Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


of course.


What's the best part about fucking twenty one year olds?

There are twenty of them.



You don't have any restriction to enter on discotheques.

PD: My english are very bad, sorry if i failed.


Someone knows they way for understand the women? I'm so tired of try it, and I don't know If I'll reach my target (understand them) some day.



An axiom of this life it's: Dont understand women, just fuck'em all. It's more practical, healthy and you two will be happy.


But... It's too late, I fell in love of one of them, and now I'm so fucked up, 'cause after two years of relationship, she loves me, but she's starting to have feelings for another guy.

A_L B_T_H_S?



I know what you're feeling, and if you accept and advice, I think you should forget she as soon as you can, it's hard and you'll cry, but it's the only solution for your problem. Delete her phone, her email and her msn. Try to get out of all the things you have in common with she and go having fun every day you can.

And obviously, fap you every day.


I won't follow your advice... 'cause I preffer that she fap me. And more when I know I'm so much better than that vulture. She just need to ride my... xD

Anyways, I won't understand her never.



Jane you, Tarzan me, english good people practice.



#128 You don't need to understand them, just love them. If you really love her, fight for it or you'll might be blaming yourself for a long time.


#123 Errr... it's a joke, man. A gross one, btw.


I have a question. Whats the best website to learn english online? I remember one website recommended by mv-users... Anyone remember that?


by the way, happy st patricks day! wish i was there to get clean bad!muahaha


#132 The best way, in that century, to learn English are the series and movies in VOS, you will learn some of the most expressions used in differents contexts and conversations, and obviously a lot of vocabulary that will enrich your English conversations and last but not less important, the right pronunciation of the differents words and expressions.

#133 Happy St Patricks day to you too, think in green and smoke weed :3


#134 Your reply looks like a 1st grade template... :-)


My banana have hungry.


#134 Watching VOS movies might help you get used to the sounds, and may be learn a few words and so on, but you definitely won't LEARN it, as in being fluent or anything like that.
Don't mean to be annoying but the expression in english is "last but not least".

When I first moved to Dublin I started watching telly with subtitles. I don't know if it helped my english but at least I was able to kind of understand what was going on in the movie or whatever. The bad thing is, to this day I would still turn the subtitles on if available. It's not like I even look at them anymore, but it's after becoming a habit :S


#137 It's funny to see how you're using a spanish acronym in an english writing :-P

#139 -> 'by hearing'


#137 babys learn their language ONLY hearing it.


#138 Yeah, that's because I can't remember how to say it in english (and I've tried!!!!!), plus every one else was using it in this page and it's not like you wouldn't understand.

#139 Indeed, but they hear the language ALL the time, not just for the couple of hours a film my last, and other than that I don't see any babies here.
A small chill will pick up a language in a few weeks no problem with an accent and all, but at twenty something you can try but I can assure you it won't happen...I wish it did though!!


#135 I've used 1st grade template because this is 1rst grade thread, anything i want is that all the people that will visit this thread has the opportunity to understand anything that we talk here, if you want to talk serious business english c'mon, but i think that this thread is for practice english, sorry if it sounds like fuckin' template it was not my intention :_

#137 Thanks for remark me the right expression ;P

#138 - #140 Me too, I don't remeber the right acronym for 'orginal version with subtitles', in my mind, OVS sounds terrible, anyway i think that for spanish people like us VOS is understanable, but i know that is not the corret one, and i've tried to remember it, but was imposible, my english vocabulary is old fashioned : /

P.D Sorry for my English, i have been not using for almost 3 or 4 years, my grammatical expressions are so fuckin' eyes harmful.

#141 Im relaxed :_ but im with you it sounds so weird


#141 Relax bro, I just wanted to point out that those kind of templates sound weird IRL.


We should make more threads like this, English is awesome, maybe just make MV English only actually...


I find this kind of threads really funny because 99 per cent of the people are writing stuff with no relation to the thread just to show how good their English is.

PS: Yes, that's what I'm doing right now.


#141 Nah, your english is pretty good. Just thought I'd mention it because I would like people to tell me this type of things as well, otherwise how would we learn, right?


Here Comes...

Zup people?

I noticed everyone speak/write formal english, that is shit, we need to speak english like in the hood, not like niggas, but a informal english LOL.

So here's my proposal:

Translate wat we can't complete:
Objetive: prepare your ears and try to understand what the hell
is happening.

Example: satan is my friend (song)

I bet all get fun hearing this shit.

Is fucking oldwesome!



(sorry i do not know the english)


#140 i'm learning in that way. Only watching english series.

I know i'm not going to learn it at all; but think about i want to learn it hard in the future, it'll be easier.

Besides I can get a lot of words and sentences i didn't when I left the school. (time when I stop learning english)

So I know more english now than 3 years ago.


Anybody can recommended any english, irish o scottish tv or film with VOS?¿



WTF is this shit? Who's Brian?

#144 I agree after reading this thread.

#149 Dead Set, Skins, Survivors, Life on mars and Misfits

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