FEDAchat - El chat de la pseudomona


Acabo de ver unas fotos. Qué hambre me acaba de entrar! :qq:


#8639 Esa es la edad propia para probar la heroína, total, si te enganchas vas a durar poco

1 1 respuesta


apúntame a tu equipo en el apocalipsis vale?

Qué conocimientos y habilidades tienes sobre ese tema?

1 respuesta

Yo sé como fabricar drogas

1 2 respuestas

he sido constituido como ser humano en la época en la que mas degradada está el status de "Macho Alfa". De hecho está perseguido. Mi único aporte a la sociedad en un supuesto mundo post apocaliptico sería entretener a las tropas con monologos y chistes de como antes nos peleabamos los de izquierdas y derechas y que ahora nuestro enemigo en común son los zombies/aliens


#8645 Y no sabes hacer explosivos?

2 respuestas

#8645 Yo se como consumirlas, podemos formar equipo táctico

#8647 Anda mira, esto si se hacer....QUE ES BROOOOOMA AUDIENCIA NACIONAL :pensive:


Yo puedo diseñar maquinas. Aunque no esperais que haga motores.

1 respuesta

#8642 joder, me has leido el pensamiento???? pero vamos el jako no te mata, te mata el no tener dinero para jako


#8649 ¿No sabes bobinar un motor de jaula de ardilla?


Tanta preocupación de la energía cuando es facilísimo...


#8647 también, lo difícil sería encontrar los componentes y decidir si se quieren para uso sanitario, drogas o explosivos


a ver ke voy haciendo la alineación:
russito: drogas
abath: alimentación
n3kro: maquinaria
don verde: conocimientos para una nueva sociedad


El puto Yago de Cosas Militares no da una en los vídeos. En el último con el puto audio pillado de la cámara. Se lo dicen en el chat y cuando lo va a mirar no lo llega a hacer porque dice que le trolean xDDD

2 1 respuesta

#8644 tiooo, nací y me crié en un barrio con las casa a 50 metros de fabricas humeantes y contaminantes..te vale?


naciste en STALKER?

1 respuesta

La diputación del Regne señores la diputación del Regne


los Regne son los americanos paletos, no?



esta al lado de Sestao?

1 respuesta

#8660 no, no estao


So researching how gunpowder was being made during the Sengoku period and how guns rose to prominence during this turbulent times I found that it was the Portuguese who sold two muskets to Tanegashima Tokitaka.

It was Nobunaga in 1549 who ordered 500 matchlock rifles be made for his army and was a deciding force in his campaign for unification.

Although it was said that Japanese longbows could shoot farther, faster and more accurately but shooting a bow looks easy but takes a lot of practice and experience to be good at it. The samurais although romanticized as being skilled swordsmen in using their katanas were often masters of the bow and used this primarily in warfare.

It took a lot of time and training for these archers to be good while a matchlock rifleman could be trained with less time and effort to be effective in battle.

A gun without gunpowder is just a pipe and so the creation of gunpowder is a vital part of the war effort.

Huge places were created to mix in the necessary ingredients.

Charcoal could be easily obtained, Sulfur could be mined from volcanic areas but saltpeter was a bit more difficult because it had a very specific condition that needed to be met before it would form.

Making saltpeter

So going back to the Anime drifters they hauled the bodies and dumped it into the pit which had urine, manure, straw and grass in it. Nobunaga with a devilish grin states that after some time it will become black powder (gunpowder) but he also needs sulfur and orders the female buxom mage to get him sulfur.

So what is going on with that pit. Reading on how saltpeter is made there were two lower tech ways to make.

French method

Niter-beds are prepared by mixing manure with either mortar or wood ashes, common earth and organic materials such as straw to give porosity to a compost pile typically 4 feet (1.2 m) high, 6 feet (1.8 m) wide, and 15 feet (4.6 m) long.[18] The heap was usually under a cover from the rain, kept moist with urine, turned often to accelerate the decomposition, then finally leached with water after approximately one year, to remove the soluble calcium nitrate which was then converted to potassium nitrate by filtering through potash.

Swiss method

A process using only urine and not dung, referring to it as the Swiss method. Urine is collected directly, in a sandpit under a stable. The sand itself is dug out and leached for nitrates which were then converted to potassium nitrate using potash, as above.

It is a long process where urine needs to be constantly added so the mixture does not dry out and the bacteria given sufficient material to decompose usually straw but in Nobunaga's case were the dead bodies.

It would be then filtered and strain, the liquid boiled leaving a whitish crystal powder. This is then mixed with the charcoal and sulfur and pressed into pellets giving it enough space to efficiently burn and you have gunpowder!

It modernized warfare and replaced many weapons like swords and spears and became the weapon of choice for waging war from East to West.

I remember a history lesson of when the Philippines were colonized by the Spaniards they used the 3 G's, Guns, Gold and God.

Con cadáveres y pis os hago pólvora y a partir de ahí dominamos a los bárbaros a nuestro alrededor.


Que pin que pan!


#8655 Siempre la lia con el mapa, y el otro dia se tiró unos cuantos minutos con la musica del inicio puesta mientras hablaba.
Es lo que tiene no tener en una pestaña el stream para comprobar que todo lo que ve la gente esta bien.

1 respuesta

#8664 Sí, ya se. Me estoy viendo todos los vídeos que sube pero es que lo del audio es para matarlo. El último vídeo lo he dejado a medias porque no hay cristo que aguante ese sonido de mierda todo el rato xD

1 respuesta

me huele el pito a canela


a ver


#8665 Con los de por tierra mar y aire me pasa lo mismo. Cuando habla el viejo que lleva todo lo de mar le se oye un puto pitido continuo. Y me suelo saltar esos programas.


El mercadoba tiene buena empanada gallega?

1 respuesta

El mercadoba

no sé, pero será adobada

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