Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


my friend v1sta only crying because I ganked him with allistar , what i do about it?

1 respuesta

#1561 KILL HIM!


#1559 Yea, that was the name!

Well as far as I know the differences between those and Cambridge's are that Cambridge's are valued in europe only while TOEFL is for America. However, TOEFL got expiration date as some people said so I don't understand why should I take TOEFL's instead.

Here I see everybody taking Cambridge's, so I did and looking for job I doubt you would even have any problem at USA since I'm certainly sure they won't even know what does those certifications means. They will make you an interview to check whether your english skills (spoken) are good enough or not which actually and obviously is the best way to know your skills.

So, yea, I'm gonna take the Advance in this year probably =/
So I would suggest you to take Cambridge's due to It's non existant expiration date.


#1559 I have taken it. It does expire after 2 years.

It's just like the CPE but still it's much more straightforward. Also, they are much more forgiving about Americanisms, in fact they allow them just as much as other British words.
It costs about $240.


Well, thanks for the info guys!

#1560 I was in doubt because although everydody said that TOEFL expires in 2 years, I wasn't able to find that info in the webstise. But yeah, it appears in there.

From what I've read, some colleges/universities specify a minimum TOEFL score to get into them. But, if you don't want that, I think Cambridge exam is the best option.

I was only asking because I'm more accustomed to AmE, rather than BE.

2 respuestas

#1565 You never know, some institutions may have agreements with the "people" in charge of handing over the TOEFL so they do ask for it, perhaps they get a cut from the 200 euros or so that the test costs. Either way, they shouldn't be able to say anything about Cambridge's certificates as they are valid worldwide.


#1565 I'm also more used to AE than BE, it scares me when it comes to the exams. When you say universities asking for TOEFL, do you mean american universities? Is it possible to get a scolarship to study there? It must be really hard.

1 respuesta

#1567 Yeah, I had a friend of mine near Rhode Island with a scholarship to an university. But he didn't need any test proving his English level. In fact, it was horrible xD.

Another one is in CA with a tennis scholarship. If your tennis is good enough, don't miss that chance!

1 respuesta

#1568 Hahaha no, I clearly suck at sports. I am not good at anything in particular, I guess I'm stuck in my town forever! If your friend's English was so bad, how did he get the scolarship? Was it pure luck?

1 respuesta

Excuse me, but I think that are wrong all of you: If you want to get TOELF, you must spend 1 year to take it; when you get it, then you can access to American Universities D: Anyway, Cambriged doesnŽt allow you to study in American Universities, but I believe that you can have it to work in America...

So then... Maybe... And I say MAYBE... Maybe i'm worng with this argue about FCE, Cambrigde and TOELF hahaha

PS: See you guys

1 respuesta

#1569 He sucked at English (not now) , but he's smart as hell and his academic record was brilliant, so... one year living it up in the States.


#1570 Spend one year? I seem to remember getting it in about 4 hours + the month I waited for the results.

1 respuesta

#1572 As I said: I'm wrong about argue about TOELF haha

PS: Kisses :D


#1501 #1503 #1504

your friend is not very smart as you thought, she copied the sentence, not from a web like most do but from a tv ad



Hahaha! To be honest she's very clever, she has always got excellent marks on exams. She had in "selectividad" 11 , not bad I think.

Btw, guys what book would you recommend me to read this summer? I would like a short but good book, easy to read and if it has some spanish help, better.

I find I'm loosing the ability a bit.

ps: correct me if anything is wrong, thanks ;D

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hello? there is some person around here?

1 respuesta

#1576 Is there anybody around here*!


#1575 what book would you recommend I read this summer?

i would like to read

I find I'm loosing the ability a bit. ? not sure what you mean, i would say: im getting worse at reading in english?

1 respuesta

I am wondering is someone knows if the "Escuela oficial de idiomas" of Valencia will have the next course the C1 English level. Now the website is down, due to that today was opened the preinscription and it is overloaded I guess. Im asking because I read that this year would be a new experimental C1 course for these schools.

1 respuesta

#1579 If I were you, I would stay waiting for tomorrow in order to phone them and ask for C1 course.

1 respuesta

#1580 Yeah I know that, I am just impatient haha


Could anyone recommend me an english book with useful vocabulary?

A few months ago I started to read "The lord of the flies" but is quite difficult for me and also I prefer something with a more useful vocabulary, expressions and grammar constructions.



I can't provide you with book titles, sorry. My prime source of English are motion pictures, series and such. Not books. If I know English now is because Prison Break and that gangsta talking that I so much love. :)


Carlos ‏@Carlixule

Tomorrow will know the preliminary tests about the research of Boson Higgs!| Mañana sabremos los resultados sobre el Boson de Higgs!

So then, tomorrow will be a Legen, Boson for it, dary! It will be a Legenbosondary day!

PS: I'm not DRUNK D:


#1578 I'm not sure if your corrections are okay ...

If someone can help us.

"what book would you recommend I read this summer?"

That one looks a bit strange... :S

2 respuestas

#1585 What book would you recommend for ME to read this summer

#1587 You're right, I missed the "for"

#1587 And I think you should say "recommend THAT I read", dont you agree?

1 1 respuesta

#1585 #1586 What book would you recommend me to read this summer is totally wrong

you can say what book would you recommend I read this summer
what book would you recommend that I read this summer

there might be few other ways to say the same, but these ones: recommend me / suggest me are wrong

1 respuesta

I'm reading "The hobbit" in Spanish right now and I don't find it as great as I remembered :(

2 respuestas

League of Legends.

1 respuesta

#1589 I heard it's an unskilled game.

1 respuesta
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