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#12718 de donde sacas la info? Tenia a Mobius calentito con los tokens para pillar hoy

2 respuestas

#12721 lo compres, espera el parche que lo mismo te arrepientes..o no🙃. No te lo puedo decir, pero es de gente que recibe info antes que los mortales.


#12720 gracias por tu tiempo bro, probaré esos mazos a ver qué tal


Yo lo que mas espero es alguna forma de eliminar la cantidad de cartas duplicadas que tengo.

Me da igual que no me den nada por ello pero quiero eliminarlas.

1 respuesta

#12720 me lo guardo


Tocan a mobius ahora que no se juega?

Podian aprovechar y hacer que ravonna valga para algo.

1 respuesta

#12726 Pues yo mobius lo uso en todos los mazos xD


#12724 pero si lo único que tienes que hacer es quitar en colección que te enseñe todas las variantes xd

1 respuesta

Patch Notes - Oct 31, 2023

PLEASE NOTE: If you haven’t updated your game yet, get the latest in the App Store!



Spotlight Cache Improvements

  • Spotlight Keys replace Spotlight Caches in the Collection Level Track
    • Spotlight Keys can be used to open a Spotlight Cache!
    • Feel free to collect them, you will not automatically open Caches
  • Press-and-hold the Spotlight Cache at the top when you have a Spotlight Key to open it
  • Getting a Spotlight Variant now also rewards the corresponding Avatar
    Updates to your Deck’s Cosmetic loadout
  • When editing a deck, there’s a new tab for managing that deck’s avatar, cardback, and title.
  • This includes new screens for more easily viewing your cardbacks, avatars, and titles.
    Bonus Gold for first purchases
  • Your first purchase of any Gold amount from the Shop now grants double the Gold!
  • Note: This one-time bonus for each Gold amount will apply to all players, even if they’ve already purchased Gold before this patch.


    VO has been added for the following cards:
  • Kang
  • High Evolutionary
  • Living Tribunal
  • Odin
  • Heimdall
  • Dr. Doom



Mobius M. Mobius

  • [Old] 2/3 - Ongoing: Your Costs can't be increased. Your opponent's Costs can't be reduced.
  • [New] 2/3 - On Reveal: Until the end of next turn, your Costs can't be increased and your opponent's Costs can't be reduced.

Developer Note: Mobius M. Mobius has had a massive impact on the metagame, forcing a changing of the guard among top decks that saw perennial powerhouses like Zabu, Sera, and Death fall from grace in favor of decks that could push Power by just playing cards for their normal Energy Costs. While we were eager to see the world Mobius would create, we expected to make an adjustment down the road in order to welcome Cost reduction strategies back into the sunlight. Today is that day, as we're shifting Mobius to provide a temporary counter that requires good timing to maximize the effect. This makes him trickier to set aside Energy for, kind of like Shadow King, and also opens up counters like Magik for decks that are hyper-vulnerable to Mobius being played on turn 5. We're also interested to hear your feedback on our approach here, using a new card as a tool to create a new play environment temporarily.

Ravonna Renslayer

  • [Old] 3/3 - Ongoing: Your cards with 1 or less Power cost 1 less. (minimum 1)
  • [Change] 3/3 -> 2/1
    Developer Note: Ravonna released on the weak side, and Mobius’s release immediately afterward put additional pressure on her decks. This is the sort of adjustment we'd normally be happy to make via an OTA, but we've waited until this patch because of Mobius. While Mobius was Ongoing, Ravonna buffs wouldn't be as impactful as we'd like, so we're hoping this change and its timing gives her an opportunity to succeed. We did decide to keep her stats just under Cost reduction hall of famer Zabu, because while Ravonna is more restrictive she can also affect a wider range of powerful cards. Enabling turn 5 Arnim Zola is a little scarier than turn 3 White Queen.


  • [Old] 3/3 - On Reveal: All cards cost 4 until the end of next turn.
  • [New] 3/5 - On Reveal: All cards cost a maximum of 4 until the end of next turn.
    Developer Note: This is a change we've been sitting on for a while, but we didn't want to introduce such a shake-up to the metagame during a time when Wave was an important balance tool for managing specific matchups. However, the combination of Loki, Mobius, and Alioth have all led to Wave seeing play in more decks than just ones looking to slow the game down and play big cards–we're seeing a lot more decks get ahead, then use Wave to slam the door. Since that's explicitly not what we want for Wave, the timing seemed right for this adjustment. Wave will no longer increase card Costs at all, just reduce cards that cost 5 or more to a maximum of 4. Because this effect is beneficial to both players, we're improving her from 3/3 to 3/5. This change is certainly a nerf to Wave in some strategies, and we'll look at their performance to evaluate future buffs.


  • [Old] 5/3 - Ongoing: Players can only play 1 card a turn.
  • [Change] 5/3 -> 5/4
    Developer Note: With Wave no longer functioning as a Cost restriction and Mobius getting weaker, we’d like to give Sandman a buff in order to ensure he remains a relevant tool for countering decks that play a ton of cards in the final turns of the game. We’ll keep an eye on his performance going forward, because while we don't want a world where Sandman is as common as Wave was, we do want him to have a meaningful presence. Like Ravonna and Mobius, this is the type of change we'd usually make in an OTA but prefer it to accompany Wave's change.
1 respuesta


  • [Old] 1/1 - Ongoing: If you have 3 other cards here, +3 Power.
  • [New] 1/1 - Ongoing: If your side of this location is full, +3 Power.

Developer Note: Continuing from last patch, we’re making a minor adjustment to Ant-Man for consistency with Mojo and Dazzler. These cards now all check for the location being full rather than having a certain number of cards. While it’s sensible for Ant-Man to require teammates to get Power, he could easily grow to sit on the Space Throne himself.


  • [Old] 6/3 - On Reveal: Destroy ALL enemy cards played here this turn. (including unrevealed cards)
  • [Change] Now only destroys enemy cards that are still on the opponent’s side.
    Developer Note: This change is a functional adjustment to Alioth to get his text in line with how he interacts with control-changing effects like Hobgoblin. Before, if the opponent revealed Hobgoblin before your Alioth, Alioth would destroy the Hobgoblin even though it’s now on your side. But Alioth’s text suggests he should only destroy enemy cards, and in the above scenario Hobgoblin has become friendly (well, friendly in that he's one of your cards, at least). Alioth will now only destroy cards if they’re still on the enemy’s side when Alioth reveals.

Pues el parche me parece pocho de cojones. Arreglos minúsculos a cartas que no predominan jajajajajaja Acertado lo de Ravonna, a ver el cambio a Wave y poco más, Mobius ya había dejado de verse y ahora menos aun. Sin más.

#12721 pues olvídate y guardate las fichas xD


Wave ahora esta mas tocha?? o sigue yendo todo a coste 4?

Vale la he testeado, los que cuestan por debajo de 4, se quedan en su coste, y los de mas de 4 bajan a 4

Datamineado Enero, personalmente la del pase me parece decente, el resto....muy reguleras.


Pues ahora no se si pillar a Mobius

1 respuesta

#12735 yo creo que no se va a usar, solo va a ser buena contra Sera, ya que Zabu, Loki y el resto de cartas tienen más turnos para sacarle partido a su habilidad.

1 respuesta

#12736 realmente a Loki le jodes si lo tiras en turno 5

1 respuesta

Mobius lo han dejado inutil completamente, ahora solo sirve con Daredevil y tirarlo en turno 5 creo yo si te toca vs Sera o si no Mobius+Wave quizas en turno 5 o no se



2 respuestas

Con que detalle y cuidado balancean en este juego


#12739 uff que paja de carta no?

1 1 respuesta

ahi tenemos lo que se les ha ocurrido cntra alioth

1 respuesta

#12741 La verdad es que si, te salva muchisimos mazos jajaja luego a ver si al final sale tal como pone. Stats buenos y skill buenarda =)


#12737 si lo tiras en turno 5 le jodes su turno 6. Si el lo ha tirado en el 4, que es lo óptimo, ya le ha sacado rendimiento en el turno 5 y Mobius llega tarde. Habrá que verlo, pero yo creo que se va a dejar de jugar.

Otro tema es que han cambiado los spotlights de diciembre. Han quitado a man thing y lady deathstrike y han puesto a iron Lad y living tribunal. Para mi una putada porque había ahorrado cofres con la intención de abrir todas las semanas 4 cofres y conseguir todas las cartas. Ahora ya no se si abrir o seguir ahorrando. De haberlo sabido hubiese abierto en man-thing y lady deathstrike


#12742 Si la carta aún no se ha revelado no se sabe si cuenta como coste 6 no? Si es así nada cambia, ya que un Alioth con prioridad sigue haciendo lo mismo.


#12728 Lo quiero mas que nada a la hora de mejorar cartas.

Cuando se me acumulan creditos miro que cartas quiero subir y cuales no segun las variantes.
Y me tiro mucho rato decidiendo cuales subir.

De todas formas llevo ya unas semanas que gasto créditos en que me den potenciadores y mejorando cartas de variantes que me gustan.

1 respuesta

Pues creo que Sera se va a jugar ahora bastante. Voy a mantener pineado a Mobius por si acaso. A ver si hay suerte con las spotlight ahora


#12747 gastar créditos en potenciadores es una forma muy absurda de malgastar créditos y por lo tanto conseguir menos spotlight caches por semana.

Hazte un deck con las variantes de las que quieres pillar boosters y juega con él en conquista, o ranked si subes a infinito, para farmearlos


Bueno pues ultima pusheadita post parche con HE+She Hulk e infinito