Anunciado Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia


La primera entrega de los Total War Saga saldrá el año que viene. Se centra en las Islas Británicas tras su conquista por los nórdicos.

What is A Total War Saga?

Total War Sagas offer the same additive mix of turn-based campaign strategy, real-time battle tactics with hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay as a regular Total War game, just focussed down on a distinct moment.

They will be concentrated games which will put you right in the middle of a dynamic point in history, where the outcome could have gone in a huge number of different directions. Such moments also tend to be constrained to a tight geographic area as well.

Sagas won’t introduce brand-new eras; they’ll follow-on from previous Total War games and inhabit the same time-period, or at the very least relate to it.

Fall of the Samurai is exactly the kind of thing we’re talking about here. It was a standalone spin-off from Total War: SHOGUN 2, focussed on the pivotal event of the Boshin War.

Is it like a Campaign Pack? Will I need to own another game to play it?

No, Thrones of Britannia is a standalone game, you don’t need to own any other game to play it. Also, you can expect much more new content and new gameplay than comes with a Campaign Pack. The game will be based around a rich new setting (the British Isles of 878AD, just after invasion by The Great Heathen Army) with ten new playable factions, new mechanics and a new, highly-detailed map. Some elements will be brought across from Total War: ATTILA since they still fit the time period but Thrones of Britannia will have its own unique look and feel. Again, in terms of scale, Fall of the Samurai is a useful yardstick.

What is the date range of the game?

It starts in 878 AD, and like other Total War games it’s over once you win! There is no set end-date, though the content in the game covers up to around 1066.

What geographical area will it cover?

The map is the whole of the British Isles, we’ve gone for such a focused map to allow for us to put a lot of detail into it.

What are the playable factions?

We’ll be confirming all ten of the playable factions over the coming months but for now we can tell you that you’ll be able to play as Anglo-Saxons, Viking settlers and certain Gaelic clans.

What are the key features?

The game will offer a super-detailed campaign map, with more regional distinction. You can also enjoy new, unique faction and culture mechanics with deep narratives and character development, and we’ve worked hard to introduce all sorts of tweaks to various campaign systems to enable the player to make more powerful and impactful choices. These are things we’ve already announced, though more key features will be announced soon!

What engine is it built from?

It will be based off the Total War: ATTILA codebase, though not without some changes so we can make the game run as smoothly as possible.


2 meses después

Sale el 19 de Abril

In contrast to the event chains in previous games that had a linear path, Thrones of Britannia will feature choices to be made along the way, to prevent you from seeing the same story in each campaign. Different choices lead to different outcomes in each event, and the AI will be faced with those same decisions, ensuring there’s variety in your campaigns.

Events come with 2D cutscenes based on era-appropriate church carvings and metalwork, with each faction having their own intro movies along with unique victory videos. And, of course, this isn’t Warhammer - you don’t have immortal legendary lords. Instead, your rulers can die at any time, hence why events and story are built around factions rather than lords.

Leaders are not like Warhammer heroes. They can die pretty easily.

No religion mechanics. CA says "everyone was basically Christian at this point", which I take issue with but whatever.

Culture is important. Province culture is fixed and can't be changed. Affects unrest and what units can be recruited.

Gaelic unique mechanic is Legitimacy, gives bonuses for owning Gaelic-culture provinces and defending allies in Call to Arms.

Formable kingdoms are in (Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Danelaw, England, etc), unlocked by completing quest chains.

Fame victory is a new way to win playing tall. Capture historically-significant settlements, win battles, etc.

War fervor is back.

Sieges are like Attila (can attack any part of the city), not single wall like Warhammer.

Minor settlements can't have walls or automatic garrisons. Have to manually leave armies there. They have only one building that can be upgraded but never swapped out (farm, abbey, mine, etc), but there are more minor settlements per province than past games.

Combat feels very similar to Attila. Short/bloody battles.

Faction, region, and map-wide events pop up frequently. A common one is off-map viking minor factions showing up to raid/settle. Event chains, "quest" events, and decision-based events kinda reminded me of Crusader Kings 2.

Long Victory will include an "endgame challenge" that they won't talk about but it's probably based on 1066.

Limited unit recruitment pool that replenishes over time and is based on your land ownership.

Focus on a small retinue of elite troops supported by low and mid-tier levies, instead of an entire elite army by endgame.

Newly recruited units must Muster - start at 25% manpower and ticks up over a few turns.

Units have food upkeep in addition to gold upkeep.

New Supply system - armies have a supply bar that ticks up when Raiding or in friendly territory, ticks down when not raiding in hostile or neutral territory. Supplies run out = you take attrition every turn.

Tech is unlocked by deeds. Tech for tier-2 swordsmen unlock by training 10 tier-1 swordsmen. One of the civic tech unlocks by owning a certain number of monasteries.

Can pay off viking minor factions to leave you alone.

Family trees, governors, character traits, followers, and Loyalty are in

Trade is automatic as long as you're not at war and have a valid path between capitals. NO MORE TRADE AGREEMENTS.

Agents removed. (Not joking)

Vaya patraña de total war


Duras declaraciones.


muy barato lo veo para ser de CA. Se avecinan dlcs para ver sangre por 5€

22 días después

Pues tiene buena pinta


solo hay un britannia y es este:


Otro total war que no se jugara por la mania de poner iconos que no entienden ni ellos, pensaba que con el warhammer habian aprendido la leccion pero parece que no...

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