Nation States (Union de Mediavideros)


#150 Tranqui, cualquier caso que hagas va a cambiar todo mil veces


Yo tengo una economia de mierda... me pone "Basket case", estoy en 4/100 xDDDDD


Tengo la economía más potente de MV en el sector pizzero Fuck Yeah!


Estoy dentro. Ahora qué¿?


A spectacular but failed attempt on your life made national news today. Interrogation of captured suspects has pinned the blame on agents of the nation of Blackacre, with which Hellouthere has notoriously chilly relations. Your cabinet is divided as to how to respond.

The Debate

1"Assassins, huh? Well, two can play at that game!" says Warren McCue, your chief military adviser. "An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! An assassination for a... missed shot, I suppose. Never mind that, think of the possibilities! Not only can we strike back at the scumbags who sent this assassin after you, we can turn our attention to... 'manipulating' the positions of foreign leaders and political rivals that stand in the way of Hellouthere's glory." He then points two fingers at the wall and mouths 'bang bang' noises.

2"Sending assassins to avenge you isn't enough!" argues hawkish talk-show host, Konrad Nagasawa. "The fact that Blackacre is this bold means we haven’t made them fear us yet - and a nation that isn’t feared isn’t respected. We need to do the only thing we CAN do: bomb their cities! Raise a revolution! Salt their fields! It may cost money, but our nation’s honor is priceless."

3"I can't believe what I'm hearing!" says the muffled voice of Freddy Longfellow, an anti-violence protestor who was, until now, hiding in your air vents. "By building up our military-industrial complex, WE have become the aggressor. WE are giving nations like Blackacre good reasons to hate us! No wonder they tried to kill you - we aren't giving them enough breathing room. If we cut back our military a bit and sent them a fruit basket now and then these problems would never happen

atentados a mi... bombardeemos todo


Yo tenía pensado hacer una dictadura pero he decidido tomar el camino de la democracia, prohibiendo las "donaciones" a partidos políticos y no obedeciendo a mi "hermano" que decía que a tomar por culo la democracia:

"Frankly, I don't see why we need to have elections at all," says your brother, Falala Li, over a late-night malt whiskey. "You always seem to know what's best. Why not scrap the whole political system? It would make things so much simpler."


Yo estoy intentando hacer las cosas como las haría en realidad.

Una pregunta. Qué pasa si no se contesta a ninguna opción o se le da a dismiss?

Es que vaya mierda de opciones me dan, no me gusta ninguna... xD

1 respuesta

#157 Que te conviertes en ZP que como no le gustaba ninguna de las opciones pasaba de la crisis xD

1 1 respuesta

#158 Y una mierda! Mi economía está creciendo y si el juego funciona bien no creo q ue tenga ningún problema económico (que algo entiendo de esto).

PD: Me ofende que me compares con ZP... xD


Yo tb estoy contestando de corazón; acabo de legalizar la compraventa de órganos xd

1 respuesta

Mi pais es : El imperio del punto rojo ( cogi la bandera de japon xD ) y mi moneda es el juejjj


La tercera opción es bastísima xDDDDDDDDD

The Issue

During the construction of a new Hyper-Mega-Ultra-Super Mall, construction workers have unearthed what appears to be an ancient temple. A furious debate has arisen between those who wish to preserve it, and those who need their retail therapy.

The Debate

"This is the perfect opportunity to learn more of our nation's history!" says Professor Miranda Falopian, head of the archaeological department of the Arestelus History Museum. "All building work must be halted immediately so that my team can study this remarkable piece of our nation's past. To bury these ruins under some concrete eyesore would be criminal!"

This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.

"It's all very nice to get to know some more about our past," argues foreman Akira Dredd. "But that's just the thing! It's the past! We must think of the future. If you allow those decrepit fossils to take over this place, you put at risk the future of our economy! Today it's archaeological digs, tomorrow it's 'preservation of the environment'. Just let me bulldoze the worthless pile of rubble and bury it under a few hundred tonnes of concrete."

"Behold, the hour has arrived! The Holy Temple of Firefury Amahira has been unearthed!" proclaims Yon-Zhauryg v'Klot, leader of the Cult of the Undead Phoenix. "This land is sacred, and must not be befouled by these corporations! No-one but the enlightened children of Firefury must be allowed to venture inside our rediscovered sanctuary, where we will perform the required rituals to please the Great Goddess and prevent Her from unleashing Her wrath upon the world."


"There is another way, you know..." whispers Thomas Longbottom, the Chief of Secret Projects and Shiny Things in Netzaj's military research department. "What if we started taking children and raising them from birth to fight? We'd be able to make them completely immune to propaganda, psychological warfare, and demoralisation. Not only would that stop the crying new recruits, it'd also give us a powerful military edge. People may not like giving up their kids, but that's why we run the country. We know better."

Moción aprobada. Me convencieron con "We know better"

#160 Yo lo hice y por lo visto los estudiantes de mi Sagrado Imperio se pusieron a vender órganos para ganarse unos nobeles (el nobel es mi moneda)


Me han aceptado en la WA ^^


¿Cual es la gracia del juego? ¿Como se mejora?


Me mola ser un Father Knows Best State.

1 respuesta

Esto empieza a sonar mejor

75 minutes ago: Following new legislation in Netzaj, the lowest age at which one can marry has been recently lowered to 12.
13 hours ago: Following new legislation in Netzaj, newborns are being raised as mindless killing machines.

#166 Yo también soy un Father Knows Best


As crime rates rise, some in the community are calling for increased policing.

The Debate

  • "Just the other day, I got mugged in the broad daylight!" says ruffian Thomas Love. "And the ironic thing is I had just stuck up this other guy. When muggers are getting mugged, even I have to admit that crime has gotten out of control. We do need more police."

  • "The solution to crime is not more police!" says noted sociologist and occasional crime novelist Colin Johnson. "Studies repeatedly show that crime is caused by poverty and poor education. Increase government spending in these areas, and crime will fall! Maybe not overnight, but it will happen."

  • "Yeah, good luck with that," says conservative leader and gun enthusiast Buffy Wong. "Look, we do need more police, that's clear. But that's not enough. We need real punishments: sentences that will act as a genuine deterrent to people considering a life of crime. Like public floggings."

Yo lo he mandado a tomar por culo y he cogido la tercera opción, go pena de muerte.

#168 Ya, ya, pero supongo que estará implicado en esa elección... "sentences that will act as a genuine deterrent to people considering a life of crime" Digo yo que las flagelaciones son un ejemplo, no lo único que vayamos a hacer.

Espero que ahorquen a ladrones en la plaza del pueblo.

1 respuesta

#168 Has escogido "flagelaciones en público", nada de pena de muerte xD


Decidí fichar a todos mis ciudadanos y la he liado... me ha bajado todo... xD

1 respuesta

#170 Códigos de barras quizás? Yo también la cagué con lo mismo, es lo que tiene no tomar el concepto "barcoding citizens" de forma literal xD

1 respuesta

#171 Eso mismo. Pensaba q era hacerles un dni y ya está. xD

EDIT: Lo dicho, no les pongáis códigos de barras. xD


yo tambien me he metido, soy la republica de gonzalion. a ver k tal sale la cosa!

1 respuesta

#173 xd


¿Cómo es posible que tenga tan en la mierda la economía, si hago las cosas más guapas? xDD

Soy como el Zapa ...


lol sin economía xDDD


Me acaba de llegar la de los barcodings, he optado por la privacidad de mis ciudadanos, así soy yo, tan pronto estoy flagelándoles en público como quitándoles las cámaras de vigilancia.


hay algo que no entiendo en lo de la Union Mediavida , porque siendo la mierda de imperio que soy que trato a los ciudadanos como putillas y no tengo sector privado en mi imperio, asciendo de puesto en el rank ?


A mi la gráfica no me hace mas que bajar. =(


La relacion al puesto que ocupas basicamente va en relacion al perfil politico que marcas.

Da igual que tu economia sea una mierda si las politicas que aplicas no son coherentes al sistema politico que tienes definido.

Yo en 2 días he pasado de puesto 112 al 12 con ela juste en el perfil politico.

Usuarios habituales

  • NocAB
  • Dacecifo
  • Sphere
  • Netzach
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  • HukymaN