Balance de los WCG


Bueno pos abro esto pa ver que os ha parecido la participacion española en lo ke por supuesto al sc se refiere. :)
Me e llevado una gran decepcion con ALFA la verdad esq si. Teniendo en cuenta la dificultad que un evento de estos supone, he de decir que podria aver dado muxo mas de si. Tenia al koreano loko en su grupo es cierto, pero joder ya he visto el replay y ALFA no le aguanto ni un atake, es decir, primera tropa de tanks y coches ke salen de la base del koreano y adios ALFA. Ok todos nos esperabamos esta derrota pienso yo, pero ALFA tenia el nivel suficiente para ganar los demas partidos y como minimo pasar de grupo.

Por el contrario, el que mas me ha sorprendido sin ninguna duda ha sido Manza. Nadie daba ni un duro por el (me incluyo), e incluso cuando vi que su primer partido contra Trek lo abia perdido dije enga tio gl que te vas pa casa pero ya, ademas teniendo en cuenta que despues le esperaba mondi. Al final triple empate que se reslovio en el desmpate en el ke Manza no salio bien parado. Chapó para el ke se puede ir con la cabeza bien alta, y desde mi punto de vista solo se puede justificar su derrota por la mala suerte.

Y finalmente Zelotito, que decir de el, en su linea como nos tiene acostumbrados. Esta en el top 8 por delante de jugadores como Elky, Testie o Mondragon. En fin cayo contra el ruso, ke se le va a hacer. Sigue asi Zelotito.

Y para concluir, decir que yo sinceramente he echado de menos a Suker en esta competicion. Le abria cambiado por Alfa sin ningna duda a pesar de lo ke paso en la clasificacion nacional. podria aber echo un wen papel.

Por tanto 4 terran en el top 4....una de dos, o definitivamente terran es la raza mas fuerte del juego, o no existen mapas antiterran. Esto ultimo me a jodido bastante la verdad. En fin, como lo abeis visto vosotros??


boxer rolz


wa, podiais pasar las repes.. .de alguna forma que no se necesite tener el sc instalado xD eke le dejé el cd a un colega xD


prince tio como eres tan zonzo xD

( imagenes de cd y unidades de cds virtuales own you )


Alguna pagina donde esten subidas las demos ? estaria bien verlas para opinar xD


Yo no he visto ningua rep pero si que ubiese cambiado a ALFa x suker, suker es mitiko, tendria que aver ido.
Manza izo su trabajo pero quedo 3ro y no pudo pasar aunk el 1ro y el 2ndo staban iwal k el en puntos.

Darme URL de la web de la CWG dnd stan pa bajarse las reps plz.

La final: chinako vs chinako komo siempre. korea suX


las unikas reps que e encontrado estan en . Las unikas ke an subido son de la fase de grupos del A al H. Supongo ke las demas las iran poniendo poko a poko.
hay una rep curiosa del mismo grupo ke ALFA. El koreano contra el ruso, TvT, y el koreano kiere ganar sacando marines + medics. xDD. Na si te digo yo ke estos chinos estan lokos... :D
Supongo ke lo izo porque ya tenia la clasificacion asegurada pero vaya ke me a llamao la atencion.

EDIT: tomad el link directo


:( solo se borrar el historial de internet.. como me pongas cosas de esas npi xDDDDDD si explicas algo xD


WCG2004: Final thoughts

Well, WCG 2004 is over, and now its time to move on next chapter of BW history- 2005 gaming year
I wonder what your thoughts about this and next WCG are, and what you hope to see in 2005.
So instead of gathering it piece by piece from hundreds of posts, post your final notes here.
Here are mine:

This Year.
WCG. Wonders. Culmination, and the end of 2004 gaming year. After all this years boasting and promises, finally we can see whos hot and whos not. Lots of surprises, lots of beautiful games.

Whos hot:
1)Beast. Common. #1 nonkorean this year, beating androide 2-0, common, hes just hot!
2)Androide, no doubt about it. He almost did what he said he would do. For 2 long days he didnt lost a single game to a nonkorean player. On the third one he broke down and was defeated by Beast. I wouldnt be surprised if he destroys the koreans next year.
3)RRB. Amazing. He came, he saw, he concured. Impressive performace, on his way to the top defeating such big names
as elky and legionaire, and falling only to #3 this year, the Beast
4)Testie. That guy is on fire! Extremely good performance overall this year, culminating at this WCG, where he was
the only one to bring defeat(even if it is in one single game) to a korean.
5)Ex. He is similar to RRB: in one year he improved from being total newb who even i could defeat, to being a top
non krorean. You shouldnt forget him just cos he didnt get as high as RRB. After all both of them were defeated by the same player. Who knows what would happen if they met!
6)Shock Squadron. This team is hooot! 2 years in a row they are sending two of their players to WCG, and 2 years in a row they make it out of the groups!Im mentioning them, and not pG or ToT because they are not a sponsored team, or even well known, while being probably the 3rd best team in europe. (for newsmakers: Androide is not in S2)

Whos not:
1)Breakdown. igonring WCG= no thx. Im sure a lot woulda changed if he was there.
2)USA Visa control. Awful, just awful. Taking time of their lives from poor kids, and a good chance to win money for some players(Read-PJ) And almost not letting Androide, to come here!

1)RRB, #1 surprise. Kids been playing for only a year and he rocks!
2)Mondy is not #1 non korean:O
3)All top 4 are terrans. Not as much suprising as upsetting.
4)Beast, i knew he would do well, but i didnt expect that he would do THAT well.
5)Kazio not making it out of the group, and well, Yan making it out of the group I dunno what happened there, but Kazio played awful. I think he couldnt handle the pressure.
6)A2 defeating Mondy.
7)Rekrul not making it out of USA prelims

Next year:

Who would be hot:
1)Androide. Guy is very dedicated to winning. Im sure he wont stop untill he will take the first place.
2)RRB. Im sure the guy would rock even more next year.
3)Beast. I hope. He seems to get better with every year, lets hope he'll improve even more.
4)Testie continues his quest for being top non korean. This year he almost defeated forU, mabe next year hell go all the way
5)Ex. With the amount of time he gives to this game, who knows he might even be better then androide next year(especially since androide said hes just like him)


Some maps are less imbalanced some are more. Maybe they arent even imbalanced, we just dont know how to play them.
Doesnt matter. What matters is that these maps are EXTREMELY boring. Defenitely, new maps should be imposed for next years tournament. Or these ones totally changed.

If you have groups of 4-5 people make it ****ing BO3!
They made it single elimination because they wanted to make it more like real sports, more like a show. But dammit, if you wanna make it like a real sports competition, dont make it so short. 3 days is no thx, its just too fast. People dont have even time to notice it, and its over already. BO3 in groups is the solution, considering BO1 is so random, and its pretty boring to see mass cheese use. And make it BO5 in single elim and BO7 in finals. It will take longer, but thats good, make the
tourney last at least a week. First 4 days go for groups, in the next 2 play the single elim tourney, and the last
day goes for the finals. Now thats a show.

Group drawings:
They simply suck. Common, there are groups like P and E, and there are so chobo like A or Zelotitos.
They need to filter players better and make all the group even next year.

Well thats about it.
GGs all. GL HF in the next year!

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