Que ya lo has mirado?
You are LOWID because your firewall, modem, or router are badly configured.
Razorback server refuse you to access because you have a LOWID, you probably tried to connect many times too quickly .
These attempts are recognized as an aggression by the server who blocks you during 2 hours (unless you try to reconnect too fast)
More information here : http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=48127 : To understand why LOWID is bad for you.
Start solving your LOWID problem ( firewall ? , router ? )
El ban este dice que dura 2h, a no ser que te intentes volver a conectar otra vez (y no dice nada mas).
Ve a mirar un dvd alquilado, sal a la calle a jugar un poco a baloncesto, cenas, vas a dormir, y mañana te levantas y te conectas.
A, y soluciona tu lowid => "Razorback server refuse you to access because you have a LOWID, you probably tried to connect many times too quickly ."