El hilo del culturismo natural



Move heavy loads but with quality as a priority and most importantly remain patient...poised. Results...healthier body which means more quality workouts which means more quality muscle. Hardcore is smart training not sloppy careless training to sooth one's ego.

Turtle power!

Jeff Alberts

Dicho esto, yo voy al fallo muchísimas veces, hago bastante rest-pause y mi técnica es bastante decente, espero no lesionarme xd

Pero ten en cuenta también que esos culturistas de los que hablan entrenan así ahora, porque jeff ha dicho varias veces que en sus años mozos era 100% HIT yates/mentzer style

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#391 Se, de hecho hasta hace no muchos años ha hecho Doggcrap que es similar vaya.

Pero nadie hace realmente el mentzer style real ya que los entrenamientos de Mentzer eran usando máquinas en su gran mayoría para que el fallo extremo que él practicaba no fuese tan peligroso.

Normalmente en básicos como peso muerto y tal Mentzer tampoco iba al fallo.



Firmaba a fuego, conocias a este Fury?

Proporciones perfectas macho :/

2 respuestas

para entrenar guardandome 5 repes pensando en 20 años ni voy al gimnasio

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doggcrapp por aquí jejejejeje dep entonces.


#393 joder que cuerpazo el cabron. Es de la raza superior fisicamente hablando asi que no se lo tendremos en cuenta pero Drug Free y esos cocos.....


#394 Pues es mejor que no vayas, sin más.

Yo espero poder ir con mi hijo al gimnasio.

No a acompañarlo.


#393 no lo conocía, muy top aunque las patas demasiado desarrolladas con respecto al torso, pero es culturista claro

de todos modos:

Contest prep/lifestyle mindstate ||
Choose simple low calorie hearty food sources that get away with having low calories while filling the entire plate and quite tasty if you put some soul in it. Done under 10 min. 0 cholesterol which is an important health factor that I usually consider when cooking specifically bc my fam has a history of having higher cholesterol which can lead to health issues. I'm okay with eating in a way that can help possibly beat those odds. Fill the whole plate n get in zee belly. Lifetime Natural Bodybuilding + Health. Why not...

ay lmao

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No me parece del todo incorrecto el texto. Lo del colesterol me lo tomo más como algo a considerar por antecedentes familiares.

Lo demás bueno, no voy a entrar en círculos otra vez xD


Me da pereza linkear todos los vídeos, pero espero que estéis siguiendo la nueva saga de nunez de 'I want to be elite' los vídeos a mí al menos me parecen muy buenos!

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#400 Gracias por el aviso. Últimamente no estoy puesto. Te quise rei

Segundo aviso, hazte cuenta en MC xd

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#401 > implying


Un momento de lucidez pillando de aquí y allá, hacia mucho que no me pasaba:

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#406 Impresionante el curro de Cpatermi como siempre.


Dejo dos aportes que me parecen interesantes:

Una entrevista a Lyle Mcdonald:

Y el thread de avanzados de Lyle en su foro.


No me gusta como se explica. Si alguien quiere que traduzca algo que lo diga, seguramente lo pondré el finde que viene.

1 mes después


The back is my favorite body part and you can say I was obsessed about making it a strong point for me. But as you can see up to 2009 (left) it was far from that and I had a lot of holes to fill. I did all the basic movements like heavy rowing and pulling, but in hindsight it was my lack of quality with those movements that held me back from attaining more progress. It wasn't until 2010 where I started to pay more attention to quality rather than the quantity and over the next 5 yrs I transformed my back and made it a focal point (right 2014). Of course there were other aspects of my game that improved as well and assisted, but I feel tightening up my form/technique in the weight room was the biggest contributor to the biggest strides of my back development. I can have the best looking set up and spreadsheet in the world, but for me personally it's the little things in the trenches that can make the biggest impact...quality execution.

9 días después


#TBT to May 24, 2014 (left) at a photo shoot with my man @brandonblurts at 180.2lbs and I was 25 weeks into prep which started at 203lbs. That week I was running 2100 calories 5x per week with 2 refeeds of 3000 calories with 6 days of liss avg 50 min per session and I got in 2 weight training sessions (life was busy that week). Pictured left was the photo shoot with Brandon the week prior to Worlds at 169lbs ...week 50 of prep. Prior to peak week I ran about 1900 calories 6x per week with a refeed of 2500 calories. Cardio that week was 5 days of liss at 40 min per session and I got in 3 weight training sessions. (Was busy remodeling dining room). This is a small glimpse...just two weeks worth of a 50 week prep where I attained my best physique to date. On Feb 12th I'll be diving into explicit detail as to how I orchestrated all my decision making with my entire 2014 prep at our 3DMJ Symposium.

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#410 Y lo de la cabeza? xD


Para mi gusto casi ningún culturista natural tiene un look bueno cuando baja tanto de BF. Jeff Alberts suele estar bastante mejor en offseason, desde mi punto de vista claro.

Es bastante interesante la forma de trabajar que tienen los del team 3DMJ... Para un objetivo suelen pedir un plazo de mínimo 30 semanas.


#404 ese tio es natural?

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#413 No veo por qué no.

9 días después
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#415 pero ese hombre estara en su peso/altura al 10 bf, ese cuerpo es accesible para una genetica media y 3-4 años de entreno ,

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#416 todos sabemos que con una genética media y 3 años de entreno te puedes convertir en pro

internet, serious business

14 días después


Never skip the hard work

So for the last few weeks, I've gotten bombarded by messages from guys about my body recomp over the last year, and without FAIL, 90%+ are guys asking what drugs they should take in order to do the same thing.

And this is the society we live in, and what "fitness" has become.

My recomp started due to the fact that I didn't like what my health looked like on a blood work report. My first thought was about my kids.

This took me over a year. Three diet phases, and at times, training up to three times a day, usually twice a day, for months on end.

There was no drug cocktail. I've never ever been about that.

This was about improving my health. Period. Which meant that some big drug cycle was never going to be part of the answer.

"Should I cut down and bulk, and risk losing what muscle I have in order to get big and lean? I'm on X mg a week and Y mg a week. Wondering your thoughts on this."

MY thoughts?

Clean up your fucking diet, train really really fucking hard for months and months on end, and stop relying on worrying about some secret drug formula in order to accomplish that.

If you're over 15% bodyfat (males) then why the fuck are you worrying about gaining size, when at that point you're just going to get fatter and fatter?

Second, if you do this right, and take your time you can retain as much muscle as possible. Will it take a long time? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.

Most of these messages just affirm to me that the majority of people, regardless of what they "know", will do anything to avoid the process involved, or try to short circuit it in some way.

If you're trying to just get shredded, and want to introduce chemistry as a big part of that, then that can happen. But it's not sustainable, and in the long run you'll pay for it in some way, shape, or form.

If you're doing it for the reasons I did it, then it is sustainable, requires a lot of hard work and discipline, and will take a significant amount of time.

People want instant gratification now. I still get people talking about how hungry they are on diets. Boo fucking hoo. People want the rewards without the work, without the struggle, without the suffering.

I haven't found a way to do that yet. If I do, I will let everyone know. For right now, the only way I've found to do this is to work harder than you were working before, and to be as disciplined in the kitchen as you can possibly be.

I also did this at 41. Age is also not an excuse either. I've gotten a ton of messages from guys in their 40's who basically succumbed to the fact that they are "past their prime" and can't get in shape anymore.

I have no idea how they arrived at this conclusion. There are lots of dudes in their 40's walking around in the best shape of their life.

People who want to avoid what needs to be done will consistently look for short cuts, to avoid the hard work. And people will also look for excuses as to why they can't do it, to avoid the hard work.

At the end of the day, most things really worth having are going to require a tremendous amount of hard work, not being lazy AF, and having a tremendous amount of discipline in your life.

I respect the people who say "oh man, I really just don't give a AF about that" than the people who keep looking for the easy way out.

Paul Carter

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Puto Fury para ser tan defensor del natural bodibilding solo nos pones a Jeff Alberts.

Si es que eso no existe, son 4 gatos xD