extraido de http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?Installation
esto va todo por consola quizas tu distro tenga alguna herramienta de configuracion grafica
- Configure interface
Use iwconfig to configure wireless network interface. First, see if the interface is available, with
This tool is not likely to be present on your system : it is part of the package 'wireless-tools', which you shall install.
This will print the wireless interface (e.g., wlan0). In the examples below wlan0 is used; replace wlan0 with the interface reported by iwconfig above. The wireless configuration to be used should match what your Access Point (AP) uses. First, find out if you can see your AP with
iwlist wlan0 scan
If this lists your AP, you can continue. Otherwise, you may have one of two problems: Your AP doesn't broadcast SSID (see the FAQ for more information) or the radio of the card is off (again, see the FAQ for details).
If you see the AP in scan above, set the operating mode of the interface according to your setup. In most cases, it is Managed
iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
If you use encryption (WEP), set the key
iwconfig wlan0 key restricted XXXXXXXX
You can use 6 hex digits for 40-bit encryption or 10 hex digits for 128-bit encryption. You may need to use open security mode instead of restricted depending on the setup of your AP. If you want to write the key in ASCII use s: (e.g. iwconfig wlan0 key restricted s:password).
Set the network name
iwconfig wlan0 essid ESSID
Replace ESSID with the network name used by your AP. If essid is not set, then ndiswrapper itself works and the rest of this section may or may not help you. If essid is not set, refer to FAQ.
Now, setup the network parameters for the interface wlan0. This varies from distribution to distribution. Refer to your distribution's documents on how to do this. Once this is done, you can use network tools to bring up the network; e.g.,
ifconfig wlan0 up
dhclient wlan0
dhcpcd wlan0
- Automate