Actualizacion 360?


Acabo de encender la consola y me dice que hay un update para la consola que ahora mismo esta descargandose....

Alguien sabe algo de este tema? No es un update de ningun juego sino parece del Dashboard...

Salu2 :D :D :D


Xbox 360 System update

Moments ago, the team released a system update (aka Dash update) to Xbox Live. Over the next few hours, when you sign in to Xbox LIVE, you’ll receive a prompt to accept this mandatory update. What’s in this update? The only thing this minor release will do is prepare your Xbox 360 for the wireless guitars that are being released in a few months.
No new features beyond this wireless support are included in this update. As usual, we’ve got some new features planned for later this year as part of our biannual release cycle.


Oficialmente se trata de una actualización que hará compatibles las guitarras wireless que saldrán a finales de año, no ofrece nada más.

(eso oficialmente, otra cosa es que tape agujeros o cierre puertas a las consolas modificadas )

Usuarios habituales

  • MossO
  • BigmAK