Salud compañeros me baje el programa The Bat con la traduccion para recibir y mandar e-mails. Ahora bien, el otro dia vi k el programa Hotmail Popper puede configurarse junto con el The Bat para leer el correo entrante de Hotmail sin tener k abrir el MSN Hotmail o acudir al webmail de hotmail. Tengo todos los programas, alguien me podria indicar paso por paso como se configuran dichos programas para poder leer satisfactoriamente mi correo? Muchas gracias. Salud!
How do I use it?
First, run Hotmail Popper if it is not already running. There is no interface to see most of the time, except for a small icon in your Taskbar Notification Area. You can right-click on this icon to set options (see options), although most users will not need to change the settings from their defaults.
To configure your e-mail client, setup a new POP account to check mail from. For the POP server's address, type "" (or if you modified the Hotmail Popper options, use whatever you changed the address to). Type the same for the SMTP server address. For the login / username for this account, use your full Hotmail or MSN e-mail address, for example "[email protected]" or "[email protected]". Finally, your password will be the same as your normal Hotmail password.
Please be aware that your password is case sensitive so be careful about which letters are capitals; this is not usually true when logging into your Hotmail account on the web, so be sure to double-check this if your password is said to be invalid. Also note that for some e-mail clients, you will need to explicilty choose to enable SMTP authentication, and specify the same username and password as for POP.
En español..
Primeramente configuras el Hotmail Popper:
POP Port: 110
SMTP Port: 25
Todo lo demas igual
Ahora en TheBat
creas uan cuenta nueva POP
Ahora en POP Adress ponle en SMTP Adress ponle lo mismo
En username pon tu direccion de correo electronico
en password ya sabes
Un saludo