Fighters and challengers,
the Tekken Team is glad to deliver you this patch for Tekken 7 on PC.
The patch is available as you read these lines and stabilizes the following issues:
Fixes an issue where the leaderboard only shows until the 97th rank and players can't jump to their own ranking.
Fixes an issue where players can't resume the game after minimizing the app's Window.
Updates the matching version to ensure hackers will not be matched with legit users anymore.
Fixes Nina's Ivory Cutter, Eddy's rage arts and Miguel's power crash move.
Fixes an issue where sometimes both controls are assigned to 1P in VERSUS battle.
Fixes an issue where the keyboard becomes unresponsive after reconnecting USB devices.
Fixes issues where customized Kazuya's 3D model partially disappears.
#782 Ya era hora de poder minimizar sin que el puto juego explote... Gracias por el aviso <3
Y lo de los Hackers es un notición! Bandai Namco son increíbles <3
No dejo de maravillarme con el modelado de Akuma. Que se quede en esta franquicia, que lo recrea mejor
Mira me voy a cagar en dios del que ha scripteado el ultimo combate contra Akuma. Hasta los cojones de que spamee el saltito de la polla.
Por qué me resultará tan placentero derrotar a los rivales Akuma-salto-barrido-tira-bolas?
Especialmente con King
A mí la del Zoco me encanta, también la del Templo Abandonado y la última del Twilight Conflict
Creo que no me dejo ninguna.