Ant simulator cancelado por malgasto en fiestas y strip


Ant simulator cancelado por malgasto del dinero de crowdfunding en fiestas y stripers

Os intento resumir un poco, resulta ser que los miembros de negocios de la campaña, se gastaron en secreto el dinero de las financiaciones en cosas externas al juego, al darse cuenta desistio del proyecto.

Dice que puede tomar medidas legales, pero son tan dificiles de que les ceda los derechos (porque justifican los malgastos como "asuntos de negocios" por ejemplo) que lo ve casi imposible
Para más informacion, mirad el video o la fuente.


Comentario de youtube del creador:
A lot of people are telling me to seek legal advice. I have. The problem is that these guys covered their asses in the contract. They'll say the drinks were for business meetings, and they have the paperwork/minutes to prove they had meetings (even though I know they were bullshit meetings). They went over the contract line by line with me and I reviewed the whole thing twice. I just didn't realize they had protected themselves, screwed me (like the fact that they listed themselves as consultants, so they aren't legally obligated to work on anything, but still have the rights to spend money ect.), and I had no idea what their plan was until it was too late. I could try to sue them, yes. The problem is that the most likely outcome is that things will end up more or less the same as they are now. The only difference is that I would have wasted a lot of time and money on court and lawyer fees. Cutting ties with them is just faster, simpler, and safer. Besides, I'm really damn good at making games. I will make other games. They won't. And thank you everyone tremendously for you support! It helps out so much to see everyone's comments of support. I've been in a really dark place for over two months because of this, you all have really made a difference for me. I was afraid to go public with this information, but it's really good to be able to talk with everyone here again.


Simulador de cigarra, más bien.


En cualquier otro caso me sentiría mal por la gente que ha pagado por el desarrollo del juego, pero pagar o colaborar con esto. Que se jodan.


Ya no se esperan ni a publicar una bazofia, según trincan el dinero en Kickstarter directamente barcos y putas.


Malgasto, cómo que malgasto? Será que emplearon el dinero destinado al juego para otros fines, pero en fiestas y strippers el dinero nunca está malgastado


¡Grandes! Espero que sirva como lección y sobre todo como aviso para prevenir que vuelva a ocurrir


viendo como toman el pelo a la gente y sigue picando con el tema de los kickstarter no será la última vez.

Usuarios habituales

  • Kassie
  • Insurgente
  • warszawa
  • nerkaid
  • AlexGc
  • Akiramaster
  • Shamash_phi