Battle Brothers #HG


#390 esperate al DLC del 31 de noviembre. No sé cómo es eso que preguntas del DLC de la banda sonora

2 respuestas

#389 #391 Por qué va a esperarse? Normalmente está a 29€ así que a 16 está de pm.

1 respuesta

#391 No me puedo esperar , lo probe unas horas version "Jack Sparrow" y me gusto demasiado XD , es mas ,sino llega a ser porque ayer estuve liado con unos temas del curro y me puse tarde con mis horas de vicio diarias estaba dispuesto a pagar los 27 pavos , Hay un dlc que es "soundtrack" que supongo que sera la banda sonora mejorada tambien rebajado al 40% de dto , pregunto simerece la pena si alguno lo tiene, son solo 2 pavillos.


#392 no le digo que se espere al BB, sino que guarde el dinero de la banda sonora para el DLC de noviembre.

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Ya esta pillado XD , este puente a darle duro y a que sufran mis mercenarios mi deficiente gestión.

#394 Eso haré :)

1 respuesta

#395 aprende a jugar y cuando salga el DLC en noviembre empiezas una nueva!


The ‘Beasts & Exploration’ DLC is set to release on the 29th of this month with a bunch of cool features that you can learn about here. That’s great, but there’s actually even more coming than covered by this feature list. Let’s take a look at some smaller things that come with the DLC and which we haven’t talked about yet.

There’s a new character background in town: The Beast Slayer. Experienced in both melee and ranged combat against beastly opponents and monstrous adversaries, the beast slayer is a versatile background similar to the sellsword, but more affordable. Of course, he comes with his own events and interactions with other backgrounds, and some expert knowledge on beasts and their lore to share with you.

There’s several changes incoming on how wages for characters work, so let’s break them down.

First off, the base wage for a couple of backgrounds has been adjusted to be more in line with their actual worth as defined by how often they’re picked by players. In addition, every individual character now has a certain idea on how much they want to get paid – there’s a small random factor on the daily wage demands of all characters, and so you’ll find cheaper and more expensive recruits also within the same background, and even if they don’t have the ‘Greedy’ trait.

Finally, the wage progression has changed. While previously you paid 2 additional crowns per character level, you’ll now pay a cumulative 10% of a character’s base wage for every level after the first and until the 11th, and then 5% of a character’s base wage for every level afterwards. In effect, there’s less wage pressure in the beginning, which gives you more leeway to actually explore the world earlier and find all those new beasts and locations. Low tier backgrounds have also become cheaper to employ in the long term, but high tier backgrounds have become significantly more expensive to keep around if they reach veteran levels, which gives you more of a reason to diversify your company composition in long campaigns.

As you’ve previously learned, the DLC will introduce a bunch of new weapons. People have been asking about whether there’ll be named variants of those weapons as well – and the answer is yes, of course. Take a look!

It’s not just new weapons, it’s also stylish new armor, all of which can be further customized with the new armor attachment system. We’re filling some gaps in the armor progression, and we’re also introducing some high tier light armor as part of a larger effort to make light and medium armor more of a viable choice for some character builds.

Join us again next week to learn about even more changes and additions of the upcoming DLC and the accompanying free update to Battle Brothers!


the upcoming DLC and the accompanying free update to Battle Brothers!


Callaos de una puta vez dadme el DLC y coged mi puto dinero!


Pero si luego os va a matar Hoggart qué me estáis contando.

1 respuesta

Yo la misión de Hoggart no la cojo para vivir un día más.


Menudos culicagaos


#399 paquete, que cada vez que te oneshotean un ballestero te vas a llorar a la esquina.


7 de noviembre, y 22 días para el DLC.

¿Qué droga vais a tomar estas tres semanas?

3 respuestas

#403 Project Hospital

Comparado con el nuevo theme hospital es puto vietnam.


#403 Tales of Maj Eyal modo roguelike dificultad insane. Y luego madness.

Lo tengo a punto de caramelo.


Yo estoy con el darkest dungeon y sus 10 DLCs.

1 respuesta

yo como me lo compre hace nada , disfrutandolo xd


#403 rinworld hasta entonces.


#406 Yo me acabo de pillar el mordheim que lo había jugado piratilla. El mordheim se mea en todos vuestros juegos :D

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#409 Veo que es como un xcom medieval demoníaco.

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#410 Dale un try mientras esperas a los dlcs del battle brothers. Porque es un juegazo. Y sí, es exactamente lo que has descrito. Pero con más toquecillos rpg. Y las razas que hay están muy guapas, tengo un equipo de hombres rata que es crema jajaja. Y no quiero hacer spoilers pero cuando avanzas en el juego te dan unas unidades especiales que molan tela.

1 respuesta

#411 Si puedes llevar limos o mímicos me lo instalo esta tarde.

2 1 respuesta

#412 No hay cofres que ataquen, pero hay cosas sucias por el suelo que si las pisas a veces te meten ponzoñas y cosas malas. Hay vampiros, brujos, humanos, ratas, demonios, qué más quieres. Pero eso sí, tu banda es de una raza solo (creo que luego puedes hacer como contratos con gente de otras razas y meter algo nuevo en tu banda). Tienes armas de rango también y hay unidades especiales bastante guapas con armas que sólo pueden usar ellos.

Y puedes personalizar el aspecto de tus unidades para hacerte unos power rangers ratas :D


The ‘Beasts & Exploration’ DLC is set to release on the 29th of this month and by now it’s essentially feature-complete. We’ve moved on to thoroughly test, balance and polish everything, but there’s still so many interesting smaller things we haven’t even talked about yet. Let’s shine a light on some more of these this week!

A mercenary’s life isn’t easy, and seeing the man to the left split in two by an orc and the man to the right mauled by an unhold does put a strain on the psyche. People react differently to this, and so we’re introducing several new traits that characters can gain and lose over the course of a campaign depending on how their time with the company goes, what their background is and what other traits they have.

For example, a devastating loss against orcs may result in a character starting to fear greenskins and having less resolve when in battle against them. A sentiment that most people who played Battle Brothers can sympathize with. But as he grows in experience and is hardened by battle, he will eventually overcome his fear and lose the trait again. At the same time, another character may handle the loss quite differently, become more determined and start to hate greenskins instead, gaining a bonus to resolve when fighting against them. All in all, the number of new character traits has now climbed to be 16 – good, bad, and combinations of the two. Most of them have event interactions, some unlock additional options in events, and many of them can be gained or lost by events.

Speaking of events, we’re currently at 52 new ones for the game. There’s still time left until release, so it’ll likely end up to be even more in the end. Alongside these events we’re also adding a lot of new illustrations and updating a couple of older ones with more high quality artwork.

As you may have guessed, that illustration on the left is related to one of the upcoming legendary locations.

As part of the free update accompanying the upcoming ‘Beasts & Exploration’ DLC, we’re doing a balance pass on all of the character perks. The objective isn’t to make the game any easier or harder, but to further improve build variety, especially in the late game. You’ll find a list of all perk changes in the changelog once the update is live, but there’s two perks, one old and one new, which we want to talk about in more detail.

The ‘Hold Out’ perk stands out as the least-picked perk in the game currently; it benefits you only in a specific situation you want to avoid as much as possible, while at the same time you can pick other perks instead that actually help you to avoid getting into that situation in the first place. We’re going to entirely replace the ‘Hold Out’ perk with a new perk called ‘Resilient’. If you’re one of the few people that liked to pick the old ‘Hold Out’ perk, fret not, for you can now get the same effect without having to spend a perk point for it by drinking an ‘Iron Will Potion’ which can be crafted at the taxidermist from relatively common ingredients.

The new ‘Resilient’ perk reduces the duration of any negative status effect with a finite duration by one turn, up to a minimum of one turn. For example, the ‘Bleeding’ or ‘Poisoned’ status effects both have a duration of two turns, which get reduced to one turn. Of course, with a shorter duration, those two effects will also inflict less damage to a character. And quite importantly, some new status effects, like being ‘Charmed’ by a Hexe, also get their duration reduced by one turn. It’s not necessary to have the perk in order to beat the Hexe at all, but it is one possible counter and can be quite helpful if you otherwise struggle against opponents which rely on negative status effects to make your life hell.

And speaking of making your life hell, enemy bases are more proactive now in sending out parties to intercept anyone that threatens them and that they can realistically take on. Camping right next to a bandit hideout to wait for morning may not be the best idea anymore, and even locations infested by undead may send out parties come night. On the bright side, if a base sends out a party to intercept enemies, their garrison will be weakened, and in some cases only a skeleton crew will remain. You can use it to your advantage by splitting a large enemy force in two, or even attack while a third party is luring part of a garrison away!

Join us again next week for some moving pictures. Our very own Jaysen will start a new Let’s Play series with the ‘Beasts & Exploration’ DLC and explain all of the new features and content as he encounters them.





Va a ser mas grande la expansion que el juego base XD


Pero vamos a ver... estan haciendo un juego nuevo o que?

1 respuesta

#417 añadiendo cosas guapas que le dan más profundidad.

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#418 era medio irónico medio en serio... pero uff va a salir super rentable, estan poniendo todas las cosas que se le echan en falta.


Que pintaca tiene , espero que les vaya muy bien , a mi me esta encantando lo que he visto hasta ahora del juego , la exp pinta muy fina XD.