Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2760 Exactly X_D


Brit folks usually say 'to take a test'


#2759 oh, okey, thanks for your tips!


Without going to an English academy, i.e. by yourself, how do you improve your pronunciation?

I spend like 85% of the day writing, reading and listening in English. However, I never need to speak, and for this reason my pronunciation sucks as hell.

I have spoken with both native and non-native speakers, and although we "understand" each other, I see that they aren't really catching up everything I say.

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#2764 The older you are, the harder it's gonna be for you to get a good accent in another language. Speaking with native speakers is great, but you don't always have that option, so I recommend sitcoms. Most of them are easy to understand and they pronounce eveything in a way that you can "absorb" how it's done xD

Also, recording yourself and listening helps, since you can hear yourself and see what you pronounce wrong c:


I do not understand half of the things, Duolingo taught me little.


#2764 You just keep watching over and over things with english subtitles and making impressions of what you've listened. It works, I'm telling you.

The easy way is to be in an english speaking country though, obviously.

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#2767 I do that! I Just have conversations with myself. Of course not at loud voice because at this momento I am not insane and I dont want people to think so :P

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#2768 Well then you should otherwise you'll never learn. When you're on your own, alone at home. It might look like you've gone nuts, but it's really helpful xD

1 mes después

Hey there, how are you doing guys? It's been a long time without posting here. I just wanted to let you know that i failed the C1 test in order to get the advanced certificate :(:( Unfortunately I couldn't attend class so much this year due to a surgery and this made me miss several classes. In addition, I didn't take the whole thing seriously and I just didn't put enough effort on it.

I had to get 65% out of 100% and I got 60,25% :(:(. I enrolled for the next year'll be tough. I'm kind of discouraged but you gotta do what you gotta do, isn't it??

See you around!

3 respuestas

#2770 If you want to improve your English, read complicated books to expand your vocabulary and refine your syntax, it really helps. Also, if you're lucky enough to find someone whose English is precise, chat with that person. Practice is paramount in any study.

Ultimately those tests will become easier as you begin to treat the language as your own. You'll naturally use the most intelligible phrases without hesitating.

Find out where you failed the most on your exam. They usually get you in the writing and speaking sections, that's where it really shows whether you've got used to the language.

Anyway, best of luck for your next year!


#2770 I highly recommend you to take a look at your mistakes in the exam, otherwise you'll never know what skills you should practice more. To increase your level the 5% that you need is not really a big deal if you work hard and if you find out what you lack. At least, you know that you're very close to the level that is required, and if you keep practising, you'll success for sure.

With this result, I guess that at least you've been given b2 level, which could be useful as well. It's something...
Good luck, and if you have any doubts, don't hesitate in asking us :D

27 días después

Greetings wise community of Mediavida. I need your help. In this song I clearly hear in the first verse of the chorus 'Hammer warrior I am'. However everywhere in the internet say it says 'I'm the warrior, I am' which by the way doesn't make much sense to me. What do you think it actually says?

You can find the first time that verse is sang at 0:57

PS: It is to note that the cover of the single is a warrior bearing a battle hammer

1 respuesta

#2773 After having a couple of goes there is definately no /h/ sound where you assume there is. Whereas the word "the" is clearly pronounced afterwards. Of course there is the possibility that they made it in purpose, musicians take their chances as much as possible, you see.

2 respuestas

#2774 Then I guess we need more opinions because I clearly hear the /h/ sound but I don't hear any /d/ sound. I checked with a cousin of mine who speaks english (He's spanish, so he has no ultimate opinion) and he agrees with me. Perhaps I will check later with a friend who speaks english as well but she isn't home right now so I can't ask her for help yet. Another problem is that the album isn't out yet, just that song, so we don't have 'official lyrics' (anyway I've seen a lot of clear mistakes in the 'official lyrics')

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#2775 Don't know about the rest, but I have to insist. It's even more obvious at 1:56. We might as well wait and see, but in my honest opinion there is no such mystery ;D


I'm actually living in Pokrovnik (Bulgaria) for an entire month, any related questions? Want to know anything about it?



thing seriously and I just didn't put enough effort into it

you gotta do what you gotta do, haven't you??


Hi, I am an university student, and I looking for tips to pass English B1, specifically, the oral exam.

1 respuesta

#2779 The key for every English exam (every language exam, indeed) is to practise a lot. Usually people have two problems with speaking:

1) Lack of vocabulary, when you are writing, you can think plenty of time, write the sentence using another words if you realise you can not write it in the way you thought at first and that kind of stuff. However, when you are speaking you must think quickly and, while you can sometimes start a sentence from the beginning (We do that even when speaking in our mother tongue), you can not do it many times if you want to keep talking fluently. To avoid this you want to practise English, in a general way.

2) Pronunciation. That's pretty straightforward, just speak and listen as much as you can and you will slowly improve.

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#2780 It is cannot ;)


Thanks, i will search some form to speak english with natives.

1 respuesta
9 días después

I'm writting an essay about holidays and I don´t know how to translate this sentence: "por lo que, para mí, cualquier tipo de vacaciones es bienvenida".

A holiday is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. It gives you a break from your routine and a chance to reconnect with family and friends, so any kind of holidays are welcome for me/to me/by me

Me suena mal con cualquiera de las opciones.

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Tomorrow I have my math exam and the heart attack is aproaching


The best wayt to catch the craic in this fucking language is to need it everyday. You have, you should survive just in ENglish


#2783 I think you don't really have to use it in any of the languages, but if I had to use one I'd choose "for me".
Correct me someone if Im wrong.

Also, I would like to know if advanced certificate is really hard compared to first, because most of us who are in forums have a decent level just by watching videos or reading english websites. I think someone told me once that if you get a decent mark on the first certificate (maybe above 70% or like that) you could get the advanced certificate too. Could that be true?


#2773 #2774 I can finally unveil the 'mistery'. I have the CD in my hands and what it says is 'I'm a warrior, I am' That makes sense.

Since the video has been deleted I post the official one (without lyrics) in case anyone wants to check:

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#2787 damn ear of mine. I was so convinced!

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#2787 i prefer viking metal, be a viking is so much better, meh haha

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#2788 I was as well... At the end of it it was some kind of 'middle ground' between what you said and what I said.

#2789 While I prefer power, that is no reason to stop me from screaming 'LONG LIVE VIKING METAL!'

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