you are talking about words in general, you don't need the "the". If you were looking for some concrete word or words, then you will need the "the" to indicate so.

I need a dictonary to look for the words you requested me.
You don't say "the dictionary" since any dictionary is ok for you, but you say "the words" since you are looking for some certains words someone requested you to look for.

In any case, I think everyone will understand you perfectly even if you don't use the future or use some extras "the". I still doing it from time to time if I tell you the truth lol.

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#769 Ah, ok. I understand you, and i agree :) .


#782 i think the meaning is different using the future and the present

Like in spanish:


#785 I did not say the sentence was grammatically incorrect, it just sounded wired to me. Personally I believe there is a difference between:
When people get confidence they start doing things
When people get confidence they will start doing things

The first one is more of a rule, that's what the original poster intended, IMHO.
The second one is more of an assumption. Obviously all of the above is my personal perception of the English language as my 3rd language. (Spanish is my 2nd :) )

In addition, I did not quite understand if there is a need for the "the" particle between "looking for" and "words". :-/

#783 hmmmm 340K ppl (US + Canada) vs 62M (UK)..... i do not think you can ignore then anymore, unfortunately.

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I think would be useful for users who want to learn english, add to each post a spoiler at the end with the translation. Its just a suggestion :)

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#790 Is a nice suggestion, I will continue with it, anyone with us?


#788 *Just a small correction ;) : "I didn't said that the sentence was grammatically incorrect, it's just sounded weird to me". Greetings, your english is good, I'll give you some tips so u can improve your english day by day, I'll suggest you to watch a movie without subtitles and try to understand what's the main base of the story, the plot of the movie, etc.. That's all buddy I'm looking forward for your advance ;)
Take Care.

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Hello! This is my first time posting here and well my english is bad , really bad, but i will try to not make mistakes.

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#793 "but i will try to not make" change it to "try not to make", i think that's the only thing you wrote bad ;P

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#793 Everything ok, except "i will try to not make" which should be "i will try not to make" ;)



#792 Thanks bloke, but who knows he might of been wired ;)
But yeah - stupid typo.
Believe it or not, the 99% of shows/movies/TV I watch is in English.
BTW your English is very good too, I wonder if you are

I mean that it's your first language.

Never the less there is lot of room for improvement. I need to become more versatile by using more words. In addition to the never ending struggle with th(e/a)n and st(a/u)ff.

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Can someone tell me the diference between bukkake and gangbang?

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#797 A friendly paint to explain the basic difference of those two physical activities.


I still feel like no-one has yet found Brian...

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#800 He is in a better place now...


#796 Might of been? You mean might HAVE been, don't you :/
And you made the "wired" mistake again. Stop weirdly pronouncing things in your head if you don't know how to spell them out first! I think that is your main problem. Before attempting to make your pronunciation flowy, you should learn how to spell words. If necessary, pronounce them the wrong way inside your head. Pronounce stuff /stuf/ and staff /staf/. When you actually LEARN them, when you're reading the CORRECT pronunciation will come to your head. When I am in doubt of how a word was spelt I just read it "wrong" inside my head. I don't know if you get what I mean.
I didn't intend to sound bitchy so excuse me if I came out mean or anything. It's just that some mistakes bug the crap out of me.

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#802 too many people write of instead have , when they are using third conditional


to be fair a lot of english people also use 'of' when it should be 'have'


How can I say: Ellos PODRÁN..?

I mean Future + can...?

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#805 will be able to

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They will can do whatever they want to

#806 It is not correct the way I said it?

#809 Thank you, big mistake

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#806 sorry i don't think that is much of an excuse... English speaking people also confuse since and sense (or sence), and it doesn't make it any better!

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#807 You can't write can and will together

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The goat!, the goat!, the bitch of the Goat!, the mother who bore her!, I had a goat who was called Asuncion!

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