

#1470 madre mia son jodidamente awesome los muñecos, he ido a su web y aqui hay bastantes fotos

Pero no tiene en stock, los hace por encargo

I don't usually keep items in stock like most stores, because almost everything I sell is handmade one at a time - I have sales at specific times and dates throughout the year, because of the smaller number of things I have to offer. If you'd like to know when the next sale is going to happen, just keep up with this blog, my Facebook page, my Twitter account, my Instagram account, or my Tumblr page (links to all of these are on the right column of this site)

I will always announce sales well ahead of time!

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#1471 sí, creo recordar que fui a mirar los bichitos porque me enamoré y de 300-400€ no bajan :X


Vengo con imágenes malrolleras:

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#1473 Debo decir que me gustan, soy una morbosa de lo creepy macabro. Pero tío, hay algunas ahí que tpm xD


Leyendo el hilo me estoy encontrando con usuarios contado varias experiencias y da la casualidad de que todavía conservo, y no sólo en mi memoria, lo segundo más creepy que me ha pasado en mi vida. Cuando estudiaba en la escuela de diseño usaba bastante una cámara estenopeica hecha por mí mismo, not a big deal, viene a ser una caja con un agujero, pero me gustaba y me sigue gustando cómo saca las instantáneas. Imaginad cuál fue mi asombro en la sala de positivado cuando me encuentro, en una de estas, con una persona con bata y capucha sentada en el fondo de una mesa. Allí no había nadie cuando yo saqué la fotografía (que tengo apuntado llevó 95 segundos), esa es la sala de profesores y ninguno de estos, de tamaño de un pívot de la nba, se escapó del manicomio para corregir exámenes de tal guisa en pleno verano. El papel lo corté yo mismo, lo metí yo mismo y lo revelé yo mismo así que no sé qué coño pasó, seguramente el papel estaba defectuoso, una casualidad que antes de revelar no se ve, pero cuanto menos es curioso y fue bastante... sorprendente cuando, solo, en esa sala donde suelen pasar este tipo de cosas en las películas de terror, lo vi.

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#1475 ostras, yo también he revelado fotos así y por suerte no me ha salido nada raro... Menudo cague.

Tengo un amigo francés que siempre saca fotos con su cámara analógica y en lugares abandonados

Siempre me ha dado cague lo de sacar una foto y que luego al verla en casa haya otra cosa de la que no era consciente en ese momento!

Yuyus maximus!


#1473 me flipa


#1475 Me acabo de hacer caca encima. Mis dieces.


#1475 Valgame


#1467 Me ha encantado, no pega mucho aquí, pero gracias :)


#1473 ñe la foto esa de Semana Santa.... Jajajaja

Al menos hubieran cogido la del silencio en Granada..... Esa es macabra hasta sin meter efectos y filtros xDD
Apagan todas las luces por su recorrido, no lleva banda, los penitentes de negro con grilletes y descalzos, lo único que se escucha es la cadenas arrastrar y un tambor marcar el paso y lo único que se ve la luz de unos faroles que llevan....

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#1481 Me da un poco de mal rollete, sobre todo en blanco y negro....


Visto en el hilo de 4Chan, muy creepy, buen disfraz de Halloween:


Joder que grima no? XDDDDDDD


Me parto jajaja


El vídeo y la canción me encantan, pero es bastante creepy todo.

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Creepy no se,cutre un rato la noticia

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#1486 ¿Qué tiene eso de creepy? Creepy es esto:


#1486 pues a mí eso no me parece creepy xD. Los movimientos de la coreografía y la niña dan bastante mal rollo, rondan el uncanny valley xD

#1492 está buenísimo, no encuentro una palabra para describir lo mucho que me pone en este vídeo xDDDD


Creepy es ver una mano salir de un WC... De pequeño me aterraba esa idea.


#1487 Putos americanos moralistas. El video puede tener cientos de interpretaciones y ven escándalo donde no lo hay.

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#1486 Qué tocho se está poniendo transformino no ?



#1491 Claro, porque solo los americanos dijeron eso.

En fin, eh. Verwensita.




Historias de Babysitters y niños en general...

  1. "I was babysitting a kid and we were watching TV in his basement. All of a sudden, he shuts the TV off and whips his head to stare at the wall behind him. He stared for a solid 3 minutes and said, "not now." and continued watching TV. A few minutes later he looked at the wall again and said, "I'll see you later ok?!" I was so freaked out."

  2. "Two years ago, I was looking through my school yearbook with my 5 year old cousin. When we came to the page with my Year 2 class on it, she pointed to a boy's photo and said, "That looks just like Nicolas!" When I asked who Nicolas was she just said, "The boy in my closet" and continued to look through the pictures. I almost died."

  3. "My little nephew used to talk about a woman who would visit his room at night. He said she wore a red dress, that her name was Frannie and that she would sing to him... And that she floats."

  4. "A few years ago, I was putting my friend's daughter to bed for the night. She was about 3 at the time, and she was at that stage where she'd regularly fight going to sleep. She asked me why she had to go to bed, and I said, "Because it is late and it's time for little girls to get a good nights rest." She then pointed at nothing across the room and said, "What about that little girl?""

  5. "Little kids know some weird stuff. My niece is 4 and talks about her "older sister" constantly. She is always talking to her too. She is an only child and has no idea her mother had a miscarriage a few years ago."

  6. "I was heading to the bathroom on the second floor of my aunties house when I saw my cousin, April, on the stairs. She was 4 at the time so very hyperactive. She was busy making funny faces while sitting on the stairs. I asked her what she was doing. She said, "I'm copying the lady with the braid." I looked around, there was no one else but us. I asked her, "Where is the lady, April?" She pointed to a beam running parallel to the stairs. I asked April, "What is the lady doing?" She said, "Making funny faces." Thinking nothing of it, I started walking up the stairs again when April said something that stopped me in my tracks. "Her braid is around her neck." I turned around and asked April to repeat herself. April pointed upwards, "The lady is hanging by her braid... She's making funny faces." Then April started making a face which I then realised was someone gasping for air."

  7. "I lost my boyfriend to a stray bullet a few months back and when I went to visit his little cousin a few days after it happened, he came up to me while I was crying. He asked me why I was crying and so I told him that I missed my boyfriend. He had this confused look on his face and then said, "Why? He's sitting on the doorstep."

  8. "I once babysat a girl called Sarah who used to love when I went round. Her Mum used to tell me how she always requested me over the others. One evening, Sarah took things a step further by saying, "When you die I want to put you in a glass jar so I can keep you and see you forever."

  9. "I was watching my neighbour's 3 year old daughter, and she looked up at me and asked, "When's the baby going to come out of your tummy?" Two days later I found out I was pregnant."

  10. I was watching my nephew and I asked him what he was colouring. "A skeleton making machine" was his response. A quick glance over his shoulder revealed that he was not colouring a skeleton-maker, he was in fact designing a flesh removal machine, complete with rivets for channeling blood."

  11. "One night I was babysitting my friend's children. The youngest, aged 5, drew a picture of a woman hanging from the ceiling, looked up at me and said, "She told me to draw this. She's coming for you. Hide.""

  12. "I was cuddling my friend's 3 year old son and he said, very seriously, "I promise I won’t ever chew on your bones. I promise."

  13. "A few years ago I was babysitting a friend's daughter. They lived in an apartment with a big patio window. She walked up to the glass door leading out to the patio and stared, motionless, into the night for several minutes. Shortly after, she ran into my arms saying, "Scary. Too scary." She wouldn't let me put her down and demanded that I hold her and rock her for the next half an hour. Eventually she started repeating over and over, "The dark coming inside now. The dark coming inside now."

  14. While babysitting a 6y/o boy, he took his puppy, held it up, and started saying, "Crucify it! Crucify it! Crucify it!"

15."A toddler I was watching woke up in the middle of the night screaming about something under his bed. I checked and told him, "Go back to sleep, there's nothing under there." His reply? "He's behind you now.""

  1. I was babysitting over night. Both kids sleep walk and talk in their sleep. The oldest was crying in his sleep, got up, and locked himself in the bathroom. It took a while to get him out.

I ended up sleeping on the couch. In the middle of the night I woke up feeling like someone was watching me. He was standing next to the couch. I said, "what are you doing?" His response? "The man watches you when you sleep." And then he walked back to bed. I didn't go back to sleep.

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This story seems to date back to at least 2008. Unfortunately, the name of the original author is lost in the ether. Pity. Someone that can come up with such a bizarre and disturbing story and keep the tone so under control that it stays intriguing and believable deserves more credit.In a mundane farm house, a woman is found burned to death in an oven. A camera is pointed at the oven, but there is no tape inside. However, a tape seemingly from the camera is discovered by a well behind the house. It shows the woman coming into the shot, setting the oven, climbing inside, and then closing the door after her. After some time, violent banging and shrieking happens inside the oven and smoke begins to emerge.

But analysis of the woman in the video and the woman discovered in the oven concludes they are not the same person, based on height and stature. Cremating a human being takes two to three hours at 312 degrees Celsius (593 °F), so it can be reasonably assumed that a commercial stove would leave her sufficiently intact for such analysis. How any of this came to be is left for the readers to attempt to imagine in their nightmares.

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#1498 flipo un poco con esa historia... ¿qué tipo de horno tenía que cabe una mujer (por muy canija que fuera) y que llegue a 300ºC? ¿y no podía salir?

¿De dónde ha salido esa historia?

Es interesante la verdad

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#1499 Es una leyenda urbana que lleva circulando bastante tiempo, en todo caso está de dónde lo saqué:

Esta página es muy interesante sobretodo para lecturas rápidas y para la gente como yo que no duerme, son listas en plan "Las 10 historias más xxxxx" o "10 interesantes xxxxxx" etc etc. Y si buscáis el apartado de creepy y miedito.

Ahí tenéis una fuente inagotable de cosas creepy.

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