Anunciada la expansión Expedition para Underrail


Primera expansión para el considerado uno de los mejores juegos de 2015 según los cRPGfags.

In Expedition you'll be able to take a break from the usual metro-crawling to take a boat to the infamous Black Sea, a massive underground body of water.

There, among the old and mysterious ruins of an age long past, you'll face the vicious fauna, hostile natives, cunning pirates, and something far more sinister than all of those.

Your voyage through vastness of the Black Sea will shed new light on the history of the world of Underrail and the forces that shaped it.

Expedition will feature the following:

  • A brand new story line that becomes available during the mid-game

  • Over a 100 new areas to explore of various types - shores and islands of the Black Sea, mysterious underground facilities, pirate strongholds, and more

  • New human factions, as well as wild creatures to combat

  • New items and crafting recipes

  • New skills and feats

  • Leveling past level 25 with a special pool of feats to choose from

Over time we'll be revealing more details through the dev log, so expect those to once again flow regularly as they did before the game's release.

We expect to release the expansion during the first half of 2017 as a paid DLC.


¿Pertenece al genero CryonedCore?

1 respuesta

Genial, menudo juegazo.




Hohoho, no me lo esperaba para nada. Cae segurísimo.




Lo mejorcito que juegue en años y sorpresa total, compradisimo.


Otro mas que tengo en mi interminable lista de: "Esperando traduccion".

Me voy a tener que hacer un jodido cursillo solo para poder jugar a juegos nicho.


Tengo pendiente jugar a la primera parte, hablan maravillas de él.


¿Tan bueno es el juego? ¿Qué tal en comparación a D: OS y PoE?

2 respuestas

#10 Abre el CryoParaguas


Es con Age of decadence el mejor crpg desde hace mucho

1 1 respuesta

#12 Este es tipo el AoD? Dios mio me esperan mil horas de vicio entonces.

1 respuesta


Más lineal y algo más táctico, un poco sucesor espiritual de fallout 1 y 2

2 años después

Fecha de salida 22 de Julio!

1 mes después

Ya esta en steam y en gog, es una expansion mid-game, por lo que si alguien no ha jugado al juego base es un buen momento para empezar, -preparate para un minimo de 70 horas de entretenimiento SIN la expansion- han sacado un bundle de juego + expansion.

After more than three years of development, it is finally complete.

Whereas the base game began as a one man undertaking and slowly grew from there as people joined the team and steadily settled into their multidisciplinary positions to form the current core team of four, which gives it a recognizable progress of content quality and design; the Expedition is, from start to finish, the work of this, now more experience and skilled team, laid upon a more solid design foundations.

For those who haven't been following the development: Expedition DLC features a huge underground lake on which a secondary campaign takes place. This campaign becomes accessible during the normal course of the play sometime during the mid-game. Here is a more detailed list of features:

  • Around 250 new areas
  • Leveling character past level 25, up to level 30
  • Ability to ride and upgrade many different jet skis that vary by speed, defense, firepower and utility
  • Three new weapon classes - spears, swords, and shotguns; all of these can be crafted and there are also special unique ones
  • New psi school: Temporal Manipulation
  • Just under 80 new feats, some of which are special new veteran feats that get unlocked beginning with level 26
  • Specializations - a new way to improve your character; starting with level 16, a character will gain one specialization point that they can use to improve -their feats along one or multiple dimensions
  • New consumables, tools, blueprints, and more

We all put a lot of effort into this huge expansion, and each member of the team really poured his heart out into it, in his own way - through visual, narrative or mechanical aspects, to make sure it's not only big, but also a recognizable labor of love. And because it's often the case that people think that Underrail is till a one man operation, I'll use this opportunity to familiarize you with the Stygian Software core team:

Dejan "Styg" Radisic (myself) - lead developer, programming, overrall lore and themes, some writing, a bit of everything
Stefan "Phrygian Dominant" Cupovic - level and quest design, writing
Mario "Mac" Tovirac - 2d & 3d art, various design work
Nikola "Johnny" Petrovic - 3d art, mostly character and creature models

I also want to thank our dedicated fans that helped us thoroughly test the game for bugs and imbalances, as well as build up and maintain useful player resources (wiki, character build tool). Though you come at a price of occasionally having to read through your uncalled for suggestions and complaints, I must admit that all this would be much more difficulty without you.

Once the dust settles, I might do a more detailed piece about my thoughts on the Expedition development - what we did wrong and what we did right. I'll also talk more about our future plans then.

In the meantime, if you enjoyed the base game, please head over to the store page and purchase the Expedition DLC.

2 1 respuesta

#16 Por 9,99 está tiradisimo viendo lo que trae 🤔, me parece que voy a caer con todo xD

1 respuesta

#17 se han tirado algo mas de 3 años en el DLC, 9,99 por tantisimo trabajo es como un atraco pero ellos mismos aceptan que no podian pedir mas por el DLC si el juego base esta a 14€

1 1 respuesta

#18 Realmente dudo que la comunidad se hubiera "quejado", personalmente habría pagado otros 15 por la expansión (Principalmente por la cantidad de contenido nuevo que añade)

Usuarios habituales

  • Perico97
  • _Akiles_
  • Cryoned
  • NateRiver
  • Maverik2
  • RaYsEr
  • Kenderr