Actualización de invierno de Dragon Ball FighterZ


El próximo miércoles 28 de noviembre, Dragon Ball FighterZ recibirá una nueva actualización que balanceará y añadirá nuevos modos de juego y avatares.

A falta de unas notas del parche, esta actualización nerfeará los supers de nivel 3 de Bardock y de Androide 16 y retocará al resto de los personajes.

Por otra parte también se sumará un nuevo modo de juego: el FighterZ Tenkaichi Budokai, un torneo de ocho personas online con reglas especiales cuyo ganador obtendrá trofeos que podrá colocar en su Z Trophy Room, habitaciones ambientadas en lugares icónicos del manga similares a las vistas en BlazBlue.

Además, del 5 al 31 de diciembre, llegarán nuevas cápsulas con avatares para el lobby y colores para los personajes ambientados en la Navidad.


#2786 ojalá buff a 17, tengo ganas de usarlo pero por lo que se es mierda pura


Interesante. Hace pocos días me hice con el FighterZ Pass por 15 eurillos y pienso darle duro para rentabilizarlo al máximo.

Me imagino que con la llegada de las cápsulas de Navidad del próximo 5, desaparecerán las de Halloween, ¿no?

1 respuesta

Me imagino que con la llegada de las cápsulas de Navidad del próximo 5, desaparecerán las de Halloween, ¿no?

Sí. Según la web japonesa, duran hasta el 30 de este mes.

1 1 respuesta

RIP Bardock y 16, deberían nerfear a Gotenks también, pero bueno, algo es algo.


No me esperaba que se atrevieran a hacer un balance patch a 2 meses de las finales del World Tour, van a estar interesante las reacciones de algunos

1 respuesta


1 1 respuesta

#4 Thanks. Pues habrá que conseguir algunas cápsulas antes de que las quiten.


ya podian dejar de ser gitanos y añadir al broly de la pelicula.


#7 17 simbolos para una frase entera, el japones es mas maravilloso que el andaluz xD


Notas del parche traducidas.

New Modes:
"Fighterz Tenkaichi Budoukai" added
Initial exhibition dates will be announced in the future
"Christmas Capsules" added
Available 12/5 to 12/31
"Z Trophy Room" added

System Mechanics:

Super Dash:
Fixed a bug where your characters position (left or right) affected the trajectory of super dash
Fixed super dash not ending immediately when it clashes with other moves
Fixed super dash's trajectory acting strange when the opponent vanishes

Super Dash, Z Change, Guard Cancel Change:
Fixed a bug where the character immediately landed after hitting an opponent near the ground

Z Change, Guard Cancel Change:
Made hitstop on block the same as super dash

Guard Cancel Change:
Takes smash on hit
Increased recovery on hit
Increased untech time on hit

Z Assist:
You can no longer call a Z Assist in the same situations where you cannot Z Change (e.g: after blocking or taking damage)

Air Dragon Rush:
Added Head property

Fixed Z Change's trajectory becoming weird when vanished against

Ground Dash:
Special moves can be done during the startup of dash now

Dragon Balls:
When a character is KOed, the game will now show how many dragon balls there are

Special Move Inputs:
Made it so special moves have input priority over Z Reflect when inputted at a specific timing (probably to make inputs easier)

K.O Cinematic:
Fixed a bug where the animation continued when killing an opponent with a cinematic move

SSJ Goku:
236L/M (Ground): Removed Head property
(A move having Head property means that Head invulnerable moves (2H, etc) will be invulnerable to it. This means that Goku's 236L/M now cannot be invuled through with 2H)

SSJ Vegeta:
j.2H: Added more horizontal travel distance

2S: Decreased startup. Increased hitbox
Assist: The orb no longer disappears during cinematics as long as Piccolo is still on screen
236L (Ground): Wall bounces on hit now
j.236L/H: Decreased startup. Changed the falling speed on hit. Increased untech time
3/6S: Increased hitbox. Knocks opponent back on hit. Changed effect on hit
3S: Decreased startup

Teen Gohan:
5LL: Changed the amount of vertical distance gained. Increased untech time. Added landing recovery
5LLL: Changed the movement speed. Changed the effect on hit. Increased untech time. Made the move Head property.
2S/j.S: Fixed a bug where the ki blast would not explode when hitting things like barriers

5LLL: Fixed a bug where the cinematic would play out in an odd way
214S: Changed the effect on hit if it hits on the way back
OTG lvl3: Changed the situations and timings during which the super can be done. Increased startup. Increased damage

5LL: Decreased startup
5LLL: Made it possible to cancel into S moves during the Z Combo

236L/H (Ground): Removed Head property
Lvl3: Increased grab range

2S: Made the initial hitbox larger. Blows opponent back on hit

Android 18:
Assist, j.214S: Barrier size increased
22S/j.22S: Can now protect allied Z Assists

2H: Increased the hitbox on the bottom of the move in the initial frames (probably fixes antiairing teen gohan, kid buu, etc)
214S: Fixed a bug where the move would act strangely when it hit an assist
Lvl3: Recovery until landing on hit

j.2S: Fixed a bug where the ki blast would not explode when hitting things like barriers
236X/j.236X: Increased untech time
214S: Reduced recovery on whiff or block

Kid Buu:
236L (Ground): Increased startup
j.236LM (Air lvl1): Increased untech time if it hits on the way down. Made it cross up less often after hitting

Fat Buu:
5M: Push back reduced
5H: Decreased startup. Changed movement speed. Upper hitbox reduced

214L/M (Saibamen): Total duration decreased (Nappa recovers faster from plant)
214S: 2nd hit startup decreased

Android 16:
Z Assist: Blockstun decreased
214S: Made it a multi hit move
236S: Decreased startup. Recovery on whiff decreased
Lvl3: Fixed a bug where the last hits could be blocked when Ultimate Z Changing at a specific timing. Changed opponent's distance after hit

214X/j.214x: Untech time increased
All Wolf Fang Fist moves: Made it easier to combo airborne opponents

214X/j.214X: Reduced landing recovery
Lvl3: Altered the damage distribution of the followups

Adult Gohan:
5H: Increase push back on block. Removes momentum
2H: Reduced the amount Gohan moves (probably doesn't rise as high)
236HS: Increased damage when charged
Lvl3: Fixed a bug where the opponent would appear in the cinematic

236LM/j.236LM: Changed the timing where Ultimate Z Changes are doable. Increased damage and changed the effect on hit when the cinematic does not play
236LM (Ground): Hitbox increased above
j.236LM: Changed effect on hit
Lvl3: Fixed a bug where Z Changed could be done at the same time as supers after this move hit the opponent

Goku Blue:
214M/H: Now teleports before attacking. Increased startup
236L/M: Reflects ki blasts earlier now

Vegeta Blue:
j.2H: Increased horizontal movement
214X/j.214X: Reflects ki blasts earlier now

214X/j.214X: Decreased startup. Increased movement speed
236S: Decreased startup. Decreased total duration
214S: Decreased startup. Added armor property during the middle of the move
Lvl3: Recovery on hit decreased

Goku Black:
236LM/j.236LM: Increased damage
236HS/j.236HS: Changed effect on hit

Android 21:
5M: Push back decreased
214S (Green) (Barrier): Can now protect allied Z Assists
Air Lvl3: Recovery on hit decreased. Blows opponent back on hit

214X/j.214X: Increased untech time
Lvl3: Increased recovery on hit. Changed distance from opponent on hit

2H: Increased the hitbox on the bottom of the move (probably fixes antiairing teen gohan, kid buu, etc)
Various Special Moves: Armor starts earlier now

Vegeto Blue:
j.2H: Jump cancelable
j.236LM: Minimum damage increased

Zamasu (Fused):
5M: Increased movement speed
236S/j.236S: Made it easier to follow up into 236X/j.236X after
Lvl3: Fixed a bug where the hit effects would look weird in certain situations

Base Goku:
236LM (Kaioken): Increased buffer time on the follow ups
Kaioken (M follow up): Added invulnerability during the spin
Kaioken (S/2S follow up): Decreased start up

Base Vegeta:
2S/j.2S: Decreased recovery
j.2H: Decreased recovery. Decreased active frames. Decreased horizontal movement

Android 17:
236LM: Fixed a bug where the hit effects would look weird in certain situations

Assist: Fixed a bug where Cooler would not push the opponent back
j.236LM: Fixed a bug where the cinematic would look weird when this move killed


Lo pongo en su hilo correspondiente.

Usuarios habituales

  • Kondark
  • Eliot
  • NoSFeR
  • perche
  • PepeAlboroto
  • siler89
  • brandon1912
