Omegle, habla con algún extranjero random


uff que tochaco :(


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: moi
Stranger: ROAAR
Stranger: from?
You: U?
Stranger: fin
You: principio?
Stranger: wtf?
You: ftw?


Stranger: The black eagle died at midnight
You: hey your stranger
Stranger: hey lets have cybersex!
You: with a dog like you?
Stranger: hehe ;D


#360 xDDD
No ser /b/tard es estresante


Una de coca cola bottle tambien xD


hay gente que se le pira la pinza?


#360 que crack aahhahaha


Jaja, ha sido guapo porque me pastea unas lineas tal que: La ip ha sido registrada por el FBI y me van a detener supuestamente por ser un acosador lololololololol xDDDD

En fin, sin tonterias que me llevan.xddd


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: If I had rabies, I'd bite all the babies in the daycare.
Stranger: Then declare it a hive of vampires.
You: orly?
You: that's a nice idea!
Stranger: I'd see if they sparkle in the light
Stranger: like EDWARD CULLEN
Stranger: If so, I'd raise them to sex up teenage girls
Stranger: While secretely implanting them with rabies.
You: xD
Stranger: Thus forming my own rabies vampire clan.
You: i wanna be in this socieaty
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: where do you live?
Stranger: holland and you?
You: spain
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Hay mucho racista =((


Aquí falta nivel de inglés por un tubo, dónde coño habéis aprendido a hablarlo tan mal?


en opening


En google translator


En Groenlandia

2 meses después

You: hi, where are you from?
Stranger: canada u ?
You: canada¿?¿?
You: that place doesn't exist
Stranger: ya
You: where is it
You: never heard of it
You: you made it up, confess
Stranger: its in the north of america
Stranger: like study your geography
Stranger: its the second biggest country in the world
You: at america's north there's only sea
Stranger: my god your so idiot
You: no
Stranger: ya sure
Stranger: like at least i know where is canada
You: i'm sure that place doesn't exist
You: wait a sec
You: i'm going to ask my girlfriend
Stranger: ok
You: she says it doesn't exist
Stranger: where r u from?
Stranger: google it
You: and her parents also say the same
Stranger: ya sure
You: i'm from Gestgocx
Stranger: where is that
You: omg
You: are u serious?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: no where r u from?
You: man, Gestgocx
You: canada doesn't appear at google
Stranger: that s not a country
Stranger: ok look
You: google Gestgocx
Stranger: i cant find it
Stranger: google it for me
Stranger: as i did for you
Stranger: you cant do it
Stranger: omg i know
Stranger: why
Stranger: because it doesnt exist
Stranger: and your just a stupid idiot thats playing me and i dont like that
Stranger: come on
Stranger: find something better than that canada doesnt exist
You: it's you who is playing me
Stranger: your link isnt working
You: with that canada thing
You: it works for me
You: your link doesn't work also
Stranger: ok then die alone in your stupid country that doesnt exist and think that now you have one hater in the world :)
You: ok ok
Stranger: have a great day alone in your holw
Stranger: bye bye
You: i think i know whats happening
You: here
Stranger: what
Stranger: you think your smarter than me
You: it seems we might live in paralel universes
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: ah ok
Stranger: sure
Stranger: funnt
Stranger: funny
You: and we are connected by this page
You: in my universes canada doesn't exist
You: so does Gestgocx in yours
Stranger: ok and than you probably can fly in your universe
You: because here, Gestgocx is a very important place
Stranger: omg thats soo coolà
You: no, we go in cars
You: in yours also?
Stranger: cars ?
Stranger: whats that
Stranger: here we have horses
Stranger: you know
Stranger: the anima;
You: it's a wooden thing, with seven wheels
Stranger: ya sure
You: we have horses alsO!
Stranger: well you know what my dog is calling me maybe i should go talk to him
You: omg here the dogs doesn't talk!
You: your universe must be amazing
Stranger: absolutely
Stranger: bye have a great day in your universe
Stranger: hoping yoour gonna find your way in mine
Stranger: bye bye
You: day'??
You: here we only have nights
Stranger: ah well thats sad
Stranger: et ben tabarnakkkk
Stranger: caliissss
Stranger: iiiihhhhhhh
You: omg, that's the language was it... canada?¿
Stranger: ommmmmmmmmmggggggg
Stranger: hes connected
Stranger: should i talk to him
Stranger: you know
Stranger: but i need to go
Stranger: thats sa
Stranger: sad*
Stranger: omgg
Stranger: but like its summer now im not gonna see him
You: summer?¿
Stranger: okkk i should ask somebody in the same universe as me
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Hay un tio haciendose pasar x una tia, diciendo q es una de una foto, curiosamente esa foto la he visto x inet hace tiempo de esas tias estilo boxxy, danpat y esa peña... la toy to trameando xDD


You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: where are you from?
Stranger: Sweden
You: boy or girl?
Stranger: boy
You: fuck, bye




#376 Sigo tu estilo xD

Stranger: hi
You: hello
You: how are u?
Stranger: Im fine
Stranger: you?
You: fine
You: and
You: where are u from?
Stranger: Cali
Stranger: you?
You: where?
You: Calin not exits
You: You are calling me stupid!
Stranger: whatt
Stranger: California
Stranger: !!
You: uuhm
You: never i hear about it
You: where is it?
Stranger: USA
You: oHH!
You: ¡so&#305;p u&#477; o&#387;&#592;&#596; &#477;&#623;
Stranger: your..
You: ey thanks for speak with me
Stranger: south american?
You: and thanks to the USA to destroy Soviet russia!"
You: no
Stranger: oh
You: I am from x&#596;o&#387;&#647;s&#477;&#387;
Stranger: Russian
Stranger: eh
You: no, a little country in the east of europe
You: really, thanks you!
Stranger: ok
Stranger: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: Olá!!
Stranger: Tudo Bem?
You: ola hamijo
You: fuck me plz
You: ........................................................................... .........,-''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
........................................................................... ....,''::::::::',::::::::::::::::::::|',
........................................................................... ....|::::::,-'''''''--''':}
........................................................................... ....'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
........................................................................... ....|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : -----: |
........................................................................... ...(_''-': : : ::: : : : : :
........................................................................... ....'''-,|: : : : : : ---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
........................................................................... ........|,: : : : : :---: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
........................................................................... ...,-''':: :',,_: : : : : ,-'
........................................................................__, -';;;;;:''-,: : : :'---''/|
...............................................................,-'';;;;; ;/;;;;;;;: :: : :
/: :',__
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...........................................,-";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;;;;;;. . |:::|. . .'',;;;;;;;;|;;/
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........................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'...|;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| |:|.,-';;;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;'''-,
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................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/.......,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|:|:|:::::::::::::::|;;;;;|......................
You: im pene MV
You: 35 cm
You: :)

Stranger: :0
You: your FEDA user?
Stranger: Ah,eu não sou fedorento
You: brazil?
You: portugaL
Stranger: sim
You: yo espaÑa
Stranger: Argentino desgraçado
You: spanish win coupe confederaciones
Stranger: transmitiu a gripe suina
You: brazil lose in the final
Stranger: para minha cidade
You: gripe suina tus muertos
You: cabron
You: xD
You: ........................................................................... .........,-''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
........................................................................... ....,''::::::::',::::::::::::::::::::|',
........................................................................... ....|::::::,-'''
........................................................................... ....'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
........................................................................... ....|:::::|: : :-
---: : : -----: |
........................................................................... ...(''-': : : ::: : : : : :
........................................................................... ....'''-,|: : : : : : ---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
........................................................................... ........|,: : : : : :---: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
........................................................................... ...,-''':: :',,
: : : : : ,-'
, -';;;;;:''-,: : : :'---''/|
...............................................................,-'';;;;; ;/;;;;;;;: :: : :
/: :',__
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................................................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;,;;;;;;;;;. . .''|::::::::|. .,';;;;;;;;;;''-,
................................................,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
.............................................,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',: : ||. . .|;;;;;;;;;,';;|
...........................................,-";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;;;;;;. . |:::|. . .'',;;;;;;;;|;;/
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....................................,'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'';;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|. |.;|. . . . .|;;;;;;;|
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........................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'...|;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| |:|.,-';;;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;'''-,
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................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/.......,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|:|:|:::::::::::::::|;;;;;|......................
Stranger: na minha cidade tem 15
Stranger: casos de gripe suina
You: in spain ....
You: pene
You: you use condom?
You: go to


You: 1
Stranger: hello
Stranger: 2
You: 3
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 5
Stranger: 6
Stranger: 7
Stranger: 8
Stranger: 9
You: ehhhh, espera.... por el culo te la hinco
Stranger: nope
You: nones
Stranger: nones
You: tocame los cojones
You: ..................................... ........................................,-'''''''--,,_
.................................................. ..................................,-''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
.................................................. .............................,''::::::::',::::::: :::::::::::::|',
.................................................. .............................|::::::,-'''''''--''':}
.................................................. .............................'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : -----: |
.................................................. ............................(_''-': : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''-,|: : : : : : ---': : : :,'--never Gonna
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :---: : ::/ -----give You Up!
.................................................. ............................,-''':: :',,_: : : : : ,-'
.................................................. ......................__,-';;;;;:''-,: : : :'---''/|
.................................................. .............,-'';;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :
/: :',__
.................................................. .,-
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.................................................. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;. . .''|::::::::|. .,';;;;;;;;;;''-,
................................................,' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
.............................................,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',: : |. . .|;;;;;;;;;,';;|
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......................................./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;'',: |;|. . . . ;;;;;;;|
....................................,'';;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|.|;|. . . . .|;;;;;;;|
................................,'';;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;| |:|. . . . |;;;;;;;|
...............................,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;/;;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;| |:|. . . .'|;;',;;;;;|
..............................|;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-';;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;| |:|. . .,';;;;;',;;;;|_
............................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-';;;;;;,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;; ;|.|:|. . .|;;;;;;;|;;;;|''''-,
'',;;;,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ,;;| |:|. . ./;;;;;;;;|;;;|;;;;;;|-,,

........................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'...|;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;| |:|.,-';;;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;'''-,
Stranger: oh holy shit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hi
You: yo quiero verte danzar
Your conversational partner has disconnected.




Stranger: hi I'm 16 Korean male. can I see your vulva?
Stranger: hi I'm 16 Korean male. can I see your vulva?
You: Emmmm no.......
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Jodidos koreanos



You: Wassup!
Stranger: notttmuch
Stranger: u
You: where are u from?
Stranger: usa
Stranger: u
You: Zimbabwe
You: Lot of hot chiks here
Stranger: not realy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Stranger: hey sup
You: Say Bazura! Is hello in my language
Stranger: bazura
Stranger: is it spanish?
Stranger: sorry, I have no idea about that
You: No it's not Spanish, is er lenguaje der barrioh
You: u know
Stranger: sorry..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Oh dios xDD


You: jai
Stranger: hi
You: do you know mauricio colmenero?
Stranger: no
You: pues cómeme el rabo entero
You: tititititriririritititititi

jajajajja, lol


ou: hi
Stranger: hi
You: from?
Stranger: turkey
You: good
You: u know luis aragones?
You: dani guiza?
Stranger: ulen türk oldu&#287;un heryerden belli :d
You: tus muertos montados en patinete

our conversational partner has disconnected.

Encuentro una tia de 26 de los ángeles y no me proporciona info de allí :(


Que puta mierda, solo me encuentro con gente normal :\


You: hi stranger
Stranger: hi
You: the cake is a lie
Stranger: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi, 4chan'
Stranger: /b/
You: omg! raptorjesus!
You: are u?
Stranger: no lol
Stranger: i am pbn
You: j3
You: pbn???
You: it's a trap :\
Stranger: sir
Stranger: i would like to ask you to calm down
You: any problem officer?
Stranger: you used an F and U multiple times to many
Stranger: that is a federal online offense
Stranger: I will have to write you a ticket for 350$ US
Stranger: now where shall I send the bill?
You: oh shit
You: here you have the bill, i'll print it
You: it's correctly?
Stranger: Im sorry sir?
You: w8
Stranger: I did not understand your last quesiton
You: here you are
You: it's the import correctly?
Stranger: hmm
You: you can make a big poster for your room right?
Stranger: I am confused as to what you are trying to pull
Stranger: Do you believe this matter is a joke sir?
You: oh shit... i'm to scare :\
You: i don't think it's a joke
You: it's a trap! run run
Stranger: ok, I will let you off with a warning this time.
You: what are you waiting?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello. Good morning Sir.
Stranger: no sir
Stranger: where are you from
You: It's my protocol. I must to inform you about your Omegle conversations.
You: Some users sent a ticket about your language.
You: You seems to have an "special feel" with girls less than 15 years. It's it true?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello. I'm Chris Hansen and I need to talk to you.
Stranger: ...
You: Some users sent a ticket about you. You seems to have an "special feel" with girls less than 15 years. It's it true?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: are you gay?
You: No, I'm Chris Hansen.
Stranger: oh noes!
Stranger: I've been had!

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: mediavida?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: mediavida?
Stranger: i'm a horny guy!!!
You: omg!
Stranger: ?
You: why you don't go to Second Life to FAP FAP?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

..................................... ........................................,-'''''''--,,_
.................................................. ..................................,-''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
.................................................. .............................,''::::::::',::::::: :::::::::::::|',
.................................................. .............................|::::::,-'''''''--''':}
.................................................. .............................'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : -----: |
.................................................. ............................(_''-': : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''-,|: : : : : : ---': : : :,'--I'm Chris Hansen
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :---: : ::/ -----Why don't you have seat over there?
.................................................. ............................,-''':: :',,_: : : : : ,-'
.................................................. ......................__,-';;;;;:''-,: : : :'---''/|
.................................................. .............,-'';;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :
/: :',__
.................................................. .,-
''''_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',. .''-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;''-,__
.................................................. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;. . .''|::::::::|. .,';;;;;;;;;;''-,
................................................,' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
.............................................,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',: : |. . .|;;;;;;;;;,';;|
...........................................,-";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;; ;;;; . . |:::|. . .'',;;;;;;;;|;;/
........................................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;. .|:::|. . . |;;;;;;;;|/
......................................../;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,';;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;; ;;;|. .:/. . . .|;;;;;;;;|
......................................./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;'',: |;|. . . . ;;;;;;;|
....................................,'';;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|.|;|. . . . .|;;;;;;;|
................................,'';;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;| |:|. . . . |;;;;;;;|
...............................,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;/;;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;| |:|. . . .'|;;',;;;;;|
..............................|;,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-';;;,-';;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;| |:|. . .,';;;;;',;;;;|_
............................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-';;;;;;,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;; ;|.|:|. . .|;;;;;;;|;;;;|''''-,
'',;;;,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ,;;| |:|. . ./;;;;;;;;|;;;|;;;;;;|-,,

........................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-'...|;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;| |:|.,-';;;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;'''-,


You: hola
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: yes
Stranger: m 20
Stranger: nd u
You: male 21 ( cm...)


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from?
You: spain
Stranger: cool
You: hot
You: very hot
Stranger: haha nice
You: you?
Stranger: same here
Stranger: sweden
You: 45º
Stranger: haha no
You: in the street
Stranger: ohh hot
You: yeah
You: here the hamburgers eat people
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hello?
Stranger: fuck you all
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hihi
You: Shut up
You: I'm talking
You: From where are you from
You: I'm not joking
You: Where are you from
Stranger: i am from HK
You: So you're that fucking pedophile right ?
You: I know i will find you on omegle idiot
You: Now i'm searching your IP
Stranger: == "
You: When i get it i will send 3 of my friends to your house
You: You will like jail seriusly.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.