Quitar ban el ventrilo


Hola, tengo una duda y esque me gustaria saber como se quita un ban de un ventrilo, porque banee a 1 y ahora no se como quitarlo xD gracias de antemano

supongo que este sera el foro correcto si no lo es sry

2 años después

Log into your server admin by right clicking on the server name, choose "Server Admin" then select "Login". Then go to "Chat" which is located on the right hand side of the Ventrilo client under "Comment". Once you are in chat, type "/rcon banlist". This will pull your servers ban list up so you can view bans. Once you have found the ip you wish to unban do the following "/rcon bandel " (Replace "i<I>" with the IP of the user you would like to unban).
On the next version of our control panel which will be released shortly you will be able to ban and unban users via the web.

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