AMD presenta su serie de GPUs Radeon R9 y R7


ya llegan ya llegan :D

go mantle

1 1 respuesta

#1411 Go Mantle... Cuando haya algún juego que lo soporte...

1 respuesta

#1412 Parece ser que el primero será BF4, que ya tienen medio preparado el parche.


el bf4 esta como medio mal echo y el otro medio es un bug de mal gusto.


Acabo de probar la beta que me baje de guru3d creo y parece que por fin han corregido unos errores que tenia con el lol, a parte va mas fluido los juegos, dando una media de 10-20 fps mas. con mi 280x.

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#1415 ¿ cual le has puesto?¿ tienes windows 8.1? yo he estado mirando y encuentro los 13.30

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#1416 si la .30

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#1417 Pues la probare a ver si va mejor, gracias


Parece que por fin se han publicado los drivers que dan soporte a Mantle. Las especificaciones son las siguientes:

Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst™ 14.1 Beta Driver for Windows

Support for the following new AMD Desktop APU (Accelerated Processors) products:

AMD A10-7850K
AMD A10-7700K

Mantle Beta driver

AMD's Mantle is a groundbreaking graphics API that promises to transform the world of game development to help bring better, faster games to the PC
Performance gain of up to 45%(versus the DirectX version) for Battlefield 4 on the R9 290 Series
Performance gain of up to 200% (versus the DirectX version) for Star Swarm on the R9 290 Series

    AMD Catalyst 14.1 Beta must be used in conjunction with versions of these applications that support Mantle
    It is expected that these applications will have future updates to support additional AMD Mantle features

AMD Mantle Beta driver is currently supported on:
    AMD Radeon™ R9 Series GPUs
    AMD Radeon™ R7 Series GPUs
    AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 Series GPUs
    AMD Radeon™ HD 8000 Series GPUs
    AMD A10-7000 Series and AMD A8-7000 Series APUs
For additional details please see the AMD Mantle Technology FAQ on

Enhanced AMD CrossFire frame pacing – Support for 4K panel and Eyefinity non-XDMA CrossFire solutions (including the AMD Radeon R9 280, 270 Series, 7900 Series,  7800 Series) and Dual Graphics configurations
    Frame pacing ensures that frames rendered across multiple GPUs in an AMD CrossFire configuration will be displayed at an even and regular pace
    Supported on 4K panels and Eyefinity configurations
    Supported on AMD Dual Graphics configurations
    Supported on DirectX® 10 and DirectX 11 applications

Resolved issue highlights of AMD Catalyst 14.1 Beta

Resolves ground texture flickering seen in Total War: Rome 2 with high settings (and below) set in game
Resolves flickering texture corruption when playing Call of Duty: Ghosts (multi-player) in the space station level

Resolved Issues

Ground texture flickering seen in Total War: Rome 2 with high settings (and below) set in game
Flickering texture corruption when playing Call of Duty: Ghosts (multi-player) in the space station level
Blu-ray playback using PowerDVD black screen on extended mode
Streaming VUDU HD/HDX content on Sharp PN-K321 (DP) causes the right-side half to flicker in and out
Black screen happened after wake up the monitor
Full screen issue at rotation in DX9 mode
Video window black screen when using Samsung Kies to play video
Crysis2 negative scaling in outdoor scene
Crysis2 has insufficient CrossFire scaling in some scene
Red Faction: The game has no or negative crossfire scaling with DX9 and DX11
Age of Conan has corruption and performance issues with crossfire enabled
Company of Heroes shadows are corrupted when using crossfire
Resident Evil5 's performance is unstable when display mode set to Window mode
Total War: Shogun 2 flickering menu/text
Frame rate drop when disabling post-processing in 3DMark06
Negative Crossfire scaling with game "The Secret World" in DX11 mode
F1 2012 Crashes to desktop
Tomb Raider Hair Simulation Stutters on CFX
Negative CrossFire scaling experienced in Call of Duty
Battlefield 3 performance drop on Haswell systems
Choppy video playback on 4k Video
VSync ON Tearing with 2x1 Eyefinity SLS CrossFire 
Far Cry 3 - Game flickering while changing resolutions
Display corruption and BSOD occurs when extending a display after disabling Multiple GPU SLS array
Flickering seen when enable three 4kx2k panels at the same time
No Video, just a black screen when setting Chrome to run in "High Performance" when playing certain video clips
Image crashed on Starcraft game 

Known Issues

Mantle performance for the AMD Radeon™ HD 7000/HD 8000 Series GPUs and AMD Radeon™ R9 280X and R9 270X GPUs will be optimized for BattleField 4™ in future AMD Catalyst™ releases. These products will see limited gains in BattleField 4™ and AMD is currently investigating optimizations for them.
Multi-GPU support under DirectX® and Mantle will be added to StarSwarm in a future application patch
Intermittent stuttering or stability issues may occur when utilizing Mantle with AMD CrossFire™ technology in BattleField 4™ - AMD recommends using the DirectX code path when playing Battlefield 4 with multiple GPUs.   A future AMD Catalyst release will resolve these issues
Notebooks based on AMD Enduro or PowerXpress™ technologies are currently not supported by the Mantle codepath in Battlefield 4™
AMD Eyefinity configurations utilizing portrait display orientations are currently not supported by the Mantle codepath in Battlefield 4™
AMD Eyefinity technology is not currently supported in the Star Swarm application
AMD testing for the AMD Catalyst™ 14.1 Beta Mantle driver has been concentrated on the following products: AMD Radeon™ R9 290X, R9 290, R9 280, R9 270, R7 260X, R7 260, HD 7000 Series, HD 8000 Series, A10-7850K and A10-7700K. Future AMD Catalyst™ releases will include full test coverage for all AMD products supported by Mantle.
Graphics hardware in the AMD A10-7850K and A10-7700K may override the presence of a discrete GPU under the Mantle code path in Battlefield 4™
Frame Pacing for Dual Graphics and non-XDMA configurations above 2560x1600 do not currently work with Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4.   An upcoming release will enable support
DX9 Dual graphics is not supported in AMD Catalyst 14.1 Beta.   An upcoming release will enable support


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Specs de tu maquina y opciones graficas de juego.

1 respuesta

Acabo de probar mantle, y de 35 fps que me iba por culpa del bottleneck ha subido a 90 fps en el BF4.

#1420 Este es:

Intel i5 650@3,2 Ghz OC 4Ghz
Placa GA-H55-UDH3
Noctua U9B-SE2
2x4Gb Kingston DDR3 1600 Mhz
AMD Saphire 290 tri-x (si tengo bottleneck xD)
Samsung SSD EVO 250 Gb

Todo en Ultra y con la opción Mantle activada.

1 respuesta

para los que tenemos 270x o 280x mejor probarlo con el benchmark que saco oxide, el star swarn esta en steam.

amd x6 1090t y una 270x


== Results ================================================
Test Duration: 360 Seconds
Total Frames: 12983

Average FPS: 36.06
Average Unit Count: 4219
Maximum Unit Count: 5384
Average Batches/MS: 322.27
Maximum Batches/MS: 965.96
Average Batch Count: 12174
Maximum Batch Count: 107972


== Results ================================================
Test Duration: 360 Seconds
Total Frames: 15438

Average FPS: 42.88
Average Unit Count: 4362
Maximum Unit Count: 5531
Average Batches/MS: 687.25
Maximum Batches/MS: 1782.52
Average Batch Count: 18862
Maximum Batch Count: 94446


#1421 pero que me dices??? jajaja me parto! voy a probarlo pero ya! pelotazo! jaja

1 respuesta

#1423 Si se ve que en mi caso es porque descarga bastante a la CPU, que la tengo pa cambiar xD de todas formas estoy mirando los bench de la gente que lo prueba y 15-20 fps de mejora o más

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#1424 la opcion mantle se activa dentro del juego?si no?

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Con estos drivers mejoran otros juegos que no sean Btf4?

2 respuestas

#1425 Si y reinícialo

#1426 De momento creo que ninguno más tiene el soporte aún.

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#1427 No me refiero a Mantle, me refiero a los drivers con los que viene mantle son mejores para los demas juegos.
Un saludo!


#1426 Por ahora no.

1 respuesta

#1429 Ok gracias!


acabo de probar el btf4 con la 270x y de 50/60 he pasado a 80/90. y en el csgo aunke sea insignificante en cuanto a graficos he pasado de unos 130fps a 250fps. jajaja

2 respuestas

#1431 Pero si el CS no tiene Mantle... No entiendo nada xD

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#1432 sera que los drivers mejoran las fisicas de los juegos o algo, pero algo han echo, por que yo antes no tenia esos fps, que como repito en el cs por encima de 60 ya te da lo mismo, pero me ha sorprendido.


Tengo entendido que descargan el uso de la CPU.


joe se me cierra el battlefield despues de instalar los drivers, los reinstale y sigue =

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de donde se bajan? porque a mi me dice que tengo la ultima version O_o


Pues ami con una 270x el bf4 me mete unos bajones increíbles de ir a 90-100 fps a bajarme a 20 de golpe durante un segundo o dos ¿A que se debe?

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A mi estos drivers no solo me han mejorado los FPS, me han mejorado la grafica!!!! De una 7900 series que tengo a una R9 200 que me dice ahora el administrador de dispositivos!!!

Nvidia, estas acabada, ahora puedo descargar GPUs!!! XD

6 1 respuesta

#1437 Son drivers beta y estas jugando a battlefield 4 no pidas mucho.



jajaja al tener nucleo GCN 1.1 como la serie R9 por eso te aparece así.

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