Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.



I'm done with the fucking English xD.


mmm... I'm wondering if you could help me. A few days ago I was listening to some Sonata Arctica's early era songs and I found a demo of one of my favourites songs. This demo has two stanzas which aren't present in the final version. I've been paying a lot of attention, but I'm still missing some words, I hope you'll be able to help me.

Those two stanzas begin at 4:23

And this is what I've understand so far

I [] you can't surprise me anymore
You have done it all before
But people's (sincking) more and more, anyhow
Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana

Things that you do
are meant to be cruel
but you're tearing me, (I fear say)
I'm writting you Dana,
I'm going away now,
leaving this all behind.

The brackets are words which I doubt about. The missing word at the start... Could be some kind of mispronounced "I've seen you"...?

2 respuestas

#1922 You got the lyrics on the internet.

I said, you can't surprise me anymore
You have done it all before
But people seek in more and more
Anyhow, Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana

They said you do I've made to be cruel
But you're turning me up inside
I'm writting you day now
I'm going away now
Leaving the soul behind

Dana O'Hara oh, Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O'Hara decided one day
to travel away, faraway.

#1925 Yeah, I think your corrections are good, I didn't check the lyrics xD.

1 respuesta


OK. Raise always has a direct complement


#1923 Thanks. Oh my God, I looked around a bit, but I found nothing.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure it says "Things that you do are ment to be cruel" and "I'm writting you Dana" and probably too "Leaving this all behind"... I'll check it tomorrow.

#1926 Yeah, I think it's what Tony actually sings

1 respuesta


It says

I said you can't surprise me anymore
You have done it all before
But people seek in more and more, anyhow
Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana

Things that you do
are meant to be cruel
but you're tearing me, up inside
I'm writting you Dana,
I'm going away now,
leaving this all behind.

1 respuesta

Hey guys. I got the final results of my FCE Practise, the results are x out 10 :D

Speaking: 8,5 / 10
Reading Comprehension: 9,5 / 10
Use of English: 3,5 / 10
Listening: 7 / 10
Writing 9/ 10

So I have to improve my vocabulary level and listening as well. I've decided to give a go to some books. I though about 1984 and the one who someone posted recently called ": The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" what do you think gents? :3

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As #1927 i'm looking for some books too. I'd like to improve my reading comprehension, which are the most commonly recommended books for a beginner?

I've never read any book in english before. Would be nice.

2 respuestas

#1927 Your results are stunning, congratulations!! :D

I was who posted about the second book you said (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time) :P. You've made a great choice, it's easy to read. 1984 is also great but more complicated than the other one, in my opinion. I would also recommend you "The Hunger Games". I read the whole saga in English and it's really good and easy to understand.

If you haven't got an ebook or something like that, you could try buying in Books are really really cheap.

#1928 It depends on your level, of course. I'd tell you to try a real book, not those which are prepared for children at school. At first you'll be like stuck at the dictionary but in the end you'll have learnt a lot. You could use those I mentioned before :).

1 respuesta

#1928 #1929

Really cheap, and you can underline unknown words and search it in a dictionary. I have Dracula and Oliver Twist.


For a nerd like my, I really enjoyed The Book of Cain, it talks about the lore of Diablo and the previous demons. It's really nice to read, except some weird words but atleast you learn about this weird words to approach weird moments:P

7 días después

The girl from the past brought his coffe, and Jeff stared out at the scattered lights of the half-built city as they came from the beneath the fading sky. The sun had disappeared beyond the red-clay hills that stretched towards Alabama, towards the years of sweeping and chaotic change, of tragedy and dreams.

  • Replay by Ken Grimwood

I'm enjoying this book, it's really well written.


Hi! I need to help to understand the use of the adverb "just". I know that "just" with a present/past perfect tenses is used to express actions that have/had happened recently, but I'm not very sure how I should interpret (¿interpretar?) the function of "just" in others tenses. For example...

Michael and I (1) engaged, so we went to a jewelry store to choose a wedding ring. I (2) a really nice diamond ring when a man with a mask and a gun came in. After the robber had taken Michael's wallet, he demanded the ring. I (3) it to him when the alarm started to go off, and the robber ran off. We were so relieved! But then the sales assistant told us we had to pay for the ring because I had given it to the robber! We (4) the sales assistant that we wouldn't pay for it when the police arrived and arrested us!! To tell you the truth, I've never had such a terrible experience!!

(1) A. just got

B. had just gotten

C. was getting

(2) A. were just choosing
B. just chose

C. had just chosen

(3) A. just handed
B. had just handed
C. were just handing

(4) A. just told
B. had just told
C. was just telling

I think the answers are (1) B, (2) C, (3) B, but in the question 4 I'm not so sure and doubt among B and C. Thanks in advance and sorry for the mistakes.

3 respuestas

My god, today my office is so empty... luckily i just have to be there till 14.30 :qq:



To be honest, I don't know the theory behind "just", is one of those things that come with practice, and after a while you just know when to say it. Just can be translated as "simplemente" and "justo ahora mismo", and a couple of things more, but sometimes is used for emphasis, so don't think too much about it, follow the advise given by a famous sports brand, and just do it.

I believe the last one is B, not A.

2 respuestas

#1933 I think corrects answers are... B/C/B/B. But as #1935 is saying, practising is how you get the correct use of it.

1 respuesta

#1933 I agree with: #1935 #1936

I would say:

  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B

I think a possible translation for this use of "just" is "acababa de hacer algo". For instance: 4. We had just told the sales assistant when the police arrived... ("Acabábamos de decirle al vendedor... cuando llegó la policía" ) - also it's impossible that the correct answer is C cause of the verb (We were - not we was).


Tests, tests everywhere

I missed my life as student at University :D


Just a weird question. Am I the only who can't understand the songs even when you can speak fluently with everyone? Is fucking frustating, I mean, I have a C1 or even more but I can't understand any song until I hear someone singing it in front of me or I read the letter.

3 respuestas

#1939 I know that feel bro :(


Just asking, how many of us didn't know or never realised that "interesting" is said "intresting" so far?

2 respuestas

#1941 well, it depends of the accent we're talking about.

#1943 which one, american or english ;)

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#1942 check the dictionary

#1942 even in the english one, the middle "e" appears between parentheses

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#1941 I did :D. I think it's a very representative word of the pronunciation of the sound schwa. Just like 'difference'.

I think it's a quite important sound in English. Maybe it's just me.

#1939 Yeah, man. Same thing here. In fact, I like rap and hip-hop song and it's quite difficult for me to understand the main part of them. Sometimes it's difficult even reading the lyrics and I've been studying English for years now. So... yeah, frustrating as hell. But I think it's usual. I have sometimes problems trying to understand the lyrics in Spanish songs... xD

1 respuesta

#1944 It's no wonder why people have problems with spanish lyrics and films, even for we the natives.
They just don't pronounce well.


#1939 it happens to me the same dude. I usually do lots of things in English such as watching films/shows, reading news, keeping up a fluent conversation but with songs? No way!It's so frustating to be honest.


Could you help me with a phrase? Yes, you will.

Well, i'm wondering which is the best translation for this spanish phrase:

"No eliges a tu familia, es el mayor regalo que la vida te ha dado al igual que tu para ellos."

I've a doubt here:

"You didn't choose your family, is the biggest life gift bring to you, as same you for them"

"You didn't choose your family, it's the greatest gift your life has given you as you for them"

Which is the best one? Or are those couple bad?

4 respuestas



"You don't choose your family. They are the biggest gift that life has given to you, as well as you are the greatest gift for them"

It sounds weird to me to not repeat the "gift" thingy in the last part and the other possibilities that occurred to me don't sound good at all. Also, I would use present tense in the first part of the sentence.

4 respuestas

#1947 #1948 Hey, I just googled that sentence out of curiosity and look what came up in the results:

you don't choose your family: they are god's gift to you as you are to them

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#1948 I was wrong in the first part in the spanish sentence, would be "No elegistes", that's why i wrote "You didn't ..."

#1949 sounds great.. ty :)

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