Lista de problemas de los Catalyst 3.8


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BF1942 Triangles of Death(TM) are back in 3.8 drivers for 8500 to 9200 users
Affects: 8500 card users
Workaround for problem: Use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported?

BF1942 Triangles of Death(TM) II the revenge: users having screen corruption when going into the game menu and then back to the game, only a problem with 3.8 drivers
Affects: 4 People 9500+ cards only?
Workaround for problem: Use 3.7 drivers or set the screen res to 800 x 600 32bit colour
Status: unknown, reported? I am NOT able to reproduce this one despite extensive testing

DAOC corruption for 9700 cards and 3.8 drivers
Affects: 9500+ cards only
Workaround for problem: dont use the auto logon and it works fine
Status: unknown, reported?

DAOC Stuttering and slowdown with 3.8 drivers
Affects: 2 Users (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported? May be a problem with VPU Recover

DAOC corruption for 8500+ cards and 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 to 9200 cards only
Workaround for problem: Use 3.7 or earlier driver
Status: unknown, reported? most likely related to the Morrowind problem in the 3.8 known issues as they share the same engine

Earth and Beyond flashing and missing textures in 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 to 9200 cards only
Workaround for problem: Use 3.7 or earlier driver
Status: unknown, reported?

C&C Generals & Zero Hour flickering textures in 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 to 9200 cards only
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported

Warcraft 3 corrupted graphics in OGL (use -opengl in the commandline to enable it)
Affects: 8500 - 9200 users only
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported

Yager Texture flickering in 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 to 9200 users only
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported?

Chrome Texture flickering in 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 to 9200 users only
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported?

Tiger Woods 2004 Texture flickering in 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 to 9200 users only
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported?

3DMark 2001 problem with flickering polygons in 3.8 driverd
Affects: 8500 to 9200 users only
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported

SOF2 problem with flickering polygons in 3.8 drivers
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: unknown, reported

XP Plus Pack screensavers have rendering errors
Affects: 8500 to 9200 users only
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: fixed in a upcoming driver, reported

FPS Slowdown with Counterstrike and also Day of defeat and any other HL based mods
Affects: Quite a few people, but not everyone
Workaround for problem: a few people have found that using XP sp1 and PowerStrip and enabling Sideband Addressing have solved the issue
Status – in progress? game is just as bad on 1.6 beta, still broken in 3.8's

When pressing ESCAPE to get to the menu in Halflife engined games the refreshrate drops to 60Hz and AA is disabled
Affects: Everyone ?
Workaround for problem: Only exiting the game and reloading works, refreshforce keeps your refreshrate constant get it at
Status – Unknown, Reported, still broken in 3.8's

Slow performance with Neverwinter Nights both with and without shadows;highlight=nwn
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: turn off shadows and AA / AF
Status: some good speedup progress has been made with 1.32 game patch, but issues remain (flashing squares, shadow clipping when using a light source)

Shiney water problem with Neverwinter Nights
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status – ATI are investigating it but DO see it, has been reported, still broken in 3.8's, shiney water also broken on NV5600 so more likely a bioware problem to fix

9600 users cannot run Neverwinter Nights for more than few mins without it crashing
Affects: Most people with a 9600 1 with 9000
Workaround for problem: Turn off hardware mouse and it wont crash in the 3.6 drivers
Status: ATI have reproduced the error and are working on a fix, has been reported, crashes with 3.1 - 3.7, reported to bioware and atari too, Will be fixed in a future driver update

NWN flickering textures with 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 to 9200 users only
Workaround for problem: Use 3.5 drivers to avoid the OGL 16 bit bug
Status: Unknown, reported

X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, Jane's F/A-18, Flanker 2.5,Mechwarrior 3, Star Wars Racer, virtual pool3 AA not enabled
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?, may be related to lack of SSAA and or games just not compatible

Raven Shield with nightvision huge FPS drop with AA on
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: None
Status: ATI aware of problem and developer also infromed by them;pagenumber=1 STILL BROKEN AS OF 3.8, ATI cant reproduce this problem I can replicate this problem

Hegemonia transparent textures, things that should be in front are in the back and reverse, and shiney ships and planets are missing
Affects: 1 person Mobility 9000 (M9) (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported? [update from user has been requested, will be deleted if no response in a reasonable time frame]

HDTV interlaced resolution slow performance problem if enabled;highlight=HDTV
Affects: People with a HDTV
Workaround for problem: None known about (PM me if you have a solution)
Status: reported some time ago, never acknowledged

1776x1000i doesnt work with the ATI HDTV Adapter
Affects: 1 person (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Use 3.2 drivers
Status: Unknown, reported? has been broken since 3.4 drivers worked fine before then, still broken in 3.8's

Interlaced video overlay is broken on 3.5 if you aren't using the ATI dongle. Video is cut in half vertically and then stretched to fill the video overlay area. (worked in 3.4)
Affects: People with a HDTV
Workaround for problem: Use 3.4 drivers for now
Status – unknown, reported, still broken in 3.7

If you don't have a DDC monitor or don't have a monitor at all (only tv out). The card will not turn on in windows
Affects: Everyone who wants to use their PC in home entertainment, may JUST be 9100 users
Workaround for problem: Buy or make a dummy monitor plug and disable DDC in ATI control panel, use earlier drivers 3.1?
Status: worse in 3.6 drivers and still broken in 3.7 drivers, some people report they have no problems, reported UPDATE this will be fixed in a future release

Clive Barkers the Undying problem with snow (Monastary level) and other problems with AF enabled, graphical problems with Wheel of Time also with AF
Affects: 9500 - 9700 users only, works on 8500
Workaround for problem: Problems are only apparent using less than 16x AF,forced triliniar AF helps too, games dont support OGL Dll
Status: Unknown, reported, most likely badly coded games but does work fine on Nvidia cards

Messed up lighting in DAOC when using torches
Affects: everyone
Workaround for the problem: None, unless you count waiting for the new engine being developed for the Atlantis addon, in the hope that its fixed
Status: reported multiple times, never acknowledged

TruForm doesn’t work anymore in Morrowind (enabled via the FPS otimiser)
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: Use 3.2 drivers or earlier
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times, still doesnt work with latest expansion or patch, still broken in 3.8 drivers

No loading bar when Morrowind loads a new cell just a coloured screen
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: Use 3.5 drivers or earlier
Status: unknown, reported

Horrible performance in Star Trek Elite Forces 2 with Stencil Buffer shadows enabled;highlight=EF2
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

C&C Renegade texturing problems
Affects: 8 users. im one of them (so far)
Workaround for the problem: Use 3.4 drivers
Status: Ati unable to replicate as more info is needed, Reported, still broken in 3.8 drivers

IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles Win98SE OGL error on exit from the game
Affects: some users, 8500 problem only ?
Workaround for the problem: Uprade to XP
Status: Unknown, reported? may be fixed in latest game patch need someone to test

IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles flickering textures with 3.8 drivers
Affects: 9500+ users only ?
Workaround for the problem: Turn OFF multitexture in game settings
Status: Unknown, reported?

IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles missing textures in perfect mode with 3.8 drivers
Affects: 9500+ users only ?
Workaround for the problem: Turn ON multitexture in game settings
Status: Unknown, reported?

IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles slow framerates with 3.8 drivers
Affects: 9500+ users only ?
Workaround for the problem: Turn OFF hardware shaders in game settings
Status: Unknown, reported?

Enemy Territory and RTCW multiplayer flickering loading screen when AA is enabled
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported still broken in 3.8's

Earth and Beyond incorrectly rendered shields
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

Earth and Beyond Hardlocks with 3.5 and 3.6
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: Disable fast writes or use 3.4 drivers
Status: Unknown, reported?

Dungeon Keeper II horrible performance under Win2k and XP under Win98/Me everything works perfect
Affects: At least 1 person, 8500 only, fine on 9500+ cards
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported

Cultures, Cultures 2, Cultures 3 (Northland) other DirectX (not Direct3D) 2D games display no graphics
Affects: 9500+ cards
Workaround: Turn down Accelleration 1 notch
Status: unknown, reported still broken in 3.8 I can replicate this problem

Toca Race driver texturing problems and slow downs
Affects: 9500 - 9700 users
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported

TFT screens are not always recognized as TFT screens
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None so far
Status: Unknown, reported?

Z-fighting and polygon gaps in games
Affects: some people
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: a feature which ATI do not plan on supporting at present go to the following link if you want to request it

Anarchy Online display corruption when in flight
Affects: 9500 and up users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported. Requires W buffer support for 9500+ cards (most likely via software emulation, as the cards don’t have hardware support) Please go to the following link to request this to be added to the drivers or ask developers to add improved Z buffer support for the game

Anarchy Online Shadowlands New water effect has corruption
Affects: 9500 and up users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

Slow Frame Buffer access speed
Affects: Everyone who uses PSX emulators and older games
Workaround: Use OGL plugin instead for now its a bit faster
Status: ATI aware and ATI QA filed bug report with driver devs, doesnt seem to be a high priority though still slow with 3.8 drivers

Problem with data corruption when large system cache option is used in Windows XP and Win2K and your hard drive is in NTFS format
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: There is a registry tweak that’s supposed to fix this also one user reports setting your AGP apature size to 16MB or less stops the corruption happening too (requires someone brave to test this further)
Status: ATI aware, reported multiple times , registry tweak to fix it for now, still broken in 3.8's without the reg tweak

Gamma settings reset back to defaults when exiting a game
Affects: Everyone who doesn’t use default gamma settings
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times has been broken since start of the drivers even on 'classic' cards

OpenGL game gamma cant be adjusted with the 3D full screen gamma option
Affects: Everyone who doesn’t use default gamma settings
Workaround: Use the Desktop gamma setting instead and that will adjust it
Status: Unknown, reported?

Messed up textures and backgrounds in older games, Carmageddon and Final fantasy VII for example (PM me if you have others)
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Requires implementation of 8-bit palletized texture support (may need emulation as hardware doesn’t appear support it natively), if you wish to petition ATI to add this feature to the drivers
Possible method it can be done (suggested by Colouless) Emulating Palettized Textures can be done reasonably fast using Dependant Texture Reads or EMBM (which is just a simple form of depentant texture reading). You use the dependant texture read to emulate the palette lookup when the texture is being used. However, when using this method the quality is generally 'poor' or the speed is 'poor' since you can't use hardware bilinear filtering. You will have to use point sampling, or do all the filtering in a pixel shader (NOTE BY ME None of the drawbacks are really a problem as we are talking about a compatability mode for OLD games that would be running fast anyway and dont use pixel shaders for other purposes)

Missing VESA 2 support for DOS games and screen corruption
Affects: people who play older games
Workaround for problem: Change screen resolutions or enable TVOUT (via hotkeys)
Status: Unknown,
If you wish to petition ATI to add this feature to the drivers

Missing Super Sampling AA modes for games (will fix bugs in Homeworld AA and Tribes 2 AA The Longest Journey, Grim Fandago, Thorgal's Quest, Odyessy Search for Ulysses for example)
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status: a feature which ATI do not plan on supporting at present
If you wish to petition ATI to add this feature to the drivers

TVout and monitor display not saving settings when at different resolutions and flipping between them also lowers the refresh rate
Affects: 1 user confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown

MOAA(and Spearhead) texture flickering problems V2 rocket map and other maps, problems with metal grates and with foliage on a wall too
Affects: a few people
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?, still broken in 3.7

Slowdown / stuttering in D3D/openGL with AMD MPx dual chipsets
Affects: Quite a few people (if not all).
Workaround for problem: START->RUN->SMARTGART and disable AGP reads/writes completely removes stuttering, or BIOS->AGP APERTURE SIZE down to 32MB which helps reducing the length of the stuttering
Status: Been getting better every Catalyst release since 2.3, but still 9FPS at times. Solved 10s pauses in 3dsmax5, common pauses in Blood Rayne etc etc.

Extreme slowdown with Silent Hill II using shadows, with AMD MPx dual chipsets
Affects: Everyone with 9700+ and AMD MPx?
Workaround for problem: Disable AGP reads/writes
Status – in progress?

Texture clamping in OGL not working for certain games Alice, Icewind Dale, Q3 Urban Terror Diablo II, Quake3 engined game skyboxes
Link ?
Use the Feedback form to request a compatability mode to fix this issue
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: ATI's method works as it should, but problems where games were written for NV hardware only
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

Midnight Club 2 screen shrinks the more you turn up your anti aliasing, 6x made it into a little box
Link ?
Affects: 1 person (PM if you want adding to list)
Workaround for problem: Disable full screen effects in the game options
Status: Unknown, reported?

Escape from monkey island AA problems
Link ?
Affects: 1 person (PM if you want adding to list)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

Flightsim 2004 drawing problems including same ground problem as FS2002 and 'bleeding' text
Affects: 9700 and 9800 users
Workaround for problem: Run the game in Windowed mode, 3.2 drivers fix the text problem
Status: Unknown, reported? still broken in 3.7 drivers

Flightsim 2002 ground texture drawing problems
Affects: 2 users, one 9000Pro (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Run the game in Windowed mode
Status: Unknown, reported? still broken in 3.7 drivers

Serious Sam:SE v1.07 HUGE FPS drop when zooming with the scope and texture quality set to highest in the OGL tab
Affects: 1 user so far (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Move texture quality to HIGH in OGL tab
Status: Unknown, reported? broken since at least 3.2 - 3.6

Mouse cursor disappears in XP, and major game artifacts ABIT KT7A-RAID v1.1
Affects: 9500 Pro 128MB 2 Users (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Turn off Fast Writes
Status: unknown, reported?

Lots of stuttering with ATI Taskbar icon enabled
Affects: 9700 Pro User 1 confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: ATI taskbar Enabled but Not showing everything is fine
Status: unknown, reported?

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance certain cinematics where everything turns black it first appears when Snake enters the bridge on the Tanker
Affects: 2 people, (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Use 3.2 drivers or older
Status: unknown, reported multiple times, has been an issue from at least 3.4 * STILL BROKEN IN 3.6 *, works fine on my computer

Celestia 1.3 (OpenGL)Texture corrupts on planets with rings if ring shadow is enabled Rendering becomes very slow also
Affects: 8500 - 9100 users
Workaround for problem: The only known workaround is to turn of ring shadows
Status: unknown, reported? still broken in 3.8 drivers

Win98 60HZ refreshrate problem
Affects: Lots of people
Workaround for problem: change the idcregoptiondontuseosmonitorinfo reg key
Status: being looked into?

ATI taskbar icon & keypoller causing problems in games and applications certain keypresses not working or keys not being pressed are displayed, keypoller also causes stuttering in games also sometimes makes games auto minimise to the taskbar
Affects: Some people
Workaround for problem: Remove the ATI taskbar icon via the options in the display properties and or disable the ATI key poller service via the services in the control panel
Status: being looked into? see above thread for an update

Empire Earth Mouse cursor leaves trails when moving over 2D objects and all text is missing when AA is enabled
Affects: Some people, 9700 - 9800 reported so far
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported? The mouse trails happen once in awhile in WinME when AA is enabled. The text works fine with AA enabled in WinME, BOTH dont work in XP

Combat mission: Barbarossa to Berlin has graphics glitches with AA enabled, Main menu is invisible and In-game textboxes are white-on-white
Affects: Quite a few people
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported? Menu problem is fixed in 3.6

Rise Of Nations partly red square around the cursor when AA is used in game moving units
Affects: 2 9800 users, 1 9700 user
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

Michelin Rally Masters starting a multiplayer game crashes back to desktop ver 3.2
Affects: A few users
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported, tested with catalyst 3.4 and 3.5 (and with DX 8.1)

Enclave the pixel shaded water does not work correctly
Affects: Mobility 9000 (M9) and 8500 users
Workaround for problem: Disable Vsync in game then re-enable it gets it to display correctly fixes it for the M9 user
Status: Fixed in an upcoming driver set, reported

missing refresh rates in driver for monitors able to support them
Affects: people with modern monitors
Workaround for problem: Use Powerstrip, download monitor inf file and also use refreshforce
Status: Unknown, reported?

Smartgart disabled all directx and agp functions on two different motherboards Asus P4533s and MSi 875p Neo
Affects: 9700 - 9800 pro users
Workaround for problem: Do a manual driver install
Status: Unknown, reported?

Smartgart disables AGP 8x and Fastwrites on some Nforce2 motherboards
Affects: Some users
Workaround for problem: Do a manual driver install or use the Smartgart uninstaller on the ATI driver page
Status: Unknown, reported?

Rollcage Stage II and Microsoft Return of Arcade D3D left in unusable state without reboot
Affects: 1 user (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

Ground Control AA doesnt work anymore with 2nd monitor enabled
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: works if you dont have a 2nd display otherwise use 3.2 drivers
Status: Unknown, reported? I can replicate this one

Problem with 9600 cards and hardware mouse pointer and games crashing
Affects: 5 people (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Enabling mouse trails in the control panel forces mouse pointer to software mode and games work again
Status: Will be fixed in a future driver update, reported? still broken in 3.8

Video overlay surface has its horizontal resolution divided by 2 when high resolutions with 175mhz pixel clock
Affects: Lots of people on all ATI cards
Workaround for problem: Use a lower refreshrate or lower resolution for video playback
Status: Unknown, reported, may be a hardware limitation, same problem on Matrox cards but not Nvidia

System instability with 3.5 but more common in 3.6 drivers
Affects: Quite a few users 9500+ cards intel and AMD
Workaround for problem: Use older drivers, try AGP x4 and or Fast writes off, turn off hyperthreading if you have P4 processor, check for bios updates
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times, causes infinite loop errors and crashes to deskto and device failures on previously stable systems, may work with 3.7 awaiting bug reports

Sonar 2.2 Doesnt run on AIW cards, conflicts with Rage Theater Audio driver
Affects: AIW users
Workaround for problem: Turn off the RT audio driver and it will work
Status: Unknown, reported, still broken in 3.8's

Enabling any kind of anisotropic filtering in PlanetSide results in the mipmap boundaries being clearly visable
Affects: 2 People (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: use Rtool to force Trilinear AF
Status: Unknown, reported?

PlanetSide has clipping problems / wrong textures being used on hills
Affects: 2 People (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported? been broken since 3.5 drivers

PlanetSide crashes to desktop
Affects: 3 People (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: 3.4 drivers
Status: Unknown, reported? has been broken since 3.5 drivers, still broken in 3.7 drivers

Compatibility problems with NForce digital audio and the MMC application;pagenumber=1
Affects: People with AIW cards and Nforce Motherboards
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported, May need work by Nvidia to fix this issue as its not just the MMC application that has this same problem

Steel Tide has flickering textures on walls and the sea floor
Affects: 1 Person (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Set ingame textures to medium or low and the flickering goes away
Status: Unknown, reported still broken in 3.8 drivers

Ultimate Race Pro animations distorted and fog problems
Affects: 1 Person (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Use 3.2 drivers or earlier
Status: Unknown, has been reported, been broken since 3.4 drivers, still broken in 3.7 drivers

DVI connection with LCD causing monitor to shut down for 1 sec. then turn back on (Direct3D and OpenGL in games)
Affects: People who use DVI port to connect to their DVI monitor
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported? hasnt worked since at least 3.1

Gigacube radeon 9600 Pro cards cannot install drivers
Affects: 1 9600 LE user 2 other 9600 users (PM me if you want adding to the list)
Workaround for problem: 3.4 drivers work fine, try omega drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported? has been broken since 3.5 drivers a bios update may be available if you contact the manufacturer

Incoming has graphical problems with flashing sky and random fire displayed from enemy ships and other odd artifacts
Affects: 1x 7000 and 3x 8500 (all owned by one person)
Workaround for problem: use 2.5 drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported multiple times, has been broken since 3.0 drivers

Jane's F/A - 18 Combat Simulator problem with Air to Air radar modes causing FPS slowdown with AA enabled
Affects: 9500+ cards
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported

Logitech OSD software causes stuttering when used during 3D games
Affects: 5 people (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported? only seems to happen on OGL, problem with other multimedia keyboards and OSD's too

GLExcess a bright rectangle appears in the center of screen in test 6
Affects: 1 7500 user (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported? has been broken since original 7500 drivers, still broken in 3.8 drivers

OGL driver string reports 1.3 but actually has 1.4 compliance
Affects: Cards that support 1.4 OGL (9500+ ?)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported?

Problem selecting polygons in Softimage
Affects: Everyone who uses the program
Workaround for problem: Buy expensive FireGL card which doesnt have this problem, or use the softmod to install the drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported. works fine on Nvidia cards, has also been reported by me with 3.7 drivers as I can replicate the problem, still broken in 3.8's

Maya 5 problems with Sculpt tool leaving trails, also a problem with creating new Isoprams
Affects: 9500+ users
Workaround for problem: Buy expensive FireGL card which doesnt have this problem, or use the softmod to install the drivers
Status: Unknown, reported, still broken in 3.8 drivers

Alpha blended cursors problem in XP
Affects: 8500, 9000, 9100 only
Workaround for problem: turn down Hardware acceleration a notch
Status: Unknown, Reported

NV_Point_Sprites removed from OGL in 3.7 drivers
Affects: 9500 - 9800 class cards
Workaround for problem: copy atioglxx.dll from earlier drivers (3.5 or less) to Dawn BIN folder
Status: Unknown, Reported? broken in 3.7 driver, may have been replaced with arb_point_sprite which means the Dawn OGL wrapper would have to be recoded for example, still broken in 3.8's

2nd Monitor doent work at a refreshrate higher than 60 even with Refreshforce and vsync enabled
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: Use earlier drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported broken in 3.7 driver

Extra monitors listed in the device manager than are actually present on the computer
Affects: LOTS of people
Workaround for problem: Use earlier drivers
Status: will be fixed in a later driver, Reported broken in 3.7 driver, still broken in 3.8's

Toca race driver crash to desktop when on single race and rainy selected
Affects: 7500 users only
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported, broken in 3.7 drivers

8500 on a MSI 6167 motherboard displays garbage when booting windows with 3.7 drivers
Affects: 8500 cards
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported

Links 2001 has lines running through the graphics with or without AA and AF
Affects: 2 users 9500 (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported? before 3.7 drivers it was only broken when AA and AF was used now its all the time

the 'Default ON' option for Vsync is broken for OGL if the game is run in a window, works fine if the 'always ON' option is used instead
Affects: 9500+ cards (maybe more PM me if its the same on 8500 or less)
Workaround for problem: None, except using 'ALWAYS ON'
Status: Unknown, Reported, this has also been reported by me, still broken in 3.8 drivers

Corrupt windows text with ALi chipset motherboards
Affects: 8500 and 9600 cards 2 users (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: check thread for a couple of system tweaks but they dont fix the problem entirely
Status: Unknown, Reported

Corrupt graphics on NHL2004 with ALI chipset motherboards
Affects: 2 Users
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported

Missing textures in the Hulk with 3.7 drivers
Affects: 8500 cards only
Workaround for problem: Earlier drivers work to a degree but cause other graphical problems
Status: Unknown, reported, still broken in 3.8's

Homeworld2 problem with game going to a black screen on startup (not all the time though), problems with shadows, AA causing FPS to goto 1FPS also and random crashes
Affects: 9500 - 9800 users
Workaround for problem: 3.6 or earlier drivers work better
Status: Unknown, reported May need a game patch to fix some of the issues

Jedi Academy screen flashes and crashes with save games
Affects: 9500+ cards
Workaround for problem: Turn off dynamic glow for now to stop the flashes
Status: Unknown, reported, may need a game patch, no screen flash problem with 5600FX card but the game still crashes

C&C Generals: Zero Hour problem displaying microwave tanks when 'Heat Effect' is enabled in the in game options in conjunction with AA
Affects: 9500+ cards
Workaround for problem: Turn off either heat effect or AA
Status: Unknown, reported, needs to be tested with Nvidia cards to see if they have the same problem

Tiger Woods 2004 doesnt have an option to run at 1600 x 1200 but does on Nvidia cards
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported, May need a game patch, see thread for more details

Tiger Woods 2004 no self shadows on ATI cards
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported? works fine on a 4200 Nvidia card

Tiger Woods 2004 crashes or reboots the PC randomly and also locks up with 1024x768 2xAA
Affects: Lots of people
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported? the game also crashes for Nvidia users so may need a game patch to fix

using 3.7 drivers games change resolution while loading more than they used to, example games FS2004, Halo, Madden 2004
Affects: Some people
Workaround for problem: Disable extra ghost monitors in the device manager
Status: Unknown, reported. more of a problem for people who did a fresh install of XP with 3.7 drivers, will be fixed in a later driver

Halo Nightvision doesnt work on sniper rifle with 3.8 drivers
Affects: 9500+ cards
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers or force pixel shaders version 1.4 via the -use14 option added to the end of the game shortcut
Status: Unknown, reported

Vsync always on not enabled in OGL if more than 6 tray icons are in the taskbar
Affects: 2 users (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None other than turning off taskbar icons or closing down apps
Status: Unknown, reported?

No D3D smartshaders in the control panel in 3.8 drivers
Affects: 8500 - 9200 users
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

3D control panel not showing 2xAA for D3D as being set when custom mode is used to enable it
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: Exit the gontrol panel and go back in and it shows fine, so is just cosmetic I think
Status: Unknown, reported

Once Upon a Knight graphics corruption with 3.8 drivers
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers they work fine or disable the shader engine in the game config and use T&L instead
Status: Unknown, reported, fixed for 8500 - 9200 users in Dell leaked drivers

Grand Prix Legends semi transparent trees and other objects that should be solid
Affects: 8500 users only
Workaround for problem: use 3.2 drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported?, has been broken since 3.4 and is still broken in 3.8's

Starfleet Command III missing weapons fire and shields
Affects: 9600 cards only ?
Workaround for problem: use 3.7 drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported? broken in 3.8 drivers

Britneys Dance Beat movies dont play
Affects: Everyone ?
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported, works fine on Nvidia cards

Madden 2004 corrupt crowd and player graphics with 3.8 drivers
Affects: A few users no consistant card or motherboard
Workaround for problem: Use 3.7 drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported?

Max Pane 2 Pixel Shader Skinning looks incorrect
Affects: 8500 to 9200 cards only
Workaround for problem: None known
Status: Unknown, Reported?

D3D AA doesnt change in the control panel if the game resolution is the same as the desktop resolution
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: Change desktop resolution before playing the game and click apply and then change the desktop resolution back again
Status: Unknown, Reported

Last edited by spyre on Oct 19, 2003 at 05:42 PM

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Aug 18, 2003 05:23 PM

Mod and Beta Hoe

Registered: Jan 2003
Location: England
Posts: 1854

THIS part of the list is reserved for posting when things are fixed or not driver issues

[*]After uninstalling the driver it does not uninstall the monitor defaults it makes and makes new ones when new drivers are installed
Affects: 3 people (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Install drivers over top of old ones or find the entries by searching for your monitor description in the registry
Status: Unknown, reported? this is a Windows problem as it does the same thing when you install lots of drivers also on Nvidia cards for example

Removed for reason stated above

[*]Severe slowdown with lots of sprites on screen, for example GTA Vice City helecopter downwash and car dust, smoke in Counterstrike
Affects: Quite a few people
Workaround for problem: none
Status: Unknown, reported?

[*]GTA Vice City slowdown when fog e.g in strip bar or bank heist mission
Affects: 4 people confirmed, 9700 user and a 9500 user and Radeon 64 DDR ViVo (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

[*]Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon slowdown with smoke, fog fine
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

The same problems also exist with Nvidia cards with smoke effects and is a bandwidth limitation of ALL current graphics cards from any manufacturer, alpha blended pixels slow cards down in some cases halving FPS depending on amount and techniques used

[*]Splinter Cell slowdown police station mission, stepping through light rays FPS drops causing stuttering
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

Removed as its another memory bandwidth issue and not a driver problem

[]Texture flickering in NOLF2
Affects: Almost everyone
Workaround: Install the 3.2 drivers or the Omega 3.6 drivers until the official ones are fixed
Status - Fix pending woohoo, fix is in ATI's internal codebase, still broken in 3.6 * UPDATED FOR 3.6

[*]Counterstrike & HalfLife & MODS lack of screenshot capture
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: Use Fraps
Status: Screenshot issue will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release

[*]Quake 1/2/3 and other quake based engines unable to take screenshots correctly
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: for Q3 screen capture: use the PrtSc button on the keyboard then paste into a paint program. shots will appear darker than they show up in game if you use r_overbrightbits 1, or use FRAPS util
Status: This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release, reported multiple times

[*]Quake 3 gray area visible if you start the game full screen and then press alt & enter, reloading the game windowed after exiting is fine
Affects: 3 people so far 9500 - 9700 (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for the problem: use 3.5 drivers or earlier
Status: unknown, reported, broken in 3.6

[*]Unreal Tournament unable screenshots correctly
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for the problem: use the PrtSc button on the keyboard then paste into a paint program or use FRAPS util
Status: Unknown, reported?

[*]Links 2003 problem with lines through the golfer and screen with AA and AF
Affects: 7200 - 8500 users
Workaround for the problem: Change agp mode from smartgard, reboot. Check the game, it's ok now. Change the agp mode back to original and reboot.
Status: This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release, reported multiple times

[*]Naviset monitor setting utility doesnt work
Affects: Everyone who uses the util
Workaround for problem: Only reverting back to 3.4 cures the problem UPDATE go here for another workaround by deleting a driver file
Status: Unknown, Reported multiple times

[*]OpenGL Corrupts when changing resolutions in game with two monitors enabled 3.6 drivers only, also a problem if you use a 7500 card to run the 2nd monitor
Affects: 6 people 7500, 9500 and 9700 (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Turn off 2nd monitor
Status: Unknown, reported? going back to 3.5 drivers fixes the bug

[*]Shadow of Destiny title screen is black with or without AA and AF
Affects: 3 9700 users and 1 9500 user (PM me if you want adding to the list)
Workaround for problem: use 3.2 or earlier drivers
Status: Unknown, Reported, has been broken since 3.4 drivers

[*]PowerDVD 5 locks up when dragging movie to extended desktop
Affects: 2 users (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported? has been broken since at last 3.4 drivers

[*]Dungeon Siege locks up when alt&tabbing back into the game
Affects: 2 people (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported?

[*]Battlefield 1942 rendering problems AKA triangles of death
Affects: Lots of people, but not all, 8500 - 9100
Workaround: Use 3.1 driver set
Status: ATI have eproduced and working on a fix for later drivers, reported multiple times, some people say its improved in 3.6 but still not 100% also slows other users down as its drawing the scenery more often * UPDATED FOR 3.6 *

[]Slow FPS in F12002 and F1 Challenge 99-02 with AA enabled
Also see;t=18538&
Affects: Quite a few people
Workaround for problem: possible workaround change the Shadow setting = Medium in the game settings for F1 C 99-02
Status: Unknown, reported?, still broken in 3.6 * UPDATED FOR 3.6

[*]Toca race driver crashes
Affects: 7500 User 1 confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

[*]Unreal2 and UT2003 crashes
Affects: 4 7500 Users confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

[*]F1C 99-02 Unable to Alt & Tab in 3.6 drivers
Affects: 1 Person (PM me if you want to be added to list)
Workaround for problem: Install 3.5 or earlier drivers
Status: Unknown, reported? worked fine in 3.5 drivers [will be tested by me shortly]

[*]Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne & shadow magic expansion Alt & Tabbing causes graphics corruption
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Use older 3.4 drivers as they are unaffected
Status: unknown, reported?

[*]IL2 Sturmovik screenshots dont work with AA
Affects: A few users
Workaround for problem: Use fraps for now
Status: Unknown, reported, has been around since at least 3.2 driver set

ALL the above are fixed in the 3.7 driver

[*]AIW TV tuner no longer works in windows after installing DX9b
Affects: AIW 8500 and lower
Workaround for problem: Get fix below which installs some DX9a files over top of DX9b files
Status: Unknown, Reported This is a M$ problem to fix

Removed as its fixed in the patch below from microsoft

[*]IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles Stuttering and low FPS in perfect mode also texture errors particularly over water
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for the problem: texture errors may be fixed by disabling S3TC texture compression
Status: Unknown, reported? according to ubisoft it may be fixed in 3.7 drivers

Fixed in latest game patch

[*]Fog no longer works in Morrowind in 3.7 drivers
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround: Use earlier drivers
Status: Unknown, reported?

this one is just plain wrong, tested with 3.7 drivers and 3.5 drivers and against a 5600FX card and its exactly the same so taken off of the list

[*]Horrible performance in Morrowind with or without shadows enabled
Affects: Everyone, especially 9700 - 9800 users
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times, game doesnt use occlusion culling so everything is drawn regardless of if its in view or not (needs testing on nvidia cards to see if they do the same)

tested as above and both cards dont have any advantage over each other both cards draw everything even if its not in view which is why there is horrible performance, the game engine doesnt support occlusion culling so a engine rewrite would be needed by the game devs

[*]UT2003 DM-DE-Grendlekeep (digital extremes bonus pack) rendering error
Affects: Some people
Workaround for problem: None reported
Status: Unknown, reported? Has been around since earlier versions, may be a map bug

Map bug does the same thing on Nvidia cards

[*]OGL graphics banding problems, textures auto converted to 16bit
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: Use older drivers 3.5 or earlier
Status: Unknown, reported? only affects OGL 1.3 games, moving the texture quality slider to max performace helps with the problem but screws up OGL 1.1 and 1.2 games then unless its changed back, still broken in 3.7's will be fixed in a future driver release

[*]Fog problem with Neverwinter Nights
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status – ATI are working on a fix, has been reported, still broken in 3.7's

[*]IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles lockups in perfect mode
Affects: Some people
Workaround for the problem: use 3.4 drivers
Status: Unknown, reported? according to ubisoft it may be fixed in 3.7 drivers

[*]Gothic2 slow FPS in towns
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: F1 to F4 to adjust to view range in game and or enable .INI fixs
Status: unknown, reported? could just be heavy workload for CPU, needs testing on other graphics cards to see if same problem exists

[*]Gothic2 display stutters with the shafts of light in the forest near the stone circle
Affects: a 9600 user and a 9700 user, let me know if you also have this problem
Workaround for problem: F1 to F4 to adjust to view range in game ALSO NEW Gothic2 has a problem with ati drivers and there is a hack to temp fix it and work aroudn the ATI bug in the ini file!
Status: Unknown, reported

[*]Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Texturing problems
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?, tried this and not seen any errors, will be removed if nobody responds in a reasonable timeframe

[*]Serious Sam:SE v1.50 beta crashes immediately after the "sam I am" intro screen right when the flyby sequence should begin
Affects: A few people (me included) 9500 - 9800 only ?
Workaround for problem: Skip intro and then go into options and pick higher resolution than the default and change the performance to quality then restart, other workaround is to change renderer to DX and restart game, older game patch works fine but is missing the new features of the beta
Status: Unknown, reported? Croteam has been unable to replicate at the moment, this is still broken in 3.6 UPDATED FOR 3.6, works fine on GF2 card

[*]Messed up menu in Severence blade of darkness, and black textures within the game
Affects: 9500+ card users only (pm me if you know different)
Workaround: Go here and get the ALPHA 2 OGL renderer
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times, may be a game bug

[*]America's Army 1.9 shadow problem with AF enabled
Affects: 9500+ card users
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported?, still broken in 3.7 drivers

All the above are fixed in the 3.8 drivers

[*]Nascar 2003 odd slowdown during race and corrupt graphics
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

fixed via a game patch

[*]Madden 2004 problems, Trueform and Stadium shadow all dont work
Affects: Lots of people
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported, stadium shadows and sunlight shadows also dont work on Nvidia cards so will be a game bug, EA say that they are looking into the truform but havent mentioned the shadows yet, theres a game patch out which will fix the truform (and other issues) due end of september

fixed via a game patch

[*]Alt & Tab not possible in tactical ops
Link ?
Affects: 1 person (PM if you want adding to list)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

Removed as it doesnt let you on Nvidia cards either so is a game issue

[*]Morrowind slowly degrades in performance with use / talk right click mouse operations
Affects: 8500 users only
Workaround for problem: Exit game and reload
Status: unknown, reported?

Removed, does the same thing on Nvidia cards so its a game issue

[*]Need for speed 4 & 5 (and maybe others) have corrupt lights when using AF
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, Reported. works fine on Nvidia cards, may be a game engine bug (big suprise as its an EA game)

Y hay más:



dios k lista mas larga!!!!

a ver si sale una lista de errores de windows!! seguro k es aun mas xDD


la de nvdia debe ser por el estilo



bueno, bien larga q es, pero no es nuevo, practicamente todos los componentes de un PC no son 100% compatibles con todo, aunq porq no muestras tambien los de los 45.23???

(ojo estoy practicamente neutral, aunq hay q ver q los 52.XX mejoraron bastante en calidad de imagen y performance)


Que conste que no he abierto el thread para provovcar a nadie, pero la lista de fallos conocidos de los Detonator 45.23 no debe de ser ni 1/4 de esta (desde la web de NVIDIA la podeis descargar).



ummmmmm, bueno voy hasta alla y les pasare el link, de repente me voy por una 5900U, quien sabe, tendria q ver si me sale mejor esa o una 9800pro

por la cuestion de los drivers 52.xx q dan mas performance y calidad de imagen equiparable a la de las ATi, aparte q aca las nv se consiguen mas facil...
habria q ver



Estoy hasta los huevos de jugar a todos esos juegos y no tener ningun tipo de problema en ninguno de ellos...

Me ha hexo grácia el tema esté:
Warcraft 3 corrupted graphics in OGL (use -opengl in the commandline to enable it)

Pero tu te crees que la gente se activa el método opengl del War3 cuando (solo lo he probado hoy con mi ati y va perfecto pero, PEOR (se ve peor) que con Direct3D (que es el por defecto)... y tb lo probé con mi antiguo PC en una GF4 TI 4200 y tambien se veia PEOR que con el Direct3D).

No se tio... yo estoy arto de jugar a muchos de estos juegos y no pasarme todas estas cosas...

Y Te recuerdo el problema del Escape y volver con el RefreshFORCE ese no es un bug de ATI, sino del RefreshFORCE pq yo lo probé cuando tenia la GF4 TI y pasaba exactamente lo que pone allí... xD no se es que me hace grácia la lista... hay cosas que supongo que si aunque no pueda verlas (todo lo de 8500-9200) pues no puedo probarlo, pero el tema de por ejemplo el HL al salir con el Escape hay problemas... es que deve estár heredado del 3.5 de catalist... pq quedo totalmente solucionado con esa versión (el problema lo tenian la 3.4 y anteriores...)

Yo solo he tenido un problema con la ATI con 1 solo juego y simplemente era que el juego estaba mal hecho... ya que con la 1.1 del mismo juego fue solucionado... y era el Gran Theft Auto Vice City.

Respecto al tema de la lista, pues eso... que no veo en mi 9800 pro con los 3.8 ningun problema en ningún sitio... Espero no intentes asustar a nadie... ATI no da ningún problema... almenos a todo aquel que conozca que la tiene.


En las mismas que TaMy.
No, no lo digo por decir "sisi estoy con TaMy", sino porque es la verdad, yo tampoco tengo ningun problema con los 3.8 de ningun tipo de los que en esa lista pretenden dar a conocer.


Con razon uso los Omega 2.4.78a


los 3.8 me van de maravillas :D


pues io tengo una 9k, y me ha dado por probar el zero hour, y si, los fallos estan ahi xDDDDDDDDD

tamy no digas ke no tienen fallos bla bla bla cuando pone claramente ke son para las 8500-9200 y tu tienes una 9800

decir tb ke eso da igual y tal ke esos fallos no importan, pues paraos a pensar cuantas dx9 y cuantas dx8.1 hay instaladas hoy por hoy en los pcs de medio mundo, y vereis como esa larga lista de fallos tiene demasiado peso como para ignorarla tan a la torera


gosub, es que hay muchos de estos fallos aquí puestos que o ya no deverian estar aquí (solucionados en la 3.4 por ejemplo lo del Counter Strike joder que lo jugamos cada dia....) y otros que no son bugs de la ATI en si, que con NVIDIA, SIS, XGI, ETc....etc.... tambien pasa como lo del RefreshForce. Ya que es muy gracioso, pq le pasa exactamente lo mismo con cualquier otra targeta. No se, simplemente veo cosas que no deverian estar aquí en dicha lista


Desde luego los 3.7 corren MAS y permiten unos ratios de overclock mas agresivos....

Amen de q el VPU Recover me parece q aun esta MUY verde..

Vamos hablando :)



yo m voy a volver a instalar los 3.7 xq los 3.8 no m convencen y mi 9500 va peor


Tranquilos, que los de nVidia son aun mas largos:

  • Cualquier juego con uso intensivo de Pixel Shaders 2.0 funciona a bajos frame rates o con errores gráficos.

Status: Parcheando cada juego indivualmente en nuevas revisiones de drivers (hasta que saquemos el nv40 y al nv3X le den...)

En fin, que bugs hay en todos los drivers. Lo bueno es que se conozcan para asi poderse solucionar. Yo me pase 1 año y medio con una Voodoo3 3500 sin poder escuchar los canales que emitian en estereo, hasta que a 3DFx le dio la gana sacar nuevo driver. :-/ Como no me importaba a nadie (quien coño aparte de mi se compró una 3500 ¿?) no lo arreglaban. Menos mal que un italiano saco un parche.


Alguna gente no se por q se molesta tanto con una simple lista de bugs,parece q hay gente q se lo toma como algo personal o algo asi.
Otra cosa,imprsionante lista juer como te pongas a mirar enlace por enlace echas 2 dias leyendo,bueno al final la gente decide q drivers le van mejor personalmente y listo,lo mas fiable es la experiencia de los usuarios,digo yo .....


Achechino los 3.8 con el VPU desactivado funcionan mejor. (almenos a mi en mi caso) por cierto ya tengo la 9800 pro de 128, la cambie por la de 256 + 80 Euros (que me dieron claro está) y esta aparte de que a los mismos cores me corre más, me permite como 15 Mhz más de lo que me permitia en las memorias la 9800 pro ddr2 de 256. osea que recomiendo que todo aquel que pueda no compre la 256 de ati 9800 pro ya que la de 128 actualmente es mejor o esperaros a la XT.


yo cuando lei lo del problema de los cat 3.8 con la subida de temp. (dicen sobre +o- 10ºC) cambie a los omega nuevos 3.8 rev2 y ahora despues de formatear tiro con los 3.7 q por cierto son la peste este ultimo. Donde esten los drivers del cs de la gráfica que se quiten los demas xd.

Usuarios habituales

  • TaMy
  • aLeX
  • TRV
  • ach3chin0
  • ErmacVassili
  • jOK
  • MaKi